News - The "new" Ranked "taq 56" Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Taq 56 Class Setup" Modern Warfare



This is the number one AR to use in Modern Warfare 2's ranked play; the reason this is the meta AR is because the M4 and ISO are banned from rank play, leaving the three-shot attack to be the next.

Best taq 56 class setup

meta Ladies and gentlemen, this fuel setup we're about to go over is absolutely incredible. I believe octane is used; I could be wrong, but I do know a lot of professional players do use it instead.

Zero, Recoil This thing is so easy to use that even if you're not the best at the game, you're going to love this setup. Even if you're a very good player, you're going to love this setup because it's just such a satisfying beam so it's so satisfying. As you guys can see, we're actually not going to be running stock on the build.

best mw2 taq 56 class

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This barrel is going to add so much damage range to the weapon, making it a lot easier to use at range, and then for the tuning, increase that recoil setting, which is your horizontal. Recoil then for the Bottom Bar because we are not running a stock, the class does feel a little bit slower, and so I don't really want to increase damage range to lose ads.

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Ace did prove that the high velocity rounds do absolutely nothing, but all the professional players do run the high velocity rounds even though they don't do anything at all. The reason I like to run them is because we can actually tune them before the damage range increases—the overall range of the weapon.

best ranked play taq 56

I believe, by like five percent—and then you want to increase the recoil. Control So now there's going to be less horizontal, and on the weapon we are losing both velocities, but like the exclusive Ace tested, you literally shouldn't notice that whatsoever. If you do not want to run the high-velocity rounds, I will give you a variation later, but for this setup, we're running the high-velocity rounds.

Next up, you want to add some mobility to the gun, which is a great way to do so by adding that demo round. Clean shine grip If you want more recoil and control, feel free to run the combat grip with the same tuning. I'm about to take the clean shot, and for that tuning, just increase the overall mobility.

This isn't based on a linear scale, so we're getting the most map Adsb and Sprint of Fire speed when we do increase it to these values rather than if we're to max that bar out, and whenever you see Sprint of Fire, please increase that value. This is a very important aspect of the weapon. Next up for the underbelly, we are going to be running the shark fin 90 so we get a lot of recoil and control without having any cons.

best taq 56 class setup

Say you do want more recoil control. It's going to be very important to listen up, so the two best underbarrels for recoil control will be the Edge 47 and the F-Tech Ripper. The next one down is going to be Commando 4. If you don't get as much recoil control, you're not going to be losing as much mobility, and if you do want more recoil control.

I recommend throwing on the Commando; it literally makes the gun a beam. And the next one down from the Commando is going to be the Phase 3 grip, where you don't get as much recoil control but you're not going to lose as much building, so this is another very good option. Me though, I'm going to be running the shark fin 90, and for the tuning, you want to tune them all the same way, which the Tony I got on the shark fin is actually not going to be any tuning.

best taq 56 loadout

I could increase that horizontal recoil control, but then I'm losing ads speed, and then for the bottom thing, you know. I don't want to lose any means to building the aim, and walking speed's already pretty good, so I don't recommend tuning it. If you did want to tune it, I would increase the recoil stabilization and the aim walking speed; you'll have a little bit more sway and a little bit slower ads.

For this weapon. I see so many pro players running it; another pretty popular one is going to be the fjx full Chrome Pro, but I found the Komodo's a little better 4D. Tuning Just increase the recoil, stabilization reducing. The horizontal recoil, and then you want to increase the gun kick control, which is going to reduce the vertical recoil on the weapon.

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With all that said, here is an overview of the build that I'm running in the gameplay. A lot of people like it. Another very popular build is going to be pretty much the same thing, but it's going to be more for those who are aggressive. Players got the same barrel; we got the Shark Fin 90, although we will be tuning for recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability at the high velocity rounds.

best taq 56 mw2 ranked

We got the Cardinal stock, which adds a lot of straight speed without having that many cons, like you're not going to notice the loss to your stability, which then for the tuning just brings up the aim walking speed and the ads speed. I do run the combat grip just for a little bit more recoil. Control although.

The clean shot is another very good option and you want to tune it the same way it looks like I did not tune ads let me do that there you go you want to tune it the same way if you want to run the clean shot and lastly there was another very good build for the weapon this is actually probably my, personal favorite I do like the first one I showed you, but it's just a little bit too slow for my playing style.

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Overall, this is going to be my favorite with the Tundra Commando: the High Velocity X Line Pro, which is going to add speed and crotch movement speed, allowing you to play a little bit more aggressively. Although we are losing recoil control, and so that's why I'm running the Commando forearm and the combine grip just to mitigate that, and here's the tuning for the X line, sometimes, if I'm playing very aggressively.

I'll throw in the clean shot for the same reasons as I explained before. Okay, there is the tuning for that; okay, there is the tuning in my bag, and now let's get into the MGB gameplay.

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Watch to get better at mw2

I don't know why it took me so long to install a new power supply and GPU into my PC, like it literally took me seven hours I, like I made a article that I was like, Okay. I'm gonna put this in then I'm gonna go stream it, and then blah took me seven hours I, had the whole night I was just sitting there so stressed I had like a modulo power supply and a million things to plug into, and I don't know what any cable means, and it was just the most complicated headache of my entire life I.

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