News - New Warzone 2 Season 1 Update F"ked The Whole Game Up

Things are getting worse because, in the last 20 years, it's actually been going on since the 1970s. According to Mr. Bman, off there, the KGB defector who told us about ideological subversion is taking place. It has been going on for 50 years, and we're really starting to see what's happening now—the people who are working, the people who are making decisions—at universities, which are some of the most important institutions because, as you know, when you go to university, it's sort of like a gatekeeper.


For you to get a job, whether it be in medical science or any position. I mean, like they were just saying earlier, they're trying to hire air traffic controllers and airplane pilots and trying to make it more diverse, and if you look at the people, if you actually, you know, want to look at real data that's not forged or trying to sneak in fake information, if you look at these people, and like I said, this is Call of Duty Community as well, this is exactly what you're seeing in real-time such games; this is WHY games are broken.

Updates: This is why the game stinks; this is why we have skill-based matchmaking. Skill-based matchmaking is communism; they're trying to basically take away from the good and try to make it equal so that the dribbling morons can have a safe space, but if you want to see what's going on the last 50 years, you look at universities and what they're teaching there, and they see the brain-dead people come out just full of propaganda like zombies walking around with pride in their eyes going.

Okay, I believe what I'm told. That's exactly what's happened, as you can see. Imagine this kind of mistake happening in an airplane on a flight during a surgery. This is what's going to happen. I'm not even exaggerating; I'm not even joking. This is actually going to happen. We are going to see the demise and downfall of the West, not just because we did something to us.

We did it to ourselves. We're doing it to ourselves. We are literally shooting ourselves. Literally, they're shooting people in the army. They can't even get people who are obese; they can't even get people who can pass the basic physical examination and test to be able to even get into the army, so they're taking morons.

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Look at the cops. You want to know why there are so many people getting beat up and looking at all the bad article tapes. Obviously, 99% of cops are good, but you know what I'm saying. But you want to know why cops are worse off than now because they can't find anybody to fill the positions and they have to hire losers.

I'm not saying that there's equity in hiring for police officers; there are female cops. That's amazing and great. I'd really like to see a 5', 750lb woman try to wrestle down a 6' Tu man Agro out of his mind. You know what happens? They have to resort to deadly force quicker than anybody else because their lives are at risk right away because the man's on top of them.

Next, you know, they pull out the cap and try to shoot him. Just look what happened at the courthouse when they tried to take that man downstairs to the courtroom. They left like three bayts in the jail cell with the guy. The guy just ends up taking all their weapons off, and they execute them all right there and go in the courthouse and start busting C's ass too.

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My point is that this is what's happening in gaming. This is what's happening in Call of Duty. You take that and put it out there in the real world, and you get real problems. Not just about the article game we're complaining about here, which doesn't really matter in the big spectrum of things; it's just really highly annoying that these developers can release a game so broken over and over again.

How do you do an update like this as my boy is here in the war zone? Loadout said, Come on, man, how do you update this? How do you see all these bugs? all these freaking glitches There's no way you don't know that, and you just push it out anyways because you have to, but you're like, It's broken.

We'll fix it after Call of Duty Community is a bunch of morons; they won't know any better. CU, all he does is eat meat, and he's probably really backed up. He's really constipated, and that kind of upsets him. What the problem is that, you know what is that the article game is more like dopamine harvesting at the recycling center; that's all you're really doing; you're chasing dopamine.

That's why it's addicting. Because the article game has figured out that they did it accidentally on purpose, I don't know why the Call of Duty games were started off by military propaganda. They were funded by the departing State Department to try to recruit people, and they even said themselves that Call of Duty article games have done a way better job recruiting people in the Army than they ever have in their entire lives, even though now the people who play article games in Call of Duty wouldn't want them protecting your car in the parking lot, let alone your country and your borders, which are not protected anyway.

It's really kind of strange to Joe Biden how many years ago he was talking about how we got to have strong borders. Barack Obama when he wasn't drone-striking communists and being a war criminal rather than actually winning a Nobel Peace Prize. I know right, he was talking about protecting the borders.

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Now it's like, Open it up; let's let everybody in. That's basically the kind of armed services you would have if you got into the Call of Duty community to try to protect the border. The point is that Call of Duty isn't even about having fun; it's about dopamine, as you can tell when you're playing with these kids playing online.

So who cares? I'm out of here. This new update completely destroyed Call of Duty, probably because they got a bunch of people who are not good at their jobs because they were hired not based upon their actual merit, like Martin Luther King said, judge me not on the color of my skin but the content of my character all right, which is not exactly what's happened.

I'm out stay black; question authority. Don't the Hy cracker shapes you have just build a mo-base heart spraying Chemtrails. 7, was definitely inside the job; just Google the Coke Tower 7 up, a human grow worship Al flat fake Al Jones. The gay white man brings you.

The new Season 1 reloaded update completely ruined and mess up Warzone and MW3 multiplayer. The game is unplayable. - BECOME A MEMBER AND HELP SUPPORT ME TO CREATE BETTER VIDEOS.
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