News - New" Ranked Play "taq 56" Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Taq 56 Class Setup" Warzone 2



This is the best of Soul Artful in ranked play for attack 56. The reason this is a meta AR is that if you hit all three shots in the upper chest, you actually can get a three-shot kill, plus this thing has absolutely zero recoil. So many people thought I had a Cronus, but no, this thing just has no recoil.

Best taq 56 class setup

Please watch today's gameplay. People are going to think you have a Corona with this build; it's so easy to control. We did miss some shots, but you know I'm talking and trying to explain it. Overall, it's very easy to control. One of the attachments that is on every single build is going to be on the barrel you want to use, the Tundra Pro Barrel.

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best mw2 taq 56 class

This is going to severely increase that damage output. We are going to be losing a little bit of our mobility, but those pros are so heavy that it is a must, and for the tuning. Studies show that this is going to make the weapon a lot easier to use at long range with the bottom bar. I was going to increase the ads, but I don't really want to lose any damage range because I will be challenging people across the map, and if I increase the damage range, we're going to lose a lot of our ads speed, so I'm just going to keep it at zero.

If you want to play like the pros, they don't tune their attachments just because it is G8, it is a gentleman's agreement, and they all agree to not tune their weapons, so if you want to play just like the pros. I wouldn't tune them, but if you want to have the advantage. This one is a little bit controversial.

best ranked play taq 56

Because exclusively. Ace made a article proving that the high velocity does absolutely nothing but really does make the weapon feel better, and so for me. I'm going to be running them, although you don't really need to if you don't want to. You could run an optic because the iron sights, for some people, are a little bit wonky, which then, for the tuning, increased the damage range so we're not losing as much, although I don't really think we're losing any damage range, and then just increase seat belt velocity, making the weapon feel a little bit more like hitting skin.

Just remember exclusive. Ace did prove that these don't do anything; it's just like it feels better, so it might be a placebo unless private game stats are different from in-game stats. We are going to be running the TV X Line Pro. This is going to make the ads on the weapon feel a lot better, and then we're going to get some sprint speed so we can get from point A to point B a lot quicker, plus we get crouch movement speed, which is nice and ranked because the footsteps are so loud you have to crouch walk a line, so that does come in clutch.

best taq 56 class setup

This was my previous favorite stock, but lately I've been liking the X-Line Pro, which, for the tune you want to further increase the ads speed and the aim walking steadiness. Really doesn't matter, and then since you're not going to really notice that last stream aiming out of stability, just increase the aim walking speed next up because we are losing recoil and control with this.

I'm going to be going over to the underbell, and there are a couple different options for this for the two best underbearers. For recoil, control is going to be the Edge 47 and the F-TAC Ripper, but they are going to have the slowest rates and the next best underbarrel. 4 recoil, control is going to be the Commando 4 grip, which I like more because you're not losing as much ad space as you are with the edge and the Ripper.

best taq 56 loadout

With the phase 3 grip, you're going to get a little bit less recoil control than you do with the commando, but you're not going to lose as much ad space, and, lastly, with the shark fin, you're not going to get as much recoil control, but you're going to have pretty much zero cons. With that said, you're going to be using the same tuning for every single underbarrel.

The one that we're running in the gameplay is going to be the commando, but this is a personal preference thing, and for the tuning, we're going to increase the recoil stable realization. Which is going to reduce the horizontal recoil that is very important, and then for the bottom bar because we have so many attachments, of reducing the amine idle stability, make sure you increase that value, and so now you're going to have less unpredictable recoil, and by the way, this actually isn't based on a linear scale, which is why I'm not increasing this; we get the most amount of horizontal recoil control when we increase it by plus 0.39.

best taq 56 mw2 ranked

We're already getting a lot of recoil and control, so we're just going to increase the overall mobility, and for the tuning, whenever you have the option, increase the sprint to fire because every gun has a very slow sprint to fire, so it is very crucial that you tune in for that value, and then I just want a little bit more mobility, so I'm going to go ahead and increase the speed.

So this is the final build of the weapon. Now the full crumb Pro This is going to add a lot of recoil and control, although. The weapon is going to be pretty slow, and so I don't really care for this build for the tuning; just increase the recoil and stabilization, then increase the gun kick control, which is your vertical recoil, and so now the weapons can have absolutely no recoil.

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If I were to use this build. I would probably take off the combat and add the clean shot grip with the same tuning as the other grip, then I would probably go over to the underground and add the shark fin 19, so now you're going to have a little bit more mobility with a lot of recoil control, but I still prefer and recommend the other build.

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Last but not least, this is a very aggressive attack setup. I believe Skump actually runs this exact setup, where on the Cardinal stock we are going to be tuning for AD speed and ADS speed. If you do want a little bit more mobility, feel free to take off the combat grip and add the clean shot grip with the same tuning, so now we have a lot of mobility with absolutely zero recoil.

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I just found the other one to be a little bit better when I was playing against the bed. The one with the Commando underbarrel just because every shot counts.

Crimson ranked gameplay

Crimson ranked gameplay

No, don't worry; okay, I think if we have two on here, it actually helps a lot, and then I gotta start using my trophies when I'm not because I've been using this. Nice, yeah, see, we have like two people in here; it makes it so much easier.

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