News - Scump's Ranked "taq 56" Setup Is Now Meta. Best Taq 56 Class Setup Warzone 2

Mgb on dome

I just recorded this whole thing. Okay, it's only like 10 minutes long, but I just did this commentary, and I look over and it says "Start," recording like shite. Also, I want to apologize for not really mixing up the articles too much, for not having too much variety, but it is because the ISO just got to version G8, so you cannot use it in ranked play anymore.

mw2 taq 56 build

Pretty much all the professional players agreed to not use it because things were kind of broken. 56 is better if you hit the upper chest, but the iso. I wish it would take out the tuning from rank play so it would be identical, but I don't know. So Treyarch is making rank play; it's kind of funny, you know, because the best thing in Modern Warfare 2 is ranked play, and Treyarch made it.

You know, of course we're not surprised Infinity War couldn't make the best thing in their own game, but I think Infinity War didn't want them to take the fun out of the game. So then they had to keep it in. I just know Treyarch would for sure want to take it out; there's no way they would do that.

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I'm surprised they were actually allowed to take out the ISO. I thought, you know, Infinity Ward would want people to level up the battle pass and do that stuff to be able to get the ISO so they can use it in ranked, okay, so this is a very aggressive class. I love it a very aggressive, class I love it a lot.

mw2 taq 56 tuning

I don't really like the attack. I like the ISO a lot more; I just feel wonky with the technology. Something about the attack makes me feel wonky, but I also love it at the same time. I'm going to start using it a little bit more, and it'll probably grow on me and things because it is a very good weapon; it's better than the ISO.

Also, if you see me missing shots, this is my first game on it; I got lucky and got the MGB first game on. Also, if you want to see me play ranked, tune into one of my live streams. I've been playing ranked with people like my boy Hummus Thunder Devour and Johnny Paradox, a YouTuber who's absolutely, insanely underrated by his skill level, a very, very good player who's kind of top-flopping constantly.

pro player taq 56

And so I usually just play that live and give you guys ranked gameplays, but my PC will go down to like 80 FPS if I'm playing ranked streaming and I'm recording, and so I just lose way too much fps in my game. I'm just gummy, and I don't really want to be a bad teammate; usually, I'm like, "Second place, first place." I was playing pretty well, but that was with the ISO.

Basically, on this map, I like to capture A and C and establish dominance, and then let the enemies have B right here. I shouldn't be pushing up; pushing up is flipping in the spawns; if I didn't push up, then they would continue to spawn him since I pushed up now, and I think they're going to be on A or C, so I really did mess this up if you got a six-man, literally.

Just have no one go in the house and just let them all spawn there, and you get crazy spawn traps, although the enemies do usually leave. Also, I hope you guys like my polyatomic camo; it's looking pretty good, very good, okay. We're for sure recording that. It was so annoying to, like, record a article with great commentary from OMG B and leave a like for that.

ranked play taq 56 setup

We're on our way, so I'm so sorry. Also, a "like" is appreciated. This guy should have died a whole business day ago. How many hip barkers did I get? Is that like seven hit markers? Like, what the shit, what the hell if I am playing pubs with this setup? Usually. I run the armor piercings because I think they're better than the high velocity, but since the crows cannot tune their weapons, the armor piercings only get better when you tune them, which is why you know they use the high velocity.

This setup is not tuned at all; I will probably give you a tuned version in the class setup, but yeah, all the pros do not tune their weapons. I think I already mentioned that. Now for me, I'm at gold three. I solo queued up to gold, then I joined my boys. Well. I had my friend STK gaming and boys, and they brought me from silver two or silver three to two gold, and then, uh, last night I was playing with my buddies, devour hummus, thunder, and paradox, and we got up to gold, three paradoxes, and crimson and crazy, and I've only had like one day and a lot of playtime on ranked really no playtime, and I think I'm ranked seven, so you know I still need to get a lot of playtime on that guy who is super weird.

taq 56 best class setup

Weird; he has legs and he's not using them. If you play like that, you will literally get worse at the game. Don't sit like that; that is so awkward. And weirdly, we're beaming with this pack. Look at that, my get, smoked. It's my first game. Look at that; it's too easy. Also, do you guys like the commentaries?

I know a lot of you guys like the commentaries, but I also know a lot of people like to see my in-game reactions. I think this is a good way to mix up the channel, though—a good way to mix things up. I think we die a few times, but we're on like a 40-gun street. That was crazy. The only thing about these commentaries is that I just kind of forget that the game is going.

taq 56 class for ranked

I just start rambling, just kind of talking, and then he's got the gameplay in the background. Just so you know, life commentary talks about random stuff. like that guy right there. He was so bad that he was good so bad that I didn't see him, but he was so bad that he couldn't kill me. Still right here, missing some shots, but remember the first game on?

Well, the enemy got a triple kill. What the hell? The sniper, I guarantee you that guy said Xbox recorded that; I guarantee you that. And he was sitting, not even moving; it's like the corner is amazing. I'm popping off in the corner, and I think we pick up his sniper later. Yeah, we pick up his sniper later, and it's so slow, his sniper literally AIMS in slower than my grandparents walking up the stairs, and that's pretty slow.

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I think we're going on a pretty decent streak over here. I don't know why he's AFK. Remember, make sure you hit the enemy's upper chest; that's when this weapon's going to be very good, and there are a few different setups for the weapon, so why is he there? He's so bad that he's good; we're going to go kill him, and look, he's going to be in the same spot.

taq 56 class multiplayer

Basically, that guy—what is this lobby? It's not the best lobby, but an MGB is an MGB, and if you want to see me play against very good players, make sure you check out the live streams; they are pretty entertaining, I would say. Come over here; we're going to pop them. Okay, dude's on C; they take him out.

I think we only die once more on Earth. Look at that sniper. Look how slowly it's flying. I think it's slow. No freaking way. I don't know how people build the class; it seems pretty much just for snipers and maxing out ads. Ads are a priority, even though building both velocity and volume is also a priority, but ads are the number one priority.

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Scump's RANKED "TAQ 56" SETUP is META in MW2! Best TAQ 56 Class Setup Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
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