News - The Honeybadger Is Back Warzone 2



YouTube Welcome in here. I got a tick tock around my lobby, guys. We're going to have to we're gonna have to crank the level of intensity up to about 100 on this one. It's the tick-tock, as I was saying, of the honey badger. It just has to be added to the game. It's called the Chimera. I have the version that you can buy because I have a bunch of cod points left over, but I smell this tick-tock.

He's hungry, and guess what? I'm not going to get much food. I'm not going to give him any food. But I want to go over a couple of the things in the update: the war zone side of things and the multiplayer side of things. The honey badger is bad; let's go into it. I have a couple notes here because I want to go over the things that I think are important.

modern warfare 2

Hang on, I'm trying to go over my notes, man. Don't start with the war zone, because a lot of you are probably from the war zone community. At first, I used to obviously stream that a ton and make articles on that, so I do want to talk about that side of things. As you know from the reception for Warzone 2, if you've followed streamers, it's not the best.

A lot of people are upset with how slow it is; it seems to have taken a step back, and I've got to be honest with you: I agree, but I also agree with the direction that they were trying to go in, which was more. Um, on the side of, you know, bringing the casual back, you gotta understand that, from the perspective of Call of Duty, a casual is super important, and I think if you're making a game for the sweat, you're going to see the game die, and I think that's what happened.

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Say what you want, but that game was dead at the end of "War Someone." It was dead. I think what they did was smart in the long run; it's going to die. Keep more people interested in the game. There are people that you know didn't have the loadouts back in the day with War Zone One, and they're like, "I can't keep up with this." I don't have the Vanguard weapons.

I remember getting those in all my articles, I don't have the I don't have the class; I don't have the game; I'm behind, and then they just quit and go play a game where you don't have to have that. My problems are fixed, so let's talk about what happened. I had to pick it up.



I think they've improved that, and I know they're trying to appease the casuals, but I felt like the looting system was very complicated, so I think it's good that they're redoing that and making it more productive and quicker and keeping the pace flowing. So on that looting check, they added custom blueprints.

I can make a war zone class of a scar build, and then I can go use it in multiplayer because it's in the gunsmith, which is super important. That was a feature way back when I was making articles. It's easier to test them in a private match and then go to a public match, and then boom, it's already there.

Save it on the final screenshot; it's all that good stuff. I know that it's a small thing, but it's a big thing for creators. A pancake's here again, and this dude's a sweat man all right. I've got to focus, guys. Let's keep it going, strongholds. They added five strongholds instead of three. There were only three on the map; now there are five.

mw2 season 1 reloaded

If you guys don't know what a stronghold is, there's a bunch of AI, and if you take out all the AI, you get your load out for free.


A lot of people in the sweats were going there and doing that, so Eddie Moore is also an improvement. I agree there is no loadout for some people, but I think that at the end of the day, it is definitely a game where it's important to have a loadout.

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You know, there are a couple weapons, Nerfs and Buffs, and the only thing that's really major on the Nerf is the akimbo pistols. I'm talking about two bullets. We all know about Call of Duty and the two bullets. I've been in my lobby like six thousand times, and he's really starting to freak me out because he's unbelievable, so that got nerfed, which is good, so in Warzone they added quicker looting.

warzone 2

I think that's again really good. I think that's going to help the game tremendously. I've yet to take out this pancake guy; he's really starting to rub me the wrong way. But let's go to the multiplayer side, and then I'll give you my thoughts at the end on what we can do to improve war zones and multiplayer.

We obviously added shipment; we're on shipment, I will say it. I said in the beginning that I loved this map. It's just good for quick fun. You hop into a game, you get a couple kills, you rank some weapons, and then you move on, and then you can go play some shootouts. On those two maps, I can literally play all day, so I think that's a plus on the multiplayer side of things.

I'm excited when they're going to be adding the old Modern Warfare 2 maps because I think that's going to really help this game a ton too by bringing that nostalgia, but anything nostalgic. Related always brings people back and tells them there's going to be a Christmas shipment as well, which I think is important—you're going to get some Christmas skins.

I think it's like December 21; we're getting a Christmas shipment and Christmas skins. You just can't let me catch my breath. Come on through. There you go. Come on through again. I'm camping; sue me. Why are you the way that you are? I deserve that. Yeah, no, Sherlock. Another thing they added to multiplayer and, obviously, war zones, is this weapon that I've been using.

You're probably wondering to yourself, "What exactly is this weapon that you're using here?" "It looks like it's frying." If you're a longtime fan of the series, this is what you like to call the "old honey badger" from Call of Duty: Ghosts. It's called the Chimera in this game, and all of a sudden I got two in a row on pancakes.

I'm running out of ammo here; I'm running out of ammo here; he's got me; he's got his pancake again; but I'll have the bill for you at the end of the thing; this is the default one. I have the bill for you at the end of the article if you want to give you want to give a go, but honestly. especially with the ttk being as low as it is in this game, you'll be fine with probably whatever bill you get, but I'll probably come back and give a build on my Tick Tock or Instagram or If you don't follow me over there.

I usually do a lot of builds as well as my YouTube content, and now that double XP is being added. I think that's obviously for ranking up your guns. Double weapon XP is always important, and that is the 19th thing that they added that I guess we can cover: they added Rocket League to it. Call of Duty It's called the U.S.

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Season 1 Reloaded has launched and I have some thoughts on the Patch notes. If you where looking for news on the new raids or on the quality of life fixes look no further. I touch on some of the Key changes they have made with this update and give my thoughts on weather it was enough to fix warzone 2. I also give some ideas on what they could add to Multiplayer and to Warzone.
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