News - Crazy Taq-56 Loadout Is "meta" On Vondel Park Warzone 2. Crazy Taq 56 Class Setup - Mw2

best mw2 taq 56 class

Now this build's going to do absolutely insane damage no matter if you're playing on Vondal, if you're playing Resurgence, or if you're playing the Big Four War Zone. Now guys, if you are new to the channel, go ahead and make sure you guys stick around for the full article to check out all of the tuning specs and everything you need for the Tag 56 build.

Also, let's go ahead and push for 1,000 subscribers by the end of the year. So first things first, just make your way over to your weapons, and then let's go ahead and talk about this tag 56 build. This thing is an absolute demon, in my opinion, and we will have a firing-rage kind of talk about it.

What kind of walk through it? That way, you guys can see the damage on no plates, one plate, two plates, and even three plates, so let's go ahead and do first things first. So for the tag 56, what we're going to be rocking is the 60-round drum mag. Now the reason why we're going to be running the 60-round mag is due to the fact that if we are playing war zone and we're going against maybe trios or quads, you guys will not have enough ammo in order to drop all these shields as well as knock them down for every single time that you might be pushing a combatant with, maybe.

best taq 56 class

Two to two to four people on a team are all pushing you at once because we know a lot of people like to camp and sit in corners, so that's going to be the reason why we're running the 60-round mag, and let's go ahead and talk about the next attachment. Now we're going to be talking about the ammunition for our next one, and we're going to be running that 556.

High velocity ammo just because of the bullet velocity, as well as increasing our accuracy and range just a tiny bit. Now for the tuning on this one, we're going ahead and kicking up that damage range all the way up to plus 70, and then for the bottom, we're going to kick it down to the left a little bit at -2.61.

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This is going to help with our accuracy and a tiny bit of range as well, and we'll go ahead and show you what we're doing for the rest of the attachments. So for the third attachment, we're going to be running a muzzle, and we're going to be running the Harbringer D20. This is going to help with sound suppression, so it's going to be give us giving us a suppressor-like shot.

best taq 56 class mw2

It's going to also help with our bullet velocity, our damage range, and our recoil smoothness. So for the tuning on this one, we're going to go ahead and kick that recoil smoothness all the way up to plus 1.40, which is going to be maxing it out, and then we're going to go ahead and kick it all the way to the right on bullet velocity, maxing it out at 1.0.

This is going to help a lot, if you can't tell. It's going to help with recoil accuracy range and damage, but it's going to give us a little bit less handling, and we have something to help out with that here in a second. So for our third attachment, or for attachment, I should say it's going to be a barrel, and we're going to be running that 17.5, times a pro Barrow.

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This is going to help with our damage range. Our hip-fire accuracy and bullet velocity are a little bit better than the 12, in my opinion, as it's only going to help with our ad speed and our hip-fire rec control. This actually gives us a little bit of damage range as well as hit-fire accuracy and bullet velocity, so make sure you guys are running that 17.5.

best taq 56 class setup

And then for the tuning on this one, we're going to go ahead and kick that recoil steadiness all the way up to Max at plus 5.0, and then we're going to go ahead and kick the damage range all the way to the right at plus 40, and then for the last and final attachment, we're going to be running the FSS combat grip.

This is going to help with recoil control, and it is going to be a little bit weird that we're not running an underbarrel and we're going to be running a rear grip instead, but we'll go ahead and show you guys why when we go ahead and go against the dummies, so for the tuning on this bad boy, we're going to go ahead and kick that recoil steadiness.

About 80–86.8ish, we're not going to actually max this one all the way out, but we are going to max out the bottom all the way over to aim for Idol stability. We're going to kick this one at plus 45, which is going to be maxing this one out, and then, like I said, for the top left, it's going to be plus 85.

best taq 56 class setup mw2

So with all that said and done, you should have a build that looks similar to mine, but let's go ahead and get into the firing range and see what this thing actually does. So, kicking it off, I do have the new Gly Camo. If you guys do not know how to unlock it or if you guys are having trouble, make sure to check out my other article.

So we got dummy settings with no plates. Let's see how many bullets it takes to drop. Looking at about 3 to 4 right now, you can see that there is really no recoil drop or anything like that once we get into longer range. This thing is kind of a bot since we don't have any scopes or anything on it, so it is going to take a little bit of time to get used to, but if we go ahead and prop One play onto a dummy—let's say, absolutely just.

best taq 56 loadout

I mean it beams in close to long, close to medium range. I'd say, like I said, long range, no scope. This is going to be a little bit harder to headshot, but depending on how you play this attack, 56 is going to be an absolute demon. You're trying to control it a little bit out there, but you kind of get the gist so it's not going to be absolutely crazy since we're not running a scope or anything but if we're up close and personal this thing is going to be an absolute demon so kicking it up to two plates if we're going against close to medium range, still dropping, one, still got that second one with 34 bullets we'll go ahead and rinse and repeat this one more time before we prop three plates and if you guys do want to build this for something more of a longer range, all you guys would have to do is take off I'd, say probably the ammunition perk and run a scope and it'll definitely be more of a.

best taq 56 warzone 2

Beast, but with two dummies at medium range. I mean, we're still averaging, you know, 34 to 40 bullets still left in the mag, so that'd definitely be good running against maybe a full team of four or even a trio. Duos, you can definitely destroy, though. Let's go ahead and see what the dummy settings are going to be for three plates up close as well as medium range, so there's one, there's two, and we still have 29 bullets.

CRAZY TAQ-56 LOADOUT is META on Vondel Park in WARZONE 2! CRAZY TAQ 56 Class Setup - MW2.
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