News - New Warzone 2 Season 1 Update F"ked The Whole Game Up

modern warfare 3

Nowadays, whoever is in charge of hiring people is in charge of equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. The people making article games now don't know what they're doing, and you're starting to see it in real time when they release these updates with absolutely unbelievable broken situations occurring.

It is completely broken, and that's not even the correct English-broken update. Whatever, look at this [__] nonsense. This is the most broken update ever. This is just a couple of instances. Look at this what the [__] fix after a minute. What does it look like? It's a visual bug. I ran straight into it, bug.

What have they done? It's a fault line now; there must have been an earthquake; it's just a fault, Line. I mean, even the Call of Duty Shields are losing their minds on Twitter about how broken this update is and how many issues there are with it. I mean, what is going on? Who are you, people? I'm glad sledgehammers block me because I'd be giving you an absolute ass ripping right now, hurting all your little protected little sjw, my God.

mw3 gameplay

Ukra liberals, you guys are destroying. Society I'm not even using chopos, hyperbole, or exaggeration. You people hire people based upon all things; they have nothing to do with the merit of their skill, and this is what we're seeing in society right now. You want to know why things are going to hell because they're hiring people who work at the most prestigious universities who plagiarize.

Their goddamn thesises to get even with These people are all not qualified to have the positions they had; they got them not based on merit; they got them because they are a certain color, gender, vote a certain way, or have pronouns that are bio or some kind of nonsense. I'm going to put it here right now.

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Some people are better at other things than others; it is just the way it is. I don't care if that's fair or not fair; that's how it is, and in a world that is predicated by other people's decisions and how what other people do has effect on this and that and the Snowball Effect, there's like an important thing about article games.

new mw3 update

This is just article games, but also, I forgot I got carried away there going on my rant. Look at the Call of Duty shills. If for any reason, let me calm it down. Even the Call of Duty shills have had enough of this nonsense. War zones load out. I really don't understand how an update with so many visible bugs can get the green light from this company with dozens of developers and millions of budgets.

The bugs are all over the menu. There's no way they are not able to know before pushing the go live button. Yeah, here we go. Updates we're investigating an issue causing kill streak notification banners to not appear correctly. The fetching data we're investigating is an issue causing players to get stuck in a fetching data loop.

We're investigating an issue causing players to enter a bug. State when attempting to open a loadout Charlie Intel is here to discuss all the issues with the war zone. After today's update, so far, loadouts do not work in the game, causing the game to bug and crash. Kill streak notifications are not showing up anymore when you get a notification to pop up, so you know what the hell's going on, right?

new season 1 reloaded update information

You don't know what's going on, Boom. You get smoked by a killstreak. Many players are also stuck in the fetchy profile. Loop still to get into the war zone. These are just some of the tweets. They are freaking out as well. People have had enough of this. But hey, keep voting for liberals, and things get a lot worse when they start hiring people to fly your planes; they're not based upon skill but because they're black or whatnot, and then you crash or you hit emergency landing because you're hiring people to do the most important jobs in the world.

Just take an example: Microcosm, Call of Duty. Look what brokenness is. This is what we're looking forward to in society in actual important jobs like getting doctors, people to fly airplanes, air traffic control, or scientists. Or teachers at Harvard University who are hired because they're cheating liars, and then they go out there and can't even give you a proper answer to an easy question in front of the Senate, and you're like, Wait, why are the kids coming out of university brains?

new season 1 reloaded update mw3

[__] morons, I know I just uploaded a article earlier telling you how awesome Call of Duty was having a great time, which I was until this update now it's completely broken. Do bar trying to play the game, well, you can, but over half you are not even bothering going to be able to play the game, and you're end up getting a bunch of glitches and having a freaking stroke by the strob blade effects and all the glitches and stuff going on.

It's no point playing this; your Call of Duty Shi is trying to get a bunch of people to donate to you even though you're a million, with super high definition. Google spec glasses and you dress up like a car cartoon character at 46 years old, can you anyway? I'm going on a ram-tangent again there.

new update breaks game

Call of Duty streamers—they can all suck a dick. You guys can really suck on it if you don't like this article. By the way, if you didn't like this article, I don't like it. You want to know why it's super easy? Go over here, and go over there. Go hit the click button. How hard was it to support somebody who actually has balls, someone who is actually keeping it real?

I'm the Trump MLG, I'm the Alex Jones of the Call of Duty Community, and you got to respect that if you don't well, then quite fry. You know, hey, I would never have you do any surgery on me. Real pro tip: not Call of Duty real life you want; make sure if you're going to a doctor, it's more important now than ever.

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More important now than ever, if you want the odds, not everyone's going to be; you might find the opposite, but your best odds for finding a good doctor are that you want a male, and you want it to be Jewish. Asian, or white; you just want to put it out there. Those people have the highest requirements and standards, more so than anybody else, because it is actually racism when you want to.

new update broke game

You know not to select them and sting somebody else, but yeah, just pick the people when you want to. You know, you have a higher chance of having an actual doctor who knows what they're doing, but these developers don't know what they're doing. That's why it's getting worse. I mean, like I said, I went on my rant earlier, but let's just really make it clear here.

The new Season 1 reloaded update completely ruined and mess up Warzone and MW3 multiplayer. The game is unplayable. - BECOME A MEMBER AND HELP SUPPORT ME TO CREATE BETTER VIDEOS.
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