News - This Is Why The Striker Is One Of The Best Smgs Warzone 3

Striker ttk compared

Striker ttk compared

So in the past few days, a lot of hype has been surrounding the striker, and I was kind of looking at it and wondering what the differentiator was. Because we obviously know the WSP Swarm has a very fast TTK, it's a pretty solid gun. It does have its flaws, with a little bit of range and maybe damage per mag, but a lot of people are kind of leaning into the striker, and I thought I'd take a look at this and figure out what the heck is going on.

So when we look at the ttk, you can see that it doesn't even rank that highly on the close end, where we can go and see on this left side, it's all the way over here at 651. You might as well use the RAM; the V is even killing faster than that, so what is the deal with it? ttk is a little deceptive, and it definitely is meta currently, plus it has great movement and a lot of different options to go with, and using true game data, we'll go ahead and show off the comparison here because it does have some pretty cool tools.


We'll go ahead and add some SMGs that we know are pretty solid at the moment. We can go ahead and add the hurricane, which has a high ttk, but it relies heavily on getting a head shot. We can go with the striker, and we'll go ahead and add a Nel in there that we saw in the WSP Swarm, and that's probably a good list of weapons.

We can go ahead and get rid of some of the bullet time open bolt delay, which doesn't impact any of those but does impact the WSP 9. Which is also another pretty solid option? We do shot combinations. This ends up being a lot of information, so I'm not going to spend too much time on this part, but what I will point out is that even with the combination, the striker doesn't look particularly crazy; it's the blue line that comes through here; it's a little bit higher; it does okay; and then it falls off before these, and it's worse until.

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Probably around 27 M, but we're not challenging at 27 M, so what the heck's going on? So if we go ahead and scroll down one of the best tools on the site to figure out kind of how consistent the ttk is going to be, obviously we figure out a rough estimate, and that's how we figure out these numbers.

It's like you can see these numbers right on the bottom where it says head shot 15%, necks five. I use my own numbers, so sometimes ours slightly differ; everyone's a little bit different, and with some guns, you might land a higher percentage in one area than another, so this isn't a one-size-fits-all, but it's a general rough estimate to at least spit out data, and that's kind of what he's done here, and then what I do on my spreadsheet, we have varying.

Huge reason the striker ttk is misleading

Huge reason the striker ttk is misleading

There are different percents there, but at the end of the day, 99% of the time, the percents do add up to around the same. We use this tool here, which is the chosen location. If we go ahead and shoot the chest with the Swarm, we can see that most of the time you're going to get a 605 ttk, and this is up to six and six and A3 meters, which isn't particularly long range.

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Obviously, you could boost the range with certain attachments and that type of thing, but you would need nine leg shots to get a 660 ttk. And two head shots so 90 like a high percent of the time you're going to get a ttk of 605, that's very probable and then when you go to the next damage drop off you need six head shot shots and five leg shots not as likely so you're probably going to get a 660 ttk so basically we go from 605 to 660, up to about 19 1 12 meters so that kind of gives us a general idea of what we're working with if we look at some other guns they do not perform quite as well we can look at the iso 9 mimer you need two leg shots and then you get a worse ttk so it's like if somebody bunny hops in front of you hit a leg shot two of them you get a worse ttk and this is the longer range ttk that the Swarm gets so ISO although it's good and it has a 600 ttk, it can have a bad ttk.

Pretty quickly, so it's not a one-size-fits-all like I mentioned. Then we go over here, we can go to the further range, and you can see that most of the time you're probably going to get a 780 ttk, which again is still 120 milliseconds slower than what we just saw with the Swarm, so definitely this gets beat up by the Swarm, and this is if you just want to use an MW2 weapon, which has probably intentionally been put in as bad versions so that we're using the newer guns, so now let's get to the striker, which is also pretty interesting, so overall nothing to write home about.

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We got a 651 ttk; you're almost never going to get the 744 ttk, and basically would never. Get this headshot of 558. With seven shots to kill, you're not going to land four shots out of that, so more than likely, this is still slower than what we just saw. If you go up to 24 and a half meters, you're always going to get a 744 ttk, and if you land one head shot in the mix, this gun has decent recoil, so you're likely to get one head shot at some point.

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One is very feasible, two is a little bit less likely, and you get the 651. All the way up to 242, we met, so let's go ahead and look back at the Swarm, which is currently the hard meta option along with this weapon.

How insane is the striker movement

How insane is the striker movement

If we go over here, you're going to get 660, which is still pretty good, but this guy gun has a little bit more shaky recoil and it moves a lot slower, and if you're like, okay, how much slower with the mobility? I have four different builds here that we'll go ahead and talk about, plus the WSP Swarm build with the 100-round mag, which a lot of people are going towards because of the damage per mag, so when we come down here, we can take a look, and the main thing we're looking at here is ADS movement speed, so that's strafe speed.

You can see that with this build, you can get insane, but then the recoil is going to be hard, so you kind of can balance it out, but you can get some insane builds with the striker in terms of mobility, which makes you a harder Target to hit even with aim assist, so these are things you have to factor in there, so I would definitely recommend trying it out.

I think I've done a good job of explaining.

4 different striker classes with best practices

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There are some inconsistencies in ttk, so I'm going to give you four loadouts. You can kind of pick what you want. I'll kind of talk a little bit about them briefly, but we can go ahead and go here. go Striker Save these as blueprints; it makes it a lot easier.

I'm going to go ahead and go with a movement build if you just want to go all out. This is going to be a higher-skilled type of build. You can kind of see the attachments I have built there. This thing is going to kick. I'm going to tell you the important number to look for when we go ahead and look at the stats again, but obviously I've done some testing in here, and this one's going to kick; it's going to shake side to side.

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