News - This Class Saved Sniping Warzone 2

best sniper warzone 2

I want to show you something. I want to see if something works in one of my favorite classes; I'm not sure if I said that right. If that's just a marksman rifle that you put a canted laser sight on and run around like a shotgun, here's the best part: it is not actually a shotgun, and it has none of the shame associated with using a shotgun, so let me just set up the class real quick, and then we're just going to mess around within a multiplayer for like two seconds because no one really cares about that.

I just want to show you what it can do. Put that candid laser sight on; you're not going to mess with tuning right now because we're going to tune it differently for Wars. By the way, the gun is the Sab 50. It's the big old POG. Watch how fast this thing, the ABS, is: three, two, one. I missed it there.

We go i had no warm-up game, so this will be interesting. But it just absolutely wrecked, and this person was just on a counter, so, okay, what am I going to do now? The big thing that's going to be interesting is that I know in war zones there are no one-shot sniper kills, even if someone has replayed armor.

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So basically the big thing that I'm curious about seeing is if this will give me a one-shot kill in Warzone or if it's even worth it. Especially if I cannot make shots like that, I hate them. Okay, I'm done playing multiplayer; I simply can't stand it. You guys get the gist of what I'm trying to do.

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Okay, let's go into a game of solos. I'm going to try and get this and use it as an SMG and see if it actually works because if it works. That'll actually be fun. I'll have a little bit of fun playing this game. It'd be really great to have that happen. I'm popping a double XP token just to look cool.

This is actually going to be an interesting experiment, because I know in Warzone there were almost like two different builds of the game. Or, hypothetically, all the time it should work like it should give me the same kind of results. The only reason I would hate it is if I went and tried to quick scope somebody indoors with this candid laser and they had three armor plates and shot me with an SMG, I would be instantly dead.

That will be infuriating, because what's the point right now? There isn't a huge point to sniping. I'm going to see if we can change that a little bit. Good luck to everyone, and thank you. I might just go there and see if I can get enough money to buy it really quick. I don't want this to take forever.

call of duty warzone

I thought I was going to die right there. Do it; you won't know. boss I thought I was going to go to the tower and be a little weenie boy. That's right, they don't do guns on the roof anymore. Maybe they just don't do guns anymore, because I've been having trouble finding them here in the crate.

Let's hope that has a weapon in it. I'm going to call that in right away and pick this up, okay. I stole that kill. I'm sorry I stole that, Todd. That was kind of mean. All right, now let's go find a different spot where someone's not on top of a mountain. Do I just go drop Corey's edge of the map and just go try to find some semblance of money?

cod mw2

I think I'm going to do that at a nice remote destination, where there should definitely not be anyone camping to buy I'm assuming if someone was over here, they would have grabbed his contract, but sometimes you can, you never know, get some money for more plates. sniper ammo I actually do need the sniper, so it's been looted; there was a crate that was open, which could have taken me away from the buy rude, but I gotta get this in order to get the money to test the thing.

Now that these buildings look like they could actually be populated, it's scary. You know why? because I don't have a three-point armor vest. If you don't have a three-point armor vest and someone else does, you die. Make a boom. Make a boomerang attack. 56 all right Hell yeah, I got 3100 all right, so we're getting close to that 5K for what I hope is going to be an actually fun gun to use.

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Obviously, there's some high skill required. I played zero warm-up games, so if this article randomly cuts to another game where I got gunned down and I just didn't want to show you it because I have an ego, that should give me enough incentive to go get it. I mean, I have enough now, but I feel like I might as well just finish this contract and hope that gives me a three-point armor vest that blows up.

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All right, I got all that I needed; I'm not going back to the K; I'm actually going to go out there and see if I can glide off this thing across this little ravine because ravines are scary. Here we go, unfortunate; this is where I put the article and fast-forwarded; then I show up at the store with the new gun, and then I inspect it so I can get a cool thumbnail, foreign, first.

Okay, so we have someone in here; let's get this. See that little red dot up there? All right, here it is—here's this bad boy. Yeah, now I actually tried this loadout the very first game that I played, but then I got haunted down and stream sniped. So that wasn't cool. Let me see if he has a three-point armor vest.

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It's just a light thought that it was a sniper glitch, and we're going to go pay that person a visit. Okay, not bad. It took two shots, but that's okay. He just left, which is not too shabby, and you run around pretty fast with it, which is nice. I feel a little bit like Usain Bolt, not in a broken way, but that was nice.


I just had to let him know I was here. What are you doing? finesse, so it still takes two shots. Hmm, I don't quite know how to feel about that. Someone definitely hit that near that loadout out there. I still know exactly where it was because now it's gone, but it was pretty close. The strafe speed is really good on this; it's literally right here.

Okay, let's get the default loadout and get the bird's-eye one, Foreign; we've got two for now. I should have a bird's eye since I got the default loadout. Someone call me a UAV and let me test it. I mean, I guess I just go all the way to the top of a mountain. I don't see any reason why I want to clear out this back end.

I mean, that'd be hilarious if I won with this, as I've been really just sh*tting around this whole time. I scrapped the assist when the helicopter finally blew up. I've seen a couple people do that, where it's just that that's their strategy. My God, yes, I do have a bird's-eye view; let's go. That's such a shame that there's someone else coming over the top of this mountain ridge as well.

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I wish I could have gotten that kill, but I didn't. I didn't take great shots. I think I'm using the wrong scope. Let's see if I can hold this person. How were you? Was I not a full plate? If you're going to use my gun, I'll watch. Yes, you want my sniper ammo. Also, what were you doing out there?

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