News - The Truth About Console. How To Get More Kills As A Console Player Warzone

vondel game console

Is, if he wipes this team it's a long rotation to find the next team if you are in the mix with like three or four teams in the area it can be a little bit riskier, but if you wipe a team you know that there's still teams around you so I want you to work on kind of making that decision of you know instead of challenging this one team go push yourself either in this cluster or in this cluster what I can tell you from the mini map is when you push over to this cluster these people are a little bit more spread out than you would think right they are probably in different pois potentially, but you're still a lot closer to teams than you are in this scenario right here I don't hate the fact that he's going for the easy kills right I always say that go for the easy kills it's just as you're looking to jump to that consistent 20 you know maybe even drop a 30 kill game at some point maybe you're just looking to you know break your PR maybe it's like 15 or something you've got to work on putting yourself in that action a little bit more people on the rooftop.

Yeah, don't keep turning around there, though; just keep running. 10 kills here; notice the second circle, where there is a little bit where we slow down. We had seven in the first; that's three now in the second, so we definitely did not capitalize on that really good start. We're still plus two here unless he gets another kill, and then we're potentially plus three.

vondel tips

Right side, where's that where his teammates are from? left side right there, flying in, so we're still not in a bad spot. Here's the other thing you could do: take this read redeploy, use the redeploy to quickly rotate; it allows you to get height and allows you to figure out where people are on rooftops, and then you can land on people or land on adjacent rooftops and quickly challenge.

Yeah, we're just wasting a lot of time here wasting a lot of time on this one kill, maybe two kills, right? Just go, just get out of here, and make that decision quick to go push across. Good live ping right there; that's a really tough kill to get at the 70 M range, 60 to 70 M range. Yeah, I mean, and you see, I know a lot of you guys make the same mistake here.

Also read:

High alert in the back, that's fine. Let's go act on that. Now we forget about—don't forget about—the team behind you because they might kind of rotate in or they do have to rotate in, but let's go focus on these people all around us. Let's see how we challenge this here. I like this stairwell because you can keep a lot in front of you high-aware to his right.

vondel tips and tricks

Yeah, somebody's around here. The only thing you've got to be careful of is somebody who is straight on the other side of that hedge. Or in this building right here, he never checked that corner, never checked this corner, never checked this one over to his right side; absolutely, you got to check.

That, maybe play a little bit of High Ground here, you know, play on top of that this little rooftop, somebody throws a n from yeah there's, everybody throws double nades over there, use those nades to your advantage, one straight ahead of him, yeah, he just can't get any he can't get any momentum right here, he just can't find the right spot.

vondel tips for console players

Ju play ladder I'd play ladder here yeah see if you can get a slight little angle on this guy jump ACR now we pressure on no high alert in the back can't forget those guys don't drop down jump straight, across, straight across here right here play this rooftop right we're going to go adjacent and then we're going to challenge the people that are high alerting Us in the back or jump down and immediately work your way back up can't go up that way so you got to go up this one yeah immediately work your way back up here just because we jump down the first thought process nice is that the same kick guy no 11 kills so far regen The Flash he's going to get a ton of plates out of this really big Advantage right here to restock on plates, he's got 12 now, 11 kills and notice like I said third kill is where we struggle, right third kill is where we really our Pace just need that just start chucking nades over there you'll get a down you could potentially get a down from a third party there two yep now you go.

I can't quite get he's got two flashes there, occupation scan. Just remember, with occupation scans, just because people don't pop up on the mini map doesn't mean you know he's going to drop down; he's not going to be on the mini map, so be smart about that. That's a full team over there. That's a full team, and you have a team to your left.

warzone 2 console player

That's really tough. Push i mean he's got he got the assist there, but notice he's not doing anything like he's got a find a way to get an angle on these guys he's got to either forget them or make a play right go challenge that guy go challenge that guy immediately he just flew back in he's barely got a gun and he has two plates go challenge him instead, right go take that easy kill go take that one-on-one fight, and this is what happens with a lot of you a lot of you get scared to push in and do anything, it's not about being scared to push in it's about if you're not going to be able to get it down from here find an angle that you are going to be able to get it down from or forget them right it's one of those two things either continue working to get the down and thirst and find a way to actually do it or forget them and move on there's still a bunch of other teams here never going to I almost said never going to get that down at 100.

warzone 2 console tips

I don't think I would challenge that, but there are people over to his right side. I hear him shooting over to his right side. Go check that; you got the right side and left side here. No, don't hold that doorway. Notice right here that he's only got one angle; the only angle he's holding is the doorway, whereas there's a bunch of people that are still all around.

Him still at still, five teams and 11 people left shooting over to his right side I think one of the biggest things that I would like to see him act on now he gave up his High Ground the one of the biggest things I would like to see him act on is hearing teams fighting more you know just listening for those teams shooting and trying to third party that get a sense of direction and go see what you can find when I say act on information, you know concrete information is uavs and mini map pangs but stuff like and seeing team seeing people like obviously those are concrete but one of the biggest ways that good players get kills is by acting on listening for teams fighting right putting yourself in that situation trying to find an angle where you can easily get a down or thirst or something like that can't quite get that if he had Li ping that guy first he probably would have been able to probably would attract, him.

Today we're back with another Community Member Gameplay review, this time taking a look at gameplay from a 2. 2 KD console player.
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