News - Warzone 2i: New Gear Perk System Is Amazing, But Create A Class Still Has A Problem



Today we're talking about the brand new creative class that they've introduced with Modern Warfare 3, which is pretty different than what we've had in Modern Warfare 2, and in a lot of previous Call of Duty, they've obviously incorporated some things with being able to equip five attachments and how to incorporate a modified P-10 system with the use of gear, so we're going to be talking about that system as well as how the new progression system works with weapons because it is slightly different than MW2.

I think in some ways a little bit better and in some ways a little bit worse, so we're going to cover both of those as ECT and then also how this stuff integrates with the war zone.

How weapon leveling system is different

So the first thing I want to talk about is this weapon leveling system. They how they changed it at first glance, it looks almost identical to Modern Warfare 2 because a lot of the systems are there from Modern Warfare 2, and this is where they have shared progression.


In weapons but how it's different is that you no longer need to use one weapon to get another weapon like we had to do with the Modern Warfare weapons in Modern Warfare 2, where you had to use the lochman sub to get the lochman 762, to get the lockman 5.56, to get the lockman whatever right you don't have to do that in this version of the game we can equip and do there and when we go to the weapon progression, we can see that there's no tree they've already gone to the simplified route which is nice you don't have to use one gun that you probably don't like to get another one that's not really casual friendly for myself when I go for the camo grind I got to use every gun anyway so it didn't really negatively impact me but still kind of annoying.


Especially if there's like a meta weapon that's gate kept behind two other weapons and it's really whoever plays the most that's going to get those guns faster so I'm glad they fixed that portion, and what they've done is kind of a solve because some guns would be like ah you got to use this gun get it to level seven to get an attachment they kind of kept that but they modified it so now they doubled up on some of the attachments so for example this MTZ 556, is fully maxed out if I go to the Marksman version of this and I go to this Interceptor, and we look at the same thing with this weapon progression we can go ahead and zoom forward and we can see that I've already unlocked the MTZ clinch Pro Barrel at 13 you can see it doesn't have the little lock icon on that and the reason for that is because I've already unlocked it on one of the other MTZ variants in the family tree even though it's not visible they're all MTZ just like all the lockman subs all the m4s and all those that are set up that way it's essentially built so that you can unlock this MTZ.

cod mw3

Clinch barrels from both different methods, so you can actually double stack attachments. Maybe if you didn't want to use this gun, you could still unlock this attachment. By using the other version, one part of this is for somebody who doesn't want to go ahead and use 30 different weapons to get a meta build; maybe they only need to use about half those weapons to get those same levels.

The downside is that when you are leveling this specific weapon, you'll go from 12 to 13, unlock nothing, and then you'll go straight to 14, which for me just adds levels to the game, which I think is a downside for people that actually level all the games they're using artificially. Lengthen, how long it takes to level a gun, fortunately, the weapons don't take that long to level, so I thought I'd point that out that there were some subtle changes there; it's not just a copy and paste; they did look like it; it does appear; at least they've tried to improve the system, even though they just need to go back to what it was before, use one gun, level it up, and they got to figure out how to do it without giving guns 70 levels because that would be a nightmare like modern war for 2019. That was not good or level 55, like all of Cold War or Vanguard with 10 out of 10.

New create a class and how gear works

New create a class and how gear works

It got kind of crazy there you've been following Call of Duty for a bit you kind of understand that now let's get into this gear system which I think is awesome, and it's going to be a great change, when they incorporate this stuff into war zone differently than maybe we expected when it launches in November 10th we'll be able to get it utilize all the equipment obviously with it being a beta we get a little bit early access to some of the stuff but it is pretty limiting if we look over here we can only see that there's four vests when I got to play the game back in like August or something like that there was like something like eight or nine different vests we'll probably have.


Quick Fix There's another one that works like a ghost, and there's probably even a few more that I can't think of off the top of my head, but I think they create a system. That kind of meshes with the Pi 10 that we had back in Black Ops 2 and some of the subsequent Cult of Duties and still provides us with the ability to equip guns fully kitted with five attachments.

And that even includes Overkill, but with the new system, it could be a little confusing for players new and old because it is different. As you can see right now. I'm running an engineer vest, which doesn't give me a lethal, so it removes that portion of it, but on top of that, it allows me to have a total of four perks, so I have, essentially, a ghost while moving.

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I also like the ease drop so you can hear footsteps a little bit better. I got dead silence, which is the covert sneakers, and then I also have scavenger, which is kind of important if you're trying to go on a streak, and then when we go over here to the engineer Fest, you can see it says spot enemy equipment, and that's going to be like engineer, obviously that's the name, and then it also gives you field upgrade recharge faster, which is another thing that I don't typically use in Call of Duty, but it's kind of incorporated in there, so now we have 1 2.

jgod urzikstan

3 4 five, six perks for this specific build obviously I've sacrificed my lethal, which could be important depending on the game mode Maybe I want to cook a grenade, and then it's giving me two tactical options: whether I want to go with two stuns or whatever the case is. I get the opportunity—not stuns but flashes.

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