News - Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns Warzone 2. Best Class Setup" Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay


I'm going to go back to the gameplay here so you guys can see it in the background. It is a solid class now. In the Jack BFB muzzle, we're losing a lot of ads—15 and 15 Sprint of Fire as well—but we're getting 55. Recon long barrel which again is really good for bullet velocity and range and aiming idle sway so this thing right here you can already see the range on this gun, is AR range and it has the speed of an SMG so it's really worth running in my opinion I already showed you guys the 0 45 Auto High grain round so we're going to skip that go straight to the stock right here which is the lockman mark 2 light stock and this one's going to give you movement speed and Sprint speed okay you're not getting Sprint to fire speed you're not getting ads but it gives you that movement speed and Sprint speed that this gun kind of needs cuz it feels like it's lacking, in terms of movement speed so if you throw this on you're at least going to feel like you're running around with an SMG, rather than an AR without this it's it feels a little heavy I'll be completely honest to you guys and then finally for the rear grip we got the tack grip which is going to give us a decent amount of Sprint of fire at 8%, but we're also getting tax down spread at 21%.

cod mw3

Which I'm not crazy about, but I'm using this mostly for the Sprint of Fire, and it works; it just works all right, so don't expect this to be the world's fastest class or anything, but it doesn't have any reip, like it is a straight laser beam, so that's what I really like about that one right there.

After that, we're going to move on to another class, which is the H. RM9 and this one is the number four weapon on this list. I believe, this one is another class that I think is actually insane but I'll be honest you guys some of you didn't like it and I understand why a lot of you guys didn't like it does have quite a bit of recoil let me go into the fing range here I'm going to show you guys exactly what I'm talking about like The Recoil is it's quite Hefty but what I would suggest is using this gun right here, for small Maps I wouldn't use it on large Maps wouldn't use it on mediumsized maps.

cod mw3 best class

I would use it strictly for small maps because, as you see, it does have a lot of kick. I'm going to start shooting. I'm going to put it right here, probably on the guy's chest area or stomach area, as you guys could see, and I'm going to let go of my right joystick. I'm not going to control the recoil at all.

And, as you guys can see, I pull it at the end, right there. I'm supposed to not control it. I'll redo that just so I can show you guys I'm not going to control it at all, and as you guys can see, it just bounces up and up and up. It's not good, okay, it's actually not good, but if you control it, you could even hit those mid-range shots pretty easily.

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It's that initial bump up that's really, really bad, and I think that's what a lot of you guys didn't like, but don't use this gun on long range is what I'm trying to say. Don't use it on big maps; it's strictly a shipment class, maybe. Maybe a stash house, you could get away with using it there, but anything other than that, I wouldn't really use this class on, but for those, it's actually really good.


So the barrel is a Thorn 90 barrel, the Brewing heavy support grip is the underbarrel, the T-hand ER grip is the rear grip, and then the hatchet light stock is the stock, and the Chron mini dot is the optic. Now why is this class full of bounce? Well, that's because of a few things, so the Thorn 90 barrel is giving us five ads and eight sprints of fire, but it's taking away horizontal and vertical recoil at five and six, respectively.

Not great, not good, but it's not the worst either. Now the brewing and heavy support grip are actually giving us gun kick control; they're giving us horizontal recoil control, aiming idle, and firing aiming stability, which you would think this gun with all of those Pros on it would be a lot better at, but it's also taking away vertical recoil control again.

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It's not the best option to throw on, but it is really nice in terms of controlling all the other recoil patterns, so if you could control vertical recoil, which is the easiest to control, it's a good attachment to throw on. Then we got the chonin mini dockor, the optic that does nothing for recoil, nothing for ads, nothing at all.

mcw class setup

Then we got the hatchet light stock, okay, this one is for ads, movement speed, all that kind of stuff, and when you throw on something like that, it's going to take away recoil control, and it does, so yeah, there's that as well, and then finally the tack Handler grip for the spread and that important sprint of fire at 10%.

Is taking away 6% recoil gun kick horizontal and vertical so it's pretty bad in terms of recoil but if you're using it on the smaller Maps guys it's worth running in my opinion at least in my opinion it's worth running now the final weapon that we're going to be talking about today, is the SVA 545 and again this is another one that I need to jump into the firing range to show you guys just how good it actually is so let's do that right here let's go to the firing range it's really good up close even though it's an AR it's really good at mid-range which you would expect and then at long range, again it's really good now because I also use this class, kind of.


Kind of for, well, no, actually, not really, my war zone class has like two different attachments, so I wouldn't say it's the same, but in all fairness, it's very similar to my war zone class. Now the muzzle is the VT7, spirit fire right here. As you guys can see, you're undetectable by radar recoil, gun kick control, bullet velocity, and damage range.

It's really nice that you're getting a lot of stuff with some of these attachments on this, and that's what makes it so easy to control recoil. Then the barrel is the STV Precision Barrel, which is also aiming at bullet velocity and range, gun kick control, and recoil control, so you're getting a lot of that as well.

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Then we got the x10. Phantom 5 Hof, which has vertical recoil control, gun kick control, ads, and Sprint of Fire, is, in my opinion, insane. You're getting ads and Sprint of Fire along with a vertical recoil control and gun kick control that are unheard of in most attachments, so I would definitely throw that if I were you guys, and it's not like you're getting a bad amount either; you're getting 6% ads and 8%.

modern warfare 3

Sprint to fire speed 4%, recoil gun kick control, and 5% vertical recoil control, so really worth having on the Chon and mini dot again, that's pattern in this article, really like that one a lot, and then finally the seadell grip for gun kick control ads again and recoil controls, so you're not really sacrificing much ads on this class or Sprint of Fire for that matter, you're getting a lot of recoil but you're getting a lot of speed as well with it, so these are these guns in my opinion.

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