News - The #1 "best Taq 56" Class Is Breaking Warzone 2. Best Taq-56 Class Setup" Warzone 2


So I recently told you guys I was going to get you the best AR possible in the entire game, and that is not a lie. It has barely any recoil, it's fast, and the sprint of fire is absolutely insanely quick on this gun now that it's on an AR, which I'm going to name in just a second, so I'll just say it's attack 56.

It seems like it wouldn't be a fast one; it doesn't seem like it would be a quick one; it seems like it's going to be a very slow one. It feels as fast as an SMG while maintaining its punch. On this article, we're going for nine full likes on this one. So normally, I mean, yeah, it's pretty much stem shot proximity for me, and then we got the perk packages, which are double time scavenger and cold-blooded.

Perk package 1 package

Perk package 1 package

And ghost now, scavenger is super important on weapons like this because you're going to be alive for it, a lot longer than you think, so you definitely want that scavenger on so you could go ahead and pick up bullets and not worry about running out, and then we got dead silence as well.

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Now I will say what I hate about games: the fact that if you're not running scavenger and you're out of bullets, you barely have any bullets in the reserve, so you definitely want to have that scavenger, and I feel like it's a waste of a perk, but you really do need to have it on in order to stay alive a lot longer in this game.

Now, for the class setup, this is what we have going on for this one right here. I'm not joking, it's not clickbait; this thing is literally a three-shot shot at that close range, even at that four-range or four-range far range. There we go, we missed one that's five; here it's four; and here it's three, which is crazily overpowered.

best class

Maybe if we go for the head, yeah, it's still three. I didn't know that. felt like three. The first one is the muzzle, the Cronin Mod 86, and this gives you muzzle flash concealment, recoil stabilization, and recoil setiness, which you really need because without that, the gun is going to have a lot of kick, it's going to feel awkward, and you're going to be missing a couple of shots, so you definitely want to have that on there.

Now, you do lose 80 pounds, but I'm going to tell you guys right now: do. Not to worry about that because the amount of advertising we're going to get on this weapon right here is just going to be crazy good, like it's just really good for the tuning. I put the ads all the way to the top, and I put the gun kick control all the way to the top as well.

Now, you could turn the recoil smoothness up, but the reason I don't recommend that is because you want that to be as fast as possible; you definitely want that. And like I said, if you go into the firing range real quickly before you get into the next attachment, this gun has barely any recoil; this gun is a laser even at those longer ranges.

12 tacshort barrel

12 tacshort barrel

The next attachment is the barrel, and that's the 12-inch tack short barrel, which gives you ads—we definitely want that back—but it gives you hip fire recoil. I feel it doesn't take away much; it takes away hip-fire accuracy, which again is not too bad, and it takes away Biblical City, which in my opinion is important in multiplayer.

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Cronen mini red dot

This one here was one of these two right here that I was running in the actual game, the Cronin mini Red Dot or the Cronin mini Pro. This is going to be the TVX line Pro, and now this one gives you crouching movement speed. We're going to put the ads at the top, and you're going to put the aim walking speed just a little bit there now if we do take this attachment off.

It's really weird; it takes away recoil control. Okay, pay attention to this. Take that attachment off completely. Go into the firing range. Start shooting this gun. It has more recoil than it did before for some reason. I don't know why I, I don't know what that point is it takes away a recoil, but once you actually go and test it, it actually gives you more recoil than anything else.

It gives you more recoil control than anything else, I should say. I don't know why it does that, but when I was testing out this class. I noticed that throwing on this attachment even though the con is recoil control is the complete opposite, so this class right here, like I said, man ABS to the top, aim Watkins speed anywhere you want somewhere around here, is pretty nice.

I'll throw it at 1.16, and that's that for that. Now I will mention quickly again that there's another attachment on this one, but this one is interchangeable; you could change this one for another one, so before we get into it. I'll just go over this one right here, and it's pretty nice.

Demo cleanshot grip

Demo cleanshot grip

60 round mag

I'll show you guys what I'm going to do with ads, to the max. Sprint the fire to the max, and you're going to see how much faster it is now that I ended up putting that on, so the sprint of fire happens almost instantly. You do have to stop a little bit, and you do have to wait for the animation of the gun to go down and stuff, but it's an AR; it's going to happen, but the ad is just so fast; it's just so much quicker; it's just a lot nicer in my opinion, so that's what I would recommend if you want more bullets in the magazine.

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I'm pretty sure it is. It's the attack 56, one of the best assault rifles in my opinion in the entire game. I know it's a crazy number, but if we could hit that, that would be absolutely amazing as well. Sub to the channel. I say it in every single article, but yeah, I really do truly appreciate you guys.

best class setup

It's crazy, man, it's really crazy like this. At this time last year, I was about to quit YouTube, and months ago, I nearly did. I barely uploaded; I uploaded like two articles in one month. I thought I was done for good, but I'm back, man.

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