News - This Is Why The Striker Is One Of The Best Smgs Warzone 3

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You can see kind of how wobbles there go right hook, left hook, right hook, and they can make it a little bit harder, so this one's definitely for a little bit more. Aggro iron sights kind of deal with the fact that we're not doing the huge mag the damage for mag is still pretty good as we saw the shot numbers there but this one definitely a little bit more of a higher skill and it doesn't have a suppressor so you will pop up on the mini map not as much of an issue with the close range but there it is so now when we look at these attachments the one that I want to go ahead and point out is this horizontal, kick horizontal recoil, what happens is I notice is if you can get this number to 11 or lower with whatever combination of attachments you want it gets rid of any kind of hookin, in that I know it's not a word but it gets rid of some of that wobbliness that you'll see in those first recoil patterns which again you can deal with because it's a close-range gun but sometimes you want to challenge somebody 20 meters off a heady that gets a little bit trickier so you kind of have to figure out how you want to build it out but that number.

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Is kind of like the part that just makes it where you will shoot straighter if you're thinking more of a medium, range maybe filler because you're you running an lmg which has a slow reload, you want a little bit more versatility you might want to go that right if you want to Barrel stuff get as close as possible move, like you're zooming across the map this is the movement build and I won't spend as much time on each one because obviously I kind of explained certain things there this is more of an aggro build with an optic and a suppressor we kind of see how that's built again it's still going to have a little bit more recoil anything with that no stock is going to have more recoil.

Going to have a little bit of bunciness. Still kind of shoot people that's 25 met stationary Target without plates I know I can add plates in the fireing range, but they have 100 health, so it doesn't even matter for demonstration purposes; it's still going to be less than a full-plated plate player.


But there you go; that's kind of that build, and we go ahead and look at the attachments. You can see this one's still pretty high at 16, so I think these are high recoil builds, and as we go through them, you'll go ahead and see some of these other ones definitely not as high recoil, so we have a couple other options for you.

The other one I would go with is the balance with optics and no suppressor, so this one's a very good option as well. Kind of see how it's built again. No suppressor; it does have an optic, but the recoil is pretty solid spot right at 1126, which is like. I said, kind of The Sweet Spot to get rid of some of that bounciness and make it shoot much straighter again.

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All we did was change the stock on it, but it's not going to be as mobile; it'll still be more mobile than what we're dealing with when we talk about the Swarm, and it's going to have that recoil control, so you're going to have a little bit more beam. At those medium and long ranges, so definitely try this one out if you kind of want a little bit of balance of both.

modern warfare 3 2023

If you do want a suppressor, that's going to be slightly slower. We're going to go ahead and kind of look at this. This is probably my favorite build that I have, and that's the suppressed iron Striker, so you save an attachment. It's very similar to the build we just looked at, but you get the suppressor instead of having irons, and we kind of built it out that way, so kind of there kind of see how it is.

Irons aren't great.



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