News - This Sniper Does Crazy Damage Zombies (warzone 2 Zombies)

Not really any, but his mouth was not open. I was shooting all the wrong parts. Actually, I have a great idea. I grabbed a few chunks of meat earlier when we were doing that Outlast contract. Let me go over to the doghouse. That's a guaranteed spawn over here, and we'll get a little Ally to help us take out the mega Abomination, mainly just to pick me up when I go down, because I only have two self-revivals, and we all know I'm going to go down more than twice, so let's throw a decoy preemptively, get the zombies away from me, and let's throw these in here.

mw3 camo method

Come on, our dog. Let's go we got pickles. Come on, pickles. We have a mega-abomination to take. Down, so far this disciple is a three-shot kill, this mimic is a two-shot kill, and the mega Abomination is probably going to take more than that if I had a guess. He doesn't seem to know that we're here yet; he's like ignoring us; we've already done a good amount of damage to him.

mw3 tonfa

Though, yeah he has no idea we're here somehow the zombies definitely have a clue though tell you what let me throw down a cluster mine between me and them we'll see if this keeps me safe, we already got him half Health head exploded still has no idea we're here by the way, yep turned around show me his ass my is getting mobbed let me throw a nade over there to help him out but very nice of him to take all the heat off me damn getting a hell hound over here is actually so clutch he just killed basically all the zombies for me and the mega Abomination got to be bugged or something but I was doing no damage from behind so, got to get a little bit of a different angle here let me just break your last head and I'll be good to go we almost got.

mw3 xrk stalker

Him, does some pretty hefty damage when he's got his mouth open and he's dead let's go that was easy I got to grab these hell hounds more often made it super simple over here how much health are you at still half Health hell yeah that's a good boy maybe we do an eliminate Bounty while we're here since we got Trust old pickles here to help us out and how nice somebody's already got a deadbolt turret going over here please don't be going for that Bounty sir I wanted it bastard any other bounties, no the only options we have are escort Spore and Outlast it we'll do an Outlast that's about to get crazy over here but let's try it let's see if I can get at least one good schematic coming out of here we got to stay in this building until this is done, , and pickles is back to full health that should be a breeze already at 31%, only had to kill like maybe three zombies pickles just put in that work okay now zombies are spawning and I'm hurting, and I'm down pickles will pickles revive me pickles is getting mobbed, he did let's go you're the man.

Pickles i might need a little bit more help, Pickles, if you don't mind. He's getting jumped, and he still got me up. What a guy! He's so in poor health. Let me draw the zombies to me. You leave him alone. Let's throw a decoy to give Pickle some breathing room here. We finish the contract. What do we get from it?

mw3 xrk stalker camos

Nobody who would have guessed could have at least given me a dark ether sigil or something, but no, I get a monkey. Bomb oh, pickles just left us. I heard his call, and he howled out, You did good pickles. You did good. Let's get out of here. Let's see pet dog kill popping up pickles are you in here where are you is that a quick nuke is this you no way pickles is still kicking it that's what I'm talking about pickles that's my guy right there and I guess now we can kind of try to see how many zombies we can clap with this we got a good amount right here let's see, that one was three, we can do better than that another three, eh?

I don't think we're getting there; that one was 100. 180, maybe because I was shooting a little close together, whatever. I'm sure you can CL out a few with it, and we've escaped, that should be gold right there and there's gold Enigma, now let's grind ziron scale real quick and while we're grinding out ziron scale I'm going use a little bit of a different build here this one's more Built For Speed and I did get this through a bundle it's from the beach booming bundle and like come on I have to get anything that's synth wave I'm a for synth wave it just looks sweet but before we even start working on ziron skill I want to see if we can try to keep this blueprint on the sniper because I know when you hit the Pack-a-Punch machine you won't get the pack camo.

mw3 xrk stalker class

I'm going to see if I can hit it and then apply a crystal because some of you guys were telling me to try that out, so we'll see if that works. Let's see if this works with the pack-a-punch. Machine i did it twice; it made a noise like I packed and punched. Okay, now I got myself confused, so if I did it twice, I turned it off.

mw3 xrk stalker pack a punched

I turned it back on. This should turn it off again. There we go; let's use it. I guess we got a little combination of it; that's not terrible, but I don't think we got what we were looking for. Well, as long as I can still see those little outlines. I'm fine with it and it is a bit faster I feel like the reload speed or the rechambering speed is a bit slower maybe it has a different attachment on this blueprint but the movement speed the ads speed is definitely faster and to get our Zer on scale let's do a tier one Outlast, maybe it's just a tier two is that you get infinite zombies maybe tier one's different this room is sweet I don't even think I've ever been in this building I've done a bunch of contracts over here but never been inside shows evil reference, all right it's up to 60% let's step outside, getting no progress on it and there's still a few zombies let's see if these are guys that spawned in before I came out here, or if there guys that are spawning now nope I think they're actually still spawning that's cool.

I'm glad they reversed the Outlast change. I'm glad they listened. There's our zurkon scale let's go right now for the rest of this game I'm want to try to grind contracts and see if I can get any dark ether sigils, let's go we got a rift sigil there probably going to be a mistake but let's try an escort contract here I'm thirsty for these Aether Rifts right come on let's get moving cuz somebody left their hvt Mega Abomination over here I'm not trying to with this guy but I think he's trying to with me he's already chasing me down.

mw3 xrk stalker vs mega abomination

Have a cluster mine; let's not go down here or let's go down. You know, whatever one works, that's fine. You can have an air strike too. While you're at it, let's get this thing to start sucking out the ather Rift. I'm throwing a decoy, and I'm about to use this dead bull turret. There you go; there's a turret, Circuit, and we're going down again.

They are definitely going to up my HTV. Or whatever this thing is called the ACV, this dead Bol turret's helping out immensely. We just had to take like a quick 40% damage. Let's use this. Let's try to lead the zombies back over here so we can spot them. Yeah, idiots, and it's still something's doing damage to it over here, and I down myself, my own nade.

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