News - This Made Me Better At Warzone 2

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Cheval, You're struggling in war zone 2, but you're definitely not alone now as streaming is my full-time job. I have the luxury of having a lot more time to play, and in this period I've managed to get two nukes in Warzone, which is pretty impressive, and around 100 wins. If you find this article helpful, drop a "like" and consider subscribing for more content like this.

Let's try to reach 1,000 likes on this article. The first lesson I learned very quickly about war zone 2 is that you can no longer get away with that positioning in war zone 1 because of the lower recoil and because of the game generally. Speaking didn't necessarily have much challenge in gunfights.

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You could get away with bad positioning if you could out-shoot your opponent, but in Warzone 2, even if you out-shoot your opponent, there is no guarantee that you're going to save yourself from bad positioning, and this applies to both winning games and getting kills. Now. I've had games where I've been going for a pure entertaining mix of rounds of getting 20 to 30 kills, and I've also had the experience of going for a nuke in a war zone and successfully getting it twice, which means winning five games in a row back-to-back, and what I learned from this experience is that it doesn't matter if you're playing for kills, playing for a win, or playing for somewhat of an entertaining mix between the two ultimately.

Bad positioning will get you killed in War Zone 2. And bad positioning will get you far fewer kills as well. You're better off playing for a power position with better verticality, better cover, or just a generally better position. You are playing to push a building using airstrikes, etc., but although you can push a building in War Zone 2, you are far better off containing a building and the opponents that move in and out of it.

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The reason positioning is so key is for a number of reasons, and it dawned on me very early on that, to start with, communication in War Zone 2 has massively increased because of proximity chat and the general use of VoIP. People are communicating much more than they were in Warzone 1, which means that they're playing a little bit more tightly together, and when teams are working together as a unit, they're a lot harder to kill, take off stragglers, or take out one by one, and for that reason, having superior positioning is one of the few ways you can guarantee more success than another team.

Generally speaking, I think people play very compactly in Warzone 2 compared to Warzone 1. There's much less spread. People are working generally within 50 to 100 meters of each other, and one thing I have noticed a lot of is that trading between teams is far more frequent now. You're not likely to get a kill straight away off of a team; there is a good chance that you'll get one or two.

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You'll rinse some of their plates. You'll rinse a self-res or two of them. And when you have this sort of attrition process of taking out each other's plates, taking out each other's self-redders, and trying to pick out vulnerabilities having. A superior position is one of the few ways that you can tip the overall gunfight into your favor, so my general rule of thumb is to always stay ahead of the circle and seek positions that are easy to defend with minimal entry points.

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Maybe One ladder or two ladders are best, and also looking for positions that are central in the zone can guarantee you success later on in the circle as the zone continues to collapse. So we've spoken about positioning, and the next thing that I learned very early on is that the dynamic of attacking and pushing opponents has completely changed now.

If you're somebody who played Warzone 1 or Rebirth and you were used to rushing into a room, getting a kill on a guy, maybe getting two, and then sort of working your way through a squad like that, that isn't something that's as easy to do anymore, and if you're going to push a squad of 4 or 4 + 3 or even any given various opponent, creating clear windows of opportunity is much more important in Warzone 2 than it was in Warzone 1.

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Now if you could outgun your opponent in Warzone 1, you could simply rush them, be a better accurate player, and maybe get away with a kill or two and reposition, especially with the ability to play and sprint, which isn't something in Warzone 2. Stun grenades only last a handful of seconds. Flash grenades only last a few seconds.

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only last a few seconds, and plating somebody or dealing passive damage to them through explosives, thermites, or other utilities only gives you so much of a window of opportunity where the balance is in your favor. Now, when you're rushing into a building, you're inherently at a disadvantage because the person that you're approaching already has the advantage of key positioning, having the ability to look at certain stairwells, corridors, or places that you're obviously going to enter, and you have to find them, whereas they are waiting for you.

So, all of these windows of opportunity were a lot tighter in the wars then too, and whether you're using grenades or utilities, airstrikes, or clusters. Clusters Whatever it is in your arsenal that you're utilizing, you have to keep in mind that the time it takes for somebody to self-res and the time it takes for somebody to play a number of self-res are things people have these days, as well as other bits of equipment.

call of duty warzone

I mean that those windows are a lot smaller than they used to be, and once you go into a push, there is no such thing as sprinting, and whilst plating, you either have to choose between creating or moving distance between you and your opponent, or plating up, and if that person decides to chase you down, then you could be in a really tricky situation, which brings me to my next point about pushing opponents, which is that creating healthy distance is a really key factor now.

If you're up close and personal with an opponent, you have that kind of separation and the issue of, "Do I sprint away and try to play, or do I sprint away and risk being shot in the back?" because you can no longer do two things at once, meaning that you can't create distance while doing so. Rearming yourself so the up-close and personal scenarios are only really worthwhile going into if you have clear windows where opponents are at a massive disadvantage, and this is where healthy distance comes in.

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If you take down somebody from 100 meters away, that means absolutely nothing. with things like downing an opponent from a few buildings back or using Free Play to break somebody. Things don't mean anything if the window of opportunity allows that person to replay, so when you're choosing opponents to push and situations that you should go into and shouldn't go into, having the ability to keep a healthy distance by getting one or two buildings away from your opponent ideally is important.

Warzone 2 is one of the most difficult games in Battle Royales right now. Warzone 2 plays completely differently from warzone 1.
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