News - A Few More Big Fixes & Changes Have Just Been Added To Warzone 2. 0

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not working as intended, however, and thankfully we've already had a few more surprise updates since the reloaded update to fix some of these bigger issues quicker than I anticipated, so we're breaking these down as we go along. Drop your thoughts below. Things Modern Warfare 2. Warzone, and DMZ, and if you'd like to join us on that road to 600,000 subscribers and finally check out my friends over at G Fuel Code Espresso, they can get you 30 off on some products and 20 off on all products, so it makes it a great time to grab a restock or get a stocking stuffer for the holidays, but anyways, let's jump in and talk about these changes to Warzone 2 and DMZ. So these changes were announced by the official Infinity Ward and Raven Twitter accounts, so firstly,.

The new loadout drop changes in warzone 2

The new loadout drop changes in warzone 2

On the war zone side of things, we end up seeing that the loadout drop public event that's actually been changed now, as of after this update lasted 24 to 36 hours, in which the loadout drop public event will now start during the second circle making, is something that happens one circle earlier than the pre-update version of this now.

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While at first glance changing it by one zone doesn't seem like a whole lot, that actually is pretty big for the gameplay loop and the entire flow of how each match will play this, which is one that I'm sure is probably something that many people have an opinion on, though I don't know how much of one I personally have.

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I think that increasing things like the stronghold counts so that you have more accessibility to loadouts was a good start with season one reloaded, and this is definitely a nice touch, but is it something that this is now the be-all, end-all? I still think that we should have some way to purchase loadouts at some point, whether that be something that is delayed until after like zone three, four, or five or something like that, increasing the total amount that they cost, whatever the case, but it is something that makes this more accessible to all players, which is definitely nice, but honestly, if we are going to see more accessibility to loadouts, we gotta see more perks fixed out in these perk packages that we have working as intended, a little more.

I did notice that some of these were actually fixed—not all of them—but I did notice that during the code bowl today in the tournament that I played in, high alert was working as intended. Whenever I got to pick up my loadout. I didn't get to do that too often across the four matches that we played, but when I did, it was something that did actually work—a nice step in the right direction—but again, there is still some work that needs to be done, but again, all moving parts are The second change that we can talk about that was pretty large was that buy stations have doubled in quantity across the map.

The buy station changes in warzone 2

The buy station changes in warzone 2

Now the big question mark that we still don't have answers on is whether this doubled from the lowered amount that we had as a result of the unintended change that season one reloaded brought along or as a doubling in quantity of the original amount of buy stations that we saw pre-season in the one reloaded update because, as we mentioned in yesterday's secret changes article, we've really only had one buy station per major point of interest, so not a lot of buy stations around the map at all.

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Now I'm really curious to see where we go in terms of tuning in for more radio stations. I'm definitely all for increasing the amount of buy stations that we have across the map, but I'm also against access to guns. There's a lot of things that definitely I think could be useful having more accessibility to; one being the utility per buy station.

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One thing that I was talking about with my teammates during the code bowl today was the balancing of things like UAVs. The reasoning that we have one per buy station is that they don't want UAV spam, and I entirely get that it's been kind of nice not having to hear the ping of a UAV and be paranoid of where fights may or may not be coming from, but at the same time it also makes the game slower if you are an aggressive player.

The solution that we had during this is just kind of throwing ideas off the wall here: "Well, what if there were like three UAVs per buy station instead of just one, with no refresh throughout the game?" "What if each buy station allowed for one per team?" "What if each UAV was on a team?" "What if each team?" "What if each UAV was for one team?" "What if each bought a station?" "Per buy station?" It doesn't seem like that reset bug for uavs applies anymore for buy stations; you can't get more than one out of a single buy station by.

I think, buying five individual armor plates or something like that, so if that's the case. I think this would be a nice way to sort of mitigate that and offer more utility, but.

The removal of the heavy chopper in warzone 2

The removal of the heavy chopper in warzone 2

Also, again, not in a spammy nature beyond, we saw that the heavy choppers have also been disabled, a change coming in the last 24 hours or so, due to kind of exploits, but they were like legal exploits; it was just a way to abuse.

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A system that was in place in the game is not something that was actually a glitch or anything like that. It allowed players late game to be almost invincible in those small circles with so much ammo needed to take out or even make a dent in those things, it just allowed players to hold out way longer than they should have, creating some imbalance in that late game so if you got down to that final circle, you had less of a chance to win against somebody that was in one of those, so those of them taking out while they balance that and restructure it.

One thing that I kind of think they can do that would hopefully work is to allow for these to be damaged over time in the gas in the zone and not create those sorts of imbalances in the late game, but we'll see what happens beyond.

Custom weapon blueprint changes in warzone 2

We also saw a fix to allow weapon tuning to be saved in custom blueprints.

As of the initial update, you could not, but now you should be able to. The one thing, continuing on from yesterday's article, that I will say is still be aware that there could be bugs with the blueprints. Again, having not jumped on since this change was made. I can either confirm or deny that the bugs that I experienced on update day could still be there for those that are unaware that this was something that I loaded into Warzone. I heard it happened in multiplayer as well with those custom blueprints, but when I went to recall those when I went to select them out of a loadout, it would either strip the gun of all the attachments or just not even give me the gun at all and it would just be bare fists out, so fingers crossed that's been fixed out as well, but weapon tuning should now apply as well to These Blueprints.

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