News - This Made Me Better At Warzone 2

A building away if you're lucky is a really essential factor because not only does it allow you to really quickly get into a push if you manage to get a down or two, but it also gives you the ability to use some of these buildings and use cover around you in that situation to quickly escape. And my final point about pushing opponents is that utility is far more important than it ever was before.

cod warzone

Using thermites, molotovs, smoke grenades, flashbangs, or stuns is clearly, in my opinion, the biggest deciding factor in winning or losing gunfights. A good grenade, a good semtex, or a good drill charge can really change a gunfight, and in my opinion, much like in PUG, having smoke grenades is absolutely massive with the lack of placement that we spoke about.

Having a utility like the smoke grenade, which can create confusion and distance between you and your opponent, is something that I think is really important. So in terms of pushing opponents, you need to be way more methodical. You need to think about the windows of opportunity. Think about the distances that you have to cover to get in and out of a situation, knowing that you have to choose between sprinting and plating.

cod warzone 2

Finally, let's talk about the actual gunfights themselves, because there are some things that I think are making a massive difference in terms of how I win a gunfight, how I win an attack on a squad, or whether I lose it, and the first one is headshot multipliers. Never before have headshots been so important, and honestly, whether it's beaming somebody at range or taking them down at close range, the more headshots you get the better, and if you are already aiming down sight, the ability to jump shot somebody without a penalty is something that's really important now, if you jump shot somebody without aiming down sight you actually get a slower ads speed which is how I see a lot of opponents lose gunfights, but for me personally if you're already aiming down sight jump shotting is a really fantastic way of increasing the number of headshots and it saved me in a lot of situations.

Capacity is also something to keep in mind these days. I really like the AK or cast-off 762, but the 40-round magazine is very problematic now because you already have to choose between sprinting and plating. Having to choose between sprinting, plating, and reloading is a real headache, so having a secondary like.


I don't know, a hurricane or a mini bank with a higher magazine capacity is honestly something that's a bit of a godsend. And my final thing about gunfights: Be prepared to lose. Be prepared to get things wrong. Be prepared to learn from every gunfight you take part in. What could you have done better?

How could you have reassessed it? Could you have approached somebody from a different angle because these are the kinds of things that happen in War Zone 2, and when you're playing War Zone, there are some things that are outside of your control? A solo player is not always going to play 1v1 with others.

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When you look at situations like solos, you're always going to have instances of just being unlucky, third parties, so that constant process of self-assessment and trying to approach things a little bit better is something that is important, but there are sometimes just things that are out of your control, maybe if you're missing some headshots.


That's about it for this article today. Of course, subscribe! We stream here on YouTube every single day, Monday through Saturday, from around 10 a. M uk time to the afternoon, so if you want to see these lessons being learned in real time, make sure to check that out.

Warzone 2 is one of the most difficult games in Battle Royales right now. Warzone 2 plays completely differently from warzone 1.
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