News - Warzone 2: Full 1. 16 Update Patch Notes. Major Weapon Changes, Gameplay Updates, More (mw2 Update)

Warzone 2 gameplay updates and changes

Warzone 2 gameplay updates and changes

We then get into some of the war zones. There are two specific updates here for quality of life. There's now going to be a newly updated airspace notification for "crowded" when you're trying to call on a streak, and it'll give you the amount of time that the airspace is going to be too crowded for, so that's really cool.

I improved the airstrike danger notification with clusters and precisions. The directional tracing to prevent it from targeting someone behind something means potentially vulnerable players will now be notified they are too close to the affected zone, if you will, and the give-up timer is now going to be more consistent.

mw2 1.16 update

It'll last three seconds. Increase the scale of navigational pings so those are easier to see. The armor break text has been removed, and I love that. I hated that armor-breaking text. I kept thinking I was knocking players down when I was just breaking armor, so that's no longer there. Auto Loop plates when you run over them, I love that as well as spawn protection, which will now be disabled at 25 meters, up from 19 meters, and then we'll find that as needed.

Also, the kill feed in Resurgence will now display who is about to redeploy as well. Spectating friendly pings are now available when you are spectating someone, and the gas mask loot cards now more accurately reflect the amount of damage that mask has already taken for bug fixes. Fix the issue causing the rainbow glare to appear on the horizon on Xbox.

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Not on all maps; the attack map and minimap saw some slight updates there as well. For Battle Royale this week, we got standard solos. Duos, trios, and quads on Almazra; same deal for Resurgence though on Ashika Island, so all squad sizes will be available all throughout Season 2 reloaded for Resurgence, which is very exciting, and of course the War Zone Third Anniversary Event is going on now, so there's a handful of free rewards.

mw2 patch notes

We've already talked about the fact that bomb drums have been completely disabled, so those are no longer in the game. For gameplay balancing, as a team, we are focused on two core areas of pacing in Battle Royale combat: engagements in the midgame and gaining opportunities in the lategame. They're going to be addressing this going into season three, with the first change being a guaranteed restock event in the fourth circle.

Improvements include more loose ground for supply boxes, research, and supply boxes being sprinkled throughout the map, additional ammo caches, and more awesome. Gameplay adjustments The light helo has been disabled in solo contracts and availability; there's going to be more contracts revealed over the course of a match, especially in later circles, and for the final circles, they are temporarily disabling those in the Northwestern section of the map while they work on improvements for upcoming seasons, so those won't even happen anymore for Ashika.

warzone 2

Island redeployment drones are currently active and will remain active as a part of the Resurgence experience that AI is leaving behind. Island: as the path around the event comes to a close, shadow company operatives have occupied the island, and they'll be parting ways in their next mission, if you will, so that's awesome.

No more AI on the Resurgence around Ashika Island The first circle will be 20 times larger and be more likely to land on land. That affect the Resurgence countdown have been adjusted to allow for more windows of opportunity to team wipe because players were respawning too fast, basically, and station availability has been improved as well.

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Of life is the spawn protection; we just talked about that same deal with the Resurgence kill feed. Redeploy tokens fixed an issue that caused them to appear in buy stations even after the gulag had closed, so no more bugs are going on with that.

Dmz gameplay updates and changes

Dmz gameplay updates and changes

Then, for the DMZ, there are a lot of fixes here. We've updated the usage requirements for Building 21 access cards so players no longer need to bring Building 21 access cards into the match.

At least one player in a squad must have one, though, in their inventory. If a player infiltrates Building 21 with an access card in their backpack, they will lose that card if they do not extract it. This change only impacts Building 21 access cards and not the access keys for locked spaces inside the building itself.

Combatants and CMZ, the canal operator, arrive in a variety of vehicles. We've added some variations to infiltration and exfiltration points, so those will be a bit different now that the destroy supplies contract has been updated to reveal the four closest safehouses. Reduce the total number of vehicles in modern cities.

Enemies and combatants now have a small chance to drop upgraded weapons with some basic attachments on them. There are also several bug fixes here. Some stronghold issues and fiction issues with secure nuclear material contracts could select a locked toolbox on the Ashikaga Islands. Increase the minimum distance between the secure nuclear material contracts on Ashika so they don't overlap, creating an issue with the friend's mission descriptions for strongholds for the stronghold re-acquisition.

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I'm not going to lie; I was kind of disappointed. I'm not seeing an update to the ISO hemlocks 45-round mag, which is currently but logged in DMZ. I was hoping to see that fixed here, but that said, it's going to wrap up these patch notes with a lot of bug fixes for sure, not as much content as, if you will, the start of season two, but regardless, lots.

If you dive into this update in particular, there are a lot of weapon changes across the board.

Full 1. 16 Update Patch Notes for WARZONE 2, Modern Warfare 2, and DMZ.
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