News - Top 5 Best Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone 3 Best Loadouts - Warzone 2


Happy New Year's, guys! We are giving you guys the top five best loadouts in War Zone 3. This is cycling through all the potential metas and just giving you guys the absolute best. So we are going to start out with the pmot, 762. If you guys want some C points. I want you guys to comment happy New Year, so start out with the BT7 Spirit Fire Suppressor L for being undetectable by radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down sight speed aim.

Walky, stay here, and sprint to fire speed. They're on the Jack Annihilator long barrel for bull of vosi and range at the cost of sprint to fire speed aiming at sway Bron heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out of sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and vertical recoil.

Coro Eagle Eye 2.5. Time now this is my personal preference; you can use whatever you want to, but this is what I like to use, and you can't forget that you need to have the aftermarket parts of the Jack Annihilator Bullpup kit in order to actually get any of this. This helps with mobility and handling rate of fire, hip fire attack, stand spread, and aim-down sight speed.

3 best loadouts

So the biggest thing is having this thing all the way leveled up because this is the long-range meta. Despite my not wanting it to be, this is definitely the long-range I mean the long-range meta; it absolutely gets the job done very easily, like anybody else. That knows how to just slightly aim their controller, or Mouse can just use this weapon, so with that being said, this is the entire class setup right here.

Make sure you guys screenshot it, take a picture, or just make it right now, because this is the long range that you'll absolutely need to win the gunfights. Next is the WASP swarm. This thing is amazing, close range, and, in my opinion, probably the best overall close range weapon to throw on the L4R flash hider for muzzle flash concealment, recoil control, and gun kick control at the cost of aim-down sight speed, darn the WASP.

best loadouts

Reckless 90-long barrel for bull of velocity and range aiming out of s gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of aim down sight speed hit fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and sprint to fire speed Bron heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out of its way horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed and vertical recoil, 100-round jum just because if you're going to put on 50, you might as well put on 100 because the cons are the exact same; the only difference is reload quickness, and they're just about the same anyway.

Last but not least, the FSS Rampage 7 is tactical for aim-down sight speed, aiming out of sway, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed. This weapon is very easy to control and use. The only thing I would regret is going through long-range engagements with it.

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You definitely don't want to get into a long-range engagement, so just stick to the short- to medium-range engagements, and you'll be good to go, and you'll have plenty of bullets to actually have left over after these engagements. So with that being said, this is the best Wasp Swarm class setup, and feel free to take a screenshot because this is what you'll absolutely need.


I know there's a conversion kit here; do not use it because you're going to do absolutely terrible if you actually use it, so make sure you guys just stick with this class setup right here, and you'll be good to go for the Clos range meta for anybody looking for the best assault rifle. I have to say the Bass B is undeniably the best assault rifle.

It started with the BT7 spe fire suppressor L for being undetectable, by radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down sight speed, aim walking steadiness, and sprint to fire speed, but on the Brun Venom long for bullet velocity and range, recoil control aiming out of way, and gun kick control at the cost of sprint to fire speed, movement speed, and sprint speed, put on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out of sway, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed in vertical recoil, put on the 45-round mag because you can't go any higher if you could I would tell you guys to put 60, 80, or 100 whatever it takes because this assault rifle is amazing and should have as many bullets as possible.


Last but not least, the Coro eagles eye 2.5 times Now, this is my personal preference. If you want to use something else, feel free, but I think this is the best possible The choice of damage profile on this gun is absolutely nuts, like I could I wish I could say that there's something better, but honestly.

I can't think of anything that would just beat this assault rifle in the assault rifle category. This is absolutely dominant. There is one assault rifle that I guess is somewhat on par, but not with this damage profile. So with that being said, feel free to screenshot this class. Right here, there is a bit of recoil, as you guys saw the second time around.

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But if you guys are able to control that, you'll do it absolutely. Amazing Next is the best overall, SMG, which is the WASP 9. This thing is great for short, medium, and long ranges. It started with the Sonic suppressors for being undetectable by radar bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim walking.

cod 3 best loadout

Sprint of fire speed and recoil control put on the WASP Reckless 90-long barrels for below velocity and range at the cost of sprint-to-fire speed 50-round mags are my personal preference. I see a lot of people actually using 40, so whatever you're more comfortable with, feel free. If you want to use 40, it's not going to be that bad just because this doesn't just fly through bullets like that, and you'll have significantly fewer cons in the mobility aspect, so whichever one you choose, it's up to you.

Marauder grip for gun kick control, firing aim stability, recoil control at the cost of aiming idle Sway, and last but not least, the Mark I reflector. This is a personal preference. You can use any site that you guys actually want to, but the Mark I reflector is what I like to use. This thing absolutely excels at short- and medium-range engagements; I would stick to avoiding long-range engagements.


And just like switching to your long-range weapon for long-range engagements, but short range is amazing, medium range gets the job done very easily. This is just a weapon that you absolutely have to have in your arsenal. So with that being said, please copy this class setup down. You'll absolutely love it now.

I know there's a conversion kit in here, but in my opinion, it's just not really worth it. It maximizes the ammo capacity, which is cool and all, but I mean, is it really worth it just to have all those cons? This thing is as amazing as an assault rifle. It's very fast, and the fire rate has the best ttk.

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