News - Is The Haymaker Amp Good Zombies. Warzone 2 Zombies

Unlock jak maglift in 1 game

Unlock jak maglift in 1 game

The new aftermarket part for the Haymaker shotgun gives it a 60-round drum mag, and it shoots two shells at a time. If you want to unlock this, you can actually do it in one game. I hopped into zombies using this build for the Haymaker and this build for the Retti, and all you had to do was go straight for the closest Outlast contract.

You can complete most of these challenges with just the Haymaker. You'll be able to get your 300 kills with a fully automatic weapon as long as you pack and punch your Haymaker at least once. You can also knock out your 250 critical kills with a shotgun, your 10 kills without taking damage 20 times with a shotgun, and your 25 hellhound kills with a Haymaker.


And if you win this game with a legendary Aether tool you'll be to get it done but if not you can go and get your mercenary kills with your pistol to get this one done quick I cleared out a Merc Camp to get a stronghold key card use that key card on a stronghold, took everybody out there then I grabbed the Fortress key card went to the Fortress and killed Merks until I had the challenge complete now let's go see if it's any good in zombies, now we've been thinking that this haym maker aftermarket part is going to be coming out for a while now cuz recently the haym maker actually got buffed, by actually having its slug rounds work properly but unfortunately with this after a market attachment you cannot put on slug rounds with it but you can put on incendiary, rounds so this first game I'm going to go in without the incendiary, rounds.

Testing jak maglift

We'll see how it is with just the default shotgun shells. And then we're going to come back in for another game and see if incendiary is any good. As you can see right there, this actually has a binary trigger as well; it shoots two shells per trigger pull, and against these Tier 1 zombies, it's tearing through them at close range, long range, not so much, but close range.


They're not surviving now. How's this doing against some Tier 2 zombies? Zombies, that's not terrible, took it down in what were those 17 shots that ain't bad for an unupgraded weapon. You can kind of make it through with this, and how's this doing against a Tier 3 fully armored zombie? It's actually doing some damage, surprisingly.


Enough i don't think we'll be able to kill it, but it left a little bit of an impression on him, okay let's get out of here before they kill me but now that we got a baseline for the damage let's go ahead and Pack-a-Punch this thing and upgrade it let's get to pack two epic Rarity and let me use all my perks what's this doing now, tier two zombie was a three shot Kill from, medium to close range, these other tier three, zombies, they can be taken out, might take a few shots, but they're going down doesn't seem to really like armor too much and how many bullets does this have in the mag fully packed 120, that's an insane amount for a shotgun, feel like I can just keep shooting this thing forever and with speed call it reloads so fast let see how this does against a tier 2 Bounty mimic you're in for a world of pain hopefully why don't you come outside you're going the wrong way come on out here, what he's got friends, where the hell did he go you send his friend after me no he's jumping down from the roof, you know what fine, play all your.

Tricks do not seem to be doing an insane amount of damage to him. Not going to lie, we're hitting him right in the chest, and the health is barely going down, and he should be dead right about here. Damn, I was getting pretty optimistic about this weapon. See how much damage he was doing to those zombies?

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But that mimic just ate all those shots. Now, what about this disciple? Can we keep up with this health? Steal it breaks his hand pretty fast; that's good; it's already got him down to about half health. He hasn't really been able to take any health from us either; maybe I spoke too soon. CL Aether shroud, we get some free shots on him, and he is just about.

haymaker aftermarket part

Dead right out now there you go a lot faster than mimik surprisingly, but we still got to do a few more contracts if we want to get enough money to get pack three and take this against a mega abomination in the storm caller Now give me a Mangler I want to see what this does against his armor, nope another mimic we'll take this one out a little faster than last time let me see if us being close was the issue there it'll be right up in his face looks like it's doing a little bit more damage but maybe I'm just paying attention to it a bit more and he should be dead right here it's weird that it's not doing that much damage at range cuz I feel like I put on a lot of the, longer damage range attachments like you can see my build right here for the haym maker you think it'd be able to do at least a little a little bit more at range but maybe that's the Nerf to it cuz it has so much ammo and I'm not seeing any more bounties around so I'm going to do a quick delivery.

haymaker aftermarket part zombies

And we'll be able to go get pack three, and there's the delivery, and we're right by the storm car. We're going to have to come back for you, pal. Same with you, Abomination. I'll be with you momentarily. Now give me pack three. There we go. Now that we've got this thing fully packed, how's it doing against these Tier 3 zombies?

From a distance, it's still about the same, but up close, H still doesn't seem to like armor too much, but against flesh, it's doing pretty decent. This fully armored zombie went down pretty fast, with the helmet being broken. Now, I'll say this: I think it's definitely better than what the Haymaker used to be like without this aftermarket part and without slugs, but it's a little underwhelming at the moment.

haymaker amp

We'll see how this goes against big [__]. Over here, we go laser right off the bat. Classic, it's not doing a whole lot of damage, and I don't think we broke his face. Throughout that whole laser, we didn't break his face, which stinks a lot. Now that his face is broken. I hope that when we come back in here with our incendiary rounds, it actually has a good damage increase, so I feel like they left incendiary rounds to be equipped on this aftermarket part just to piss people off in multiplayer.

I don't know if they really do anything in zombies. We got him. No, I was about to say half-health, but it's not even close. This guy's a tough nut to crack. He is resilient. We've already gotten this far without an ammo mod. Let's throw on some nap bursts that will help us out. I think we're doing slightly more damage; that's not saying a whole lot.

Also read:
We test out the New JAK Maglift aftermarket part for the Haymaker and see if its worth using in MW3 Zombies.
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