News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 3 Reloaded - Warzone 2

This thing really gets the job done very easily. I'm not going to lie, it does a fantastic job at every single range, so if you're not using this class setup. I'll be gravely disappointed for you because someone's absolutely going to gun you with this class right here, so here's the entire class.

Please take a screenshot of whatever you guys have to do because this is definitely meta and it will easily get the job done for you. The BP50 is honestly still one of the best guns in the game right now, and with the HRM 99 getting nerfed, this is definitely a top contender. Make sure you guys have the Jack Renger kit; this maxes out the magazine ammo capacity, vertical recoil, aim-down sight speed, and movement speed.

warzone 3

You lose reload quickness, bullet velocity, range, and horizontal recoil, but we're going to take care of that with this class setup. Put on the cast as a break for horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed, which is already taken care of by the 9mm, high grain rounds to B of velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control, which is already taken care of by throwing the cimo r, and 33 laser lights for aim walking stead attack stand.

spread to fire speed aim down sight speed Only the laser and flashlight are visible in the ads, but this thing is so quick. Finally, put on the first T4 grip tape for the firing aim stability. Reco control and gun kick control at the cost of aiming Addle sway This weapon is absolutely insane, and I'm not going to lie; it's one of the fastest-killing weapons in the game right now, especially with the fact that the HRM 9 got nerfed.

warzone 3 best

It's just insane, Contender. This is something you definitely have to consider, so make sure you guys have this in your arsenal, and if you don't, here's the entire class right here. I think you guys want to try it out. I think you guys will absolutely love it. I don't really recommend the base version just because this version right here is incredible, fast, and really gets the job done the way you need it to.

Number five is the bow. Because I know you guys wanted to have a class set up with this gun. I have to, oblig, throw on the cast as a break for the horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim-down sight speed. Put on a brw and heavy support grip for gun kit control, aiming out horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil, and put on the crown H3 barrel for bullet velocity and range aim walking speed, aiming out sway movement speed at cost-hit fire attack stand spread and sprinting the fire speed.

warzone 3 best ar

60-round mag is just the best possible Choice overall: all you want is as many bullets as possible, and finally, the Ardent attack stock for gun kick control, firing aim stability, and recoil control at the cost of sprinting to fire speed, hitting fire, and attacking St. Spread sprint speed and tactical sprint speed This weapon is pretty reliable at close and medium range.

I really wouldn't recommend it at super long range, and I'll show you guys why right now. I just think that it bounces way too much at long range, and honestly, it's not super accurate. Now, if you are accurate with it, my guess is to actually use it long range, but as you guys see, short range is fantastic, medium range is fantastic; long range is just not it, so avoid that, and here's the entire class set up right here, but if you guys don't want the battle 27, and you guys want something that's a little bit closer to home, then I have something just for you, and this is going to be tied with the top five spots.

warzone 3 best assault rifle

Even though it was nerfed, Ram 7 is still absolutely meta, and I have the absolute best classup. For you guys, regardless of the Nerf, they're on the caste break for horizontal recoil firing aim stability at the cost of aim-down sight speed. D the Cronin head with long barel for bull of lassi and range aiming out wayway firing aim stability at the cost of hit fire attack stand spread a walk speed and sprint to fire speed thr on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out way horizontal recall and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil, 60 round drum is the best possible choice overall, and finally the HPS 3.4.

Pad for gun kit control and recoil control to call sprint speed and sprint the fire speed This weapon is absolutely amazing; it really gets the job done super easily. I'm not going to lie; it's always been one of my favorite weapons, even with the Nerf. As many times they try to Nerf this thing, it's still absolutely meta, so this is something that I highly recommend trying out, and if you haven't already, here's the entire class setup right here.

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I think it's still my favorite.

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Warzone 3 Best Loadout Warzone 3 Meta Loadout Warzone 3 Best Class Setup - Modern Warfare 3. Discord. ggnukesquad.
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