News - Which Mw2 Smgs Are Worth Using Warzone 2


Believe it or not, Modern Warfare 2 submachine guns are equally as viable as the Modern Warfare 3 ones. I've taken a close look at the SMG stats. I've tried them all out in game, and I have a total of five MW2 SMGs that are better than the MW3 ones that you need to try out, and I promise you most of them are SMGs that you wouldn't expect.

Let's start with the best SMG MW2 has to offer. This is a meta-five out of five star SMG, and that SMG is Vel. 46 other than the WSP Swarm, the Vel 46 is the only SMG that can outgun the Rival 9. You can kill as quickly as 252 milliseconds with this submachine gun, and it retains a faster time to kill across all ranges.

I mean, you can kill in as little as 315 milliseconds at extreme ranges, like we're talking halfway across the map. Theoretically, you could land your shots with an SMG at that, but this is faster than the WSP Swarms potential on paper. On paper, it is absolutely insane, and what's great about the Vil is that it has low recoil; it's a pretty easy-to-handle weapon.


On top of that, the Vel has the fastest reload in the entire submachine gun class. Unlike the other weapon classes, Modern Warfare 2 SMG mobility speeds are not slower than those of Modern Warfare 3. They're actually equivalent to those of Modern Warfare 3 SMGs, so the only universal downside to using Modern Warfare 2 SMGs in this game is that class-exclusive attachments like barrels and stocks tend to have a better balance of pros and cons than Modern Warfare 3 weapons, and that impact varies from weapon to weapon, but for the Vel 46, this class setup I use compared to my rival 9 class setup has faster movement, faster reload, and better hip fire.

Of course, the Vel is going to kill faster than the Rival 9 as well. The only thing the Rival 9 has gone over is that the ad speed is 30 milliseconds slower on the Vel 46, which is essentially the difference between the base ad stats for these two weapons. So the Vel 46 is a fantastic SMG; it melts people.


It's like an in-between of the Rival 9 and the WSP Swarm, which is pretty usable in medium ranges but also excels in that aggro close quarters play style. If the swarm is a bit too much for you to handle, that's not all, folks. I have four more great SMGs worth using, and I'm saving that rival 9 clone for last, so make sure you stick a round before moving on to my second favorite Modern Warfare 2 SMG.

This is the ISO 45, not the ISO 9 or the ISO 45. This feels amazing in this game, and it has the stats to back it up. The time to kill for the iso 45 is within 7 milliseconds of the Rival 9 at all ranges, which means the iso is outgunning a majority of weapons in this game. In Modern Warfare 3, the ice now deals the same damage to the body up until its max range, so you're going to be getting a consistent five, six, or seven-shot kill anywhere to the body, and it's, surprisingly, more accurate than I expected.


It kind of feels similar to the WSP Swarm, where you can stretch its range out, but this isn't like an SMG you're going to be using to hit people across the map. I do find this much easier to land your shots with up until midrange; it's pretty great at being a runin gun SMG. The attachments I settled with for my ISO are pretty similar to my rival 9, except the ad speed is 50 milliseconds slower, and that comes down to the Modern Warfare 2 attachments having worse balancing, but this is a great weapon again; it outguns every Modern Warfare 3 SMG just like the Rival 9 does.

The next two SMGs perform very similarly, except one is a bit better in close quarters and the other is better at range. The fenic 45 is the SMG that's better geared for close quarters combat; it has a faster time to kill at all ranges, similar to the V we were talking about earlier. It will outgun a lot of the other SMGs that are available in this game.

best to worst

It also has the fastest mobility and faster than average aim-down sight speed, which helps the Fenic 45 be agile for your ideal SMG gameplay style. This is a bullet-hose SMG with low recoil for that Arc type of submachine gun. It's much easier to stretch your range out than the WSP Swarm. Ironically, it actually has the same fire rate as the WSP Swarm, which means it has the same time to kill values and all that, but the Fen tends to take one more shot to kill than the Swarm does, so it's not going to kill quite as fast as the Swarm.

But the Fenic 45 has consistent body damage, so it feels very reliable, and it's going to be killing faster than most of the Modern Warfare 3 S.G. The bass p is my second-to-last SMG recommendation here, and this is again similar to the fenic if it fires slower, but the time to kill is essentially the same.

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It has average mobility and average handling. The difference here is that the bass P's time to kill caps is 414 milliseconds, which is spectacular. At long range, it's not like you're going to be using an SMG at those ranges in most situations, but it does make the bass P more versatile. This also has much less recoil, so it's actually functional at long range if you kid it for that.

carry forward

Here's the secret: the fenic 45 and bass P are nearly identical to the newly added HRM 9. The HRM actually kills a little bit faster on paper within its Max damage range, but we're talking there's a 4 millisecond difference between these three weapons, and then the fenick and the bass P will actually have the advantage beyond that they filled a performance, and before the HRM was added, the fenick and bass P were really exciting because they filled a performance gap in the Modern Warfare 3 SMGs, but that does not diminish these Modern Warfare 2 SMGs.

The fenic and the bass P are still good, and they certainly have their use cases. If you like the HRM, I highly recommend trying out one of these weapons, because maybe their recoil patterns will click with you. The last Modern Warfare 2 SMG worth using is that rival 9 clone, and this is actually, surprisingly, the PDSW 528.

class setup

This has the same exact fire rate and the same exact time to kill as the Rival 9 in a similar range too, which is why I'm calling it a clone. The difference here is that the PDSW's damage falls off a bit sooner, so the Rival 9 gains the advantage when you start to get into mid-range around 20 M. The PDSW also has slower reload and slower aim-down sight speed, but the trade-off for that is that you get a 50-round mag to work with, and the PDSW has much better bullet velocity—actually the fastest bullet velocity for the SMG class—we're talking near AR speed with the PDSW.

So it's a very strong pick in my fully built PDSW class because it has faster sprint-to-fire speed and better hit-fire than the Rival 9. The movement speeds tend to be slower, and unfortunately, you have a twice as slow aim-down sight speed at around 400 milliseconds, which is a good example of how Modern Warfare 3 attack attachments can have a huge advantage compared to these Modern Warfare 2 ones.

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For the first time ever, weapons from the previous COD MW2 are usable in the newest game MW3. I analyzed the stats for all Submachine Guns and tried each of them out. Here's a list of 5 MW2 SMGs that are still worth using and 2 MW2 SMGs that should have been left behind; plus class setup and pros and cons.
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