News - Sledgehammer Might've Just Nailed Warzone 2 Season 2

So I don't think the content is going to transfer over like it did from Mod Warfare 2 to Mod Warfare 3, so I hope that we get enough content to make sure it's replayable enough before the end of its life cycle. And one last thing before the weapons, I noticed a map called Overloaded. It's going to hop up on the screen here in a second.

modern warfare 3 season 2 new maps

I don't notice this; it's advertising it as one of the zombie maps, but it looks like it's something. I thought it was like, maybe highrise at first, but is this a fourth map? What do you guys think? I don't know; it's probably either one of the you know the three maps that are coming in that are fresh with a zombie look or it's just something I can't even notice from a Modern Warfare 2 map.

I don't know that might be a fourth map, what you guys think, but with that being said, let's get over to some of the weapons because this is also going to top off this season as well for me, and I'm extremely excited, but as you can see right here from Cod Warfare all the news, these are so far the confirmed things that are coming into season 2 before obviously the road map goes ahead and drops again if the road map drops, and there's some extra stuff.

modern warfare 3 season 2 new maps gameplay

I don't know if I'll necessarily make a article because, you know, like I said again, I'm more focused on the fundamentals of the game than the content. You know, I think this is pretty much all the content that we're really going to see, if it's tiny things. You can hit me up over on Twitter. But you know, when it comes to a whole new article, we'll see what they add, but you know he says Walking Dead crossover event, you got different characters, you got Fortune's Keep, which is coming from War Zone, then the weapons, the MTAR ladies and gentlemen, the F2000, and the ARX160.

I believe the ARX160 is an SMG. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I believe there's also going to be some type of crossbow. Coming into Moder Warfare 3 as well, not your typical style of crossbow as well, like we see in previous Call of Duty games, this might be a little bit of a unique boy, dare I say, but when it comes to the real weapons that I'm interested in.

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I'm just extremely excited to see that they are focusing on ARs and SMGs. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to everybody out there, the lmg players, the sniper players, but I am an AR SMG type of guy; it's just my play style, so to see that they're hyperfocusing on that category is making me extremely excited, especially with some of my favorite weapons new to mankind, the martar and the F2 000.

modern warfare 3 season 2 the walking dead

I wonder if it's going to actually act like the classic F2000 or if it's going to be a different version. We're going to find out. You know, it wasn't really my favorite gun, but it was fun because it was quirky back in Mod Warfare 2. You know what I'm saying; it wasn't like, you know, your most ideal weapon to use, but it was still kind of funny to, you know, rock around with it.

I'm assuming it's going to be tremendously better in this game, obviously, but only time will tell. I'm still excited to see, though, that, like I said, ARs and SMGs are getting hyper-focused. That's always fantastic news. Of course, you know, zombies and Fortune's keep new skins for Ghost MH, Six Little Bird, and all that stuff.

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I don't really care about that; I only care about the weapons because I'm a multiplayer guy, and to be honest. I am pretty dang satisfied, but when it comes to season 2 as a whole. I'll be real. I'm excited for it, and I've been having fun with this game. I know everybody, you know, doesn't really have that good of a time, especially on this channel.

modern warfare 3 season 2 weapons

I don't know; it's strange because I always say on this channel that I enjoy this game, yet there are a lot of people who really despise it. I guess it's because I cover all the news. I've always said this from day one, and I still feel this way I enjoy the gameplay. You know, from time to time, yeah, it might get a little boring because there's not much content coming out.

But you know, every single time a season drops, the gamepl is good enough for me to hop back in. The only thing that stinks is a skill-based matchmaking man, and we just had that skill-base matchmaking talk. There are some things that I want to discuss further in the future, but for the time being, they're still thick.

modern warfare 3 the walking dead

Right at the end of the day, it's still thick. They might have talked about it, but it didn't change anything, so we're still sweating non-stop in these lobbies. That's probably the biggest thing that you know pushes me away from wanting to dabble in the game, but other than that, the gameplay itself has been pretty fun for me, and a lot of these maps are looking really cool.

I love the vortex event with the, you know, vortex maps, redone. I made a article about that; I said it was awesome, and I'm probably going to think the same thing about this, hopefully because they actually look pretty cool with the post-apocalyptic. Type Vibes for a lot of these Modern Warfare 2 maps, and then again, like I said, the three new maps look phenomenal; they look just like, you know, the first three maps.

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Rio Grease and, you know, meat; they don't look it, of course, but you know style Lane Wise; and variety-wise, they look similar, like once again, they're trying to nail it home, drive it home. It is way better. I'll say that again. I don't really buy skins in these games, so I'm not going to own any of them, but I can definitely admit that.

modern warfare 3 the walking dead bundles

It will look a little bit better within the game itself, but as always, ladies and gentlemen, if you enjoyed it, leave a like; if you hate it, leave a dislike; don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell. We post daily here at 8 in the morning Eastern time, and sometimes we do some afternoon uploads, so of course, like I said, hit the bell so you can be notified on all that stuff, and last but not least, we sometimes stream.

Peace, out,

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