News - Updated "taq 56" Warzone 2 Season 5. Best Taq 56 Class Setup -warzone 2

best taq 56 class

All right, guys. You're going to want the TV slide to give you crowd treatment speed, sprint speed, and aim down sight speed to help again with that aggression that I was referring to. This obviously suits all of the needs I was referring to when tuning. We got a negative 1.94 for aim-down sight speed and a negative 1.24 for aim-walking speed for the rear grip.

Plus 0.35 towards recoil steadiness and negative 0.09 towards sprint to fire speed for the muzzle You're going to want the FJX Fulcrum Pro for vertical and horizontal recoil control. This is our only recoil attachment, and we do need this to help you in the longer ranges this weapon does excel at, the farther fights, just because of the pace of the weapon itself in the low recoil pattern.

So that being said, the FJX Fulcrum Pro, yes, takes away some aimed outside speed but will help you significantly in the medium and long range tuning negative. Point 52 towards aim-down sight speed plus 0.25 towards recoil control for the barrel, the 17.5-inch Tundra Pro, for that damage range you need this to increase since the Nerf before I saw a lot of builds that took off the barrel and had a really fast aim down sight speed with the Nerf the weapon in the damage range that it did Nerf you do need the barrel to compensate, for the Nerf I just said Nerf like three times I think you get the picture you need that damage range tuning plus 0.19 towards recoil setiness negative one point negative.

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114, I can't talk about aim-down sight speed, and the laser sight is a slugger. There are only a few exceptions. I will not play Border Crossing, Paleo's, or Lighthouse. I probably won't play either. I'll think about it, though. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Gameplay on raceway

Gameplay on raceway

It definitely came up. I think it was twice; people want to see me play Raceway. I'm not a massive fan of the map; it's not the worst map in the game, but it's also not one of the ones that I, you know, get on and am super excited about. I just don't think it's a very fast-paced map. Like I said, it doesn't make it a bad MAP.

It's just not my cup of tea, but from what I was told, it's actually a pretty fun search and destroy map. From my friends that play search, they did tell me, Yeah, this map is super fun. When you're playing single-life game modes, I could see that it's got a bunch of routes that you can take to flank and all that.

best taq 56 class mw2

All right, so we've got another UAV to work with here. Keep in mind that I don't know the spawns on this map very well, so it's actually rather difficult for me to read where I'm supposed to be looking. Well, that was a flank, and the Ryan Show guy's dead lovely; we're on a 25. I'm not going to say it helps me a ton though because I don't know, like I said, I don't know the spawns.

Like all situations, this one is a bit more complicated than it appears, so I don't want to get shot in the back. It's always best to keep the people in front of you unless you're getting flames. I actually don't know where they're going to spawn; I haven't played. I seriously haven't played this map enough to know where the best place to look is.

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It looks like they're coming from this direction, and I choked on it; no big deal. I think I was like, Two kills off, no big deal. We just had a great game on this map. 92 kills is honestly not as bad as I thought. The spawn situation is definitely

UPDATED TAQ 56 in MW2 Season 5! Best Taq 56 Class Setup -Modern Warfare 2. Timecodes.
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