News - Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone 3 Best Loadouts - Warzone 2

You can actually take out an entire team without having to reload your gun, which I think is very optimal. Now, if you guys want to play solos or duos, maybe 50 is more than enough. But I like using 100, and it hasn't affected my game play, so this is what you should stick to as well. The last thing is the FSS Rampage, 7 Tactical for aim down sight speed, aiming out way, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed.

This thing is meant for short and medium ranges, so keep it short to medium ranges, and you'll be good to go. If you try to go past that, it's just not going to work for you. You see, the accuracy is very high, and that's because we're sticking to our range category now. If you try to go past the medium range, what's going to happen is that you're just going to miss all your shots, which is something you don't want to do, so make sure you stick to the short to medium range.

warzone 3

You'll be good to go, so make sure you guys copy this entire class right here. All you guys have to do is screenshot. Take a picture or pause this article. The wasp swarm is something you definitely want to have in your category. I also have something else in the SMG category that I would love to show you guys, and that's going to be right now, Mr.

warzone 3 best

9 i've actually had this as a sleeper build for a long time but people are starting to catch on more that the amr9 is insane so I'm going to show you guys this build right now they're on the Nimbus 6 integrated suppressor for being undectable by radar and bullet velocity and range at the cost Sprint to fire speed and aim downside speed next thr the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out s horizontal recall and firing aim stability at the cost aim down sight speed and vertical recoil th on the VK laser 7mw, for aiming stability aim down sight speed and spirit to fire speed at the cost of laser being visible in ads, now I would recommend the cura R Y L.

33 laser light if you can handle the flashlight being visible enemies and Laser being visible to enemies but that's going to be at all times which is why I don't really think that the pros are worth it unless you think you're just that good that you can just take on the enemies regardless if they see your laser or not then feel free to use the kamur, but.

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I chose the VK laser 7 and W just because your laser is only going to be visible in ads, which means you can catch people off guard instead of them expecting you to come around the corner with a flashlight showing at all times 50-round mag. Now I'm kind of torn between 50 and 100, just because most likely in quads I would use 100, but in solos and duos I would most like to use 50.

warzone 3 best ar

You can also use 50 in quads, but it's really a trade-off for me. I don't know which one I would kind of side with more, so this one is going to be completely your choice, whether you guys want to use 50 or 100. Just experiment with it. I'm not going to give you a definitive answer on this one, but the last thing I use is a slate reflector.

Just because I don't like the iron sights for it, you guys can use anything you want to, like the nigher, or you guys want to use the art. Mark the reflector. You guys can use anything that you want to, but short and medium is absolutely amazing; it just takes no effort, and if you get your shots on point, then long range will be easy too.

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So here's the entire class setup right here. Feel free to copy it down because this thing, like the title says, is like a sleeper. Meta: This thing is incredible, and I think we're going to see more people using the AR9, especially because of the amazing range capabilities. So make sure you give this a try.

warzone 3 best assault rifle

Next is the RAM 7. I absolutely love this assault rifle. I think it easily gets the job done. Join the VT7 spe fire suppressor for being undetectable by radar recoil control. Bel velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down side speed aim walking stead and Sprint to fire speed on the Brun heavy support grip for Gunk control aiming out of sway horizontal recoil firing aim stability at the cost down side speed and vertical recoil, 60 round drum.

I think is the best possible choice. I don't think you should use 40 unless you're most likely playing solos; then you can use 40, but otherwise, 60 is a good choice. Hvs, 3.4. Pad for gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of sprint to fire speed Sprint speed and movement speed Trust me, it's worth it, and last but not least, the Coro Eagles ey 2.5 times is my personal choice now if you guys want to use something different if you guys don't want to use the optic and throw on the retort 90 grip tape for firing aim stability gun kick control.

warzone 3 best class

Reco control at the close of aiming at swe. This gun is very easy to use, with very little recoil. I absolutely love how easy it is to use this weapon, so please try it out, especially if you're somebody who doesn't like using just the regular metas. I mean, I guess this would be considered a regular meta now.

But if you don't want to use the bass B, if you want something that kills very fast, the ram 7even is your answer. Trust me, give it a try, and you'll absolutely love this weapon. You'll fry on the battlefield. The last weapon I'm going to show you guys is the FJX Imperium. Trust me, this is a one-shot, and I don't care what anyone says.

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This is probably the best sniper in the game right now; they're on the Sonic suppressor L for being undetectable by radar bullet velocity and range at the cost of sprint to fire speed. Awae say is recoil control and bullet velocity on the 48. Explosive for explosive impact damage range and vehicle damage at the cost of bullet velocity and bullet penetration, which is not a big deal.

warzone 3 best guns

VK laser 7 MW, for aiming stability, aim downside speed, and sprint to fire speed at the cost of lasers being visible ads If you don't want this, then you can use the Camura RY 33 laser light, and you will literally get pros in every aspect, but your laser's always going to be visible, so please weigh your pros and cons.

Whatever one you want to use, just be prepared for whatever comes your way. Throw on the FJX blast for rechambering. Speed at the cost of rechambering, accuracy, and last but not least, the fjx kilo attack for aim-down sight speed. Sprint to fire speed. Sprint speed and crou movement speed that cost Flinch resistance gunky control HIIT fire spread and recoil control I'll go show you guys how easy it is to use this weapon.

So please try this out. This weapon is incredible; honestly, the best sniper I've ever used in War Zone is better than the actual meta. MW3 sniper, so please use this, especially if you want to be fast and if you want to get the job done easily.

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