News - Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone 3 Best Loadouts

You guys can see why I probably like using this in Solo so much at any range. It's just so ridiculously easy to use, so please copy this class setup down, and if you have not tried it out yet, please level it up, and please use this with every single attachment I have on there. You will have a fantastic time, and you'll most likely break your record.

This is an updated AM-9 class that I have now, and AM-9 is still, I would say, one of the absolute metas in War Zone 3; now it's probably the meta SMG. All the classes you guys have seen in this article, you guys can pick and choose whatever you want to use; they're on the Nimbus 6 integrated suppressor for being undetected by the radar and bull of velocity and range at the cost.

warzone 3

Sprint to fire speed and aim down side speed next St on the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop. Sprint to fire speed and aim down side speed vertical recoil and gun kick control at the cost. Hit fire attack stand spread and horizontal recoil 50 round mag cuz you just don't need 100 if you use 100, then just be prepared to, most likely get out movement, but I mean if you prefer it and you want to use it to.

I guess try to Squad wipe, which is still not necessary, then feel free, but I just think 50 is more than enough. I use the NER model 2023 once again because this thing is just fantastic, and I like it as a reticle. I don't really want any other one; I think it just gets the job done exceptionally well.

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The last thing is the Wolfhound carbine stock for gunky control and recoil control at the cost of aim-down sight speed. I just want to show you guys how it feels with basically every range. This thing is absolutely ridiculously easy to use; in my opinion, it's just one of the best guns in the game.

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I'm not going to lie to you and say that people are actually using this as an AR. I think that it's most optimal as an SMG, but people are using it for every reason, so if you guys have not tried out the AR9 or you guys don't have a really good class, please try this class setup out, and I think you guys will do very well.

The last class setup that I want to show you guys, which has been slapping me recently, is HRM. I don't know what it is about this gun, but it's absolutely nasty, so I want to give you guys a good build so you can have fun with it too. The Zon 35 compensated flash hider shortens radar ping, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability.

The Princeps long barrel for bull velocity and range aiming out of way and firing aim stability; ftech MSP 98 hand stop for aim walking speed vertical recoil gun Kyck control and movement speed 50-round drum because you just don't want to use 20, and last but not least, the folding stock for recoil control, guny control, and firing aim stability.

warzone 3 best ar

Whatever the reason, this gun is absolutely destroying me in close and medium range, so this is a good build. I'm not going to lie; it's actually amazing. I haven't been trying it out in solos as much, but I would believe that in solos it is probably a fantastic short- to medium-range SMG, so if you guys want to try it out, here's the class setup right here, and if you guys have made it to the end of the article while watching this entire thing.

I want you guys to comment nice gun. People are going to be confused by this comment, but just comment nice gun. I'm going to shout some of you guys out in the next article for My Perks. I use double-time Focus Tracker and high alert, but there are other times when I use Tempest instead of Tracker.

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It really depends on how I'm feeling, like if I'm playing solos, maybe I'll use tracker, but sometimes I don't even notice the footsteps, so honestly, temper is ideal. All you have to do is put two plates on instead of three, but these are all really good, especially high-alert. You guys want to have high alert on so when people are looking at you from a side from behind you or whatever, you're able to flip around, like there are some clips where I actually am turning on enemies and people are saying I'm cheating, just because I have this beautiful thing called high alert on, so make sure you guys have these perk packages on; they're absolutely amazing

TOP 5 BEST META Loadouts in Warzone 3 Season 2! Warzone 3 Best Loadouts.
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