News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 6. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - Mw2


All right So I'm going to help you guys out. I'll give you guys the top five best loadouts in War Zone 2. You won't need anything else, and you can even use this in Modern Warfare 2, so we're going to start out with the good old MP5 because everybody loves this weapon, and honestly. I don't think there's a better SMG.

In regards to the overall, amazing time to kill capability range and everything this has to offer, we're starting out with the x10r 40 for sound suppression, bullet velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness, at the cost of aim-down sight speed and aiming stability. Don't worry about the cons; it's not going to really be that noticeable, especially with everything else we're going to be putting on this gun.

This is a must. Have an attachment for the muzzle for tuning. You can really do anything that you want to, but my optimal decision is probably raising the bullet velocity to around the 30s or 40s region, and if you want to help The recoil smothness you can, but like I said, it's either way you're going to be plenty of other things like recoil, fixes, so if you don't want to raise recoil smoothness, you can just increase aim down sight speed, but this is pretty optimal right here, the 40 in and 87 Oz.

2 best loadouts

For the tuning, this is what I would most likely use next. I put on the Merk forgrip for hipfire accuracy, recoil steadiness, hip recoil control, and aim walking steadiness at the cost of hip walking speed and aim downside speed. Now I don't care too much about the fire. Aspects, it's more so about the Recoil Statin.

This helps more than you could possibly know. This is probably the best attachment for the MP5 AK. The Lockman Sub: This thing gives you practically no recoil; in fact, you could put a no-stock on here and it would still be almost as amazing. I don't want to say just as amazing because obviously there's going to be a little bit more recoil, but this attachment is such a big help.

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Next, I put on the 40-round mag. I could put on 50, but I just don't think 50 is necessary. I think 40 is more than enough. I think it gets the job done. 15 isn't enough, and 30 is just not really enough either. I mean, if you don't want to have any of the cons and 30 is completely fine for you, 30 might be good if you're playing competitive and you're just trying to kill one enemy at a time.

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If you're stacking and trying to take out team 30, 30 might be enough, but I think that 40 overall would be the best possible. choice, and then this is something special. I decided to put on the exf, Solar Flare. The flashlight is on there, sprinting to fire speed and aim stability at the cost of being visible to enemies.

Ounces, so either way, whichever one you want to use, whether you want to use the VK laser or if you want to use the exf solar flare. I think they're both amazing and will both give you great results. Last but not least, I have the Ft Mobile stock for Sprint speed and aim walking speed. Crouch movement speed and aim-down sight are the costs of aiming stability and recoil control.

best loadouts

This thing actually got a buff not too long ago, and this is why I actually chose it over the stockless mod the stockless mod although it has aim-down sight speed, sprint-to-fire speed movement speed, and hip recoil control. There is an aiming recoil control penalty, and I just don't think that's really worth it.

This penalty for recoil control is a lot less than this one, so I think that this is the ideal option, plus you will actually get more mobility in regards to the aim walking speed than you will with this next one. We're moving on to the TR76. Guys, this thing is the best assault rifle in the game, but I know some people love the castoff 762.

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This thing is, in my opinion, better than it, but I'll give you guys alternatives whatever you guys really want, so we're going to start out with the polar fires for Sil suppression bullet velocity damage range and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim-down sight speed aiming stability. Trust me, the cons don't really matter because you're going to be using this as a good job at close range to midrange; it will do a good job at close range too, but trust me, everything will be taken care of, so tune us at the bull of velocity 32 2 in and recoil smoothness to 090.


Oz Beyond that, it doesn't get any better, so I think you should stick around there, or you're just not going to have a good experience. It's going to hurt you more. It's going to help you put on the brw bridal heavy for recoil control, damage range, bullet velocity, and hipfire accuracy at the cost of aim-down sight speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control for the tuning.

I set the damage range of 25 inches, and in the recoilstead, I basically maxed it out at 50 lb. I actually put on the 762. High Velocity; this helps the bullet velocity obviously at the cost of some damage range, but you're getting all these things that are increasing damage range, so I wouldn't worry about that.

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For the tuning, I increased the bullet velocity to 9 g and the damage range to 70g, so this fixes everything that the cons would have hurt. I put on a 45-round mag. I mean, you don't really want to use a guy's single tap; it's just not good. I tried it; it's not good. I don't know why they even have this on there.


I don't know; it's just not good at all, so the 45 is the best choice. The base is just not enough, and last but not least, I put on the Amot V4. You can use whatever one you want, but this is just my personal preference, and I maxed out the far distance. I didn't change the end on the side. Flinch resistance: I don't think you need to do that.

I just max out the far distance, and I think this is the optimal build if you want a meta cast off 762. This is the one for you. This will get the job done very quickly and easily, so we're starting out with the sack and tread 40 for vertical and horizontal recoil control at the cost of aim downside speed and aiming stability for the tuning.

I put the recoil control at 11 in. and the recoil stabilization at 44 oz. I put on the lock grip Precision 40 for hip-fire accuracy. Reco stad and aim walking stad at the cost of aim down sight speed, not a big deal; believe me, this thing is going to be an absolute laser. I put on a 40-round mage; 20 is just not enough; this probably would be better for multiplayer.

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But 40 is what you absolutely want; the base is 30, I believe, and I just don't think that's enough. Put on the cast 10 5 84 mm barrel for damage range, bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, recoil control, and recoil control at the cost of aim-down sight speed. HP recoil control and movement speed for the tuning I set the damage range of 26 inches, and the recoil St is 29 lb, and once again, the last thing is amot V4 personal preference.

TOP 5 META Loadouts in Warzone Season 6! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - MW2.
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