News - G3t High Is The Best New Map Warzone 2


I wanted to take a moment to add some positivity to this channel and talk about how I absolutely. I love the new map that Modern Warfare 3 added, called Get High. I can't just sit here and complain about skill-based matchmaking all the time we got to talk about some stuff going on that's actually good for the game, and I think this map is fantastic for the game, not just because I'm a sucker for retro wave, but because it's a badly needed parkour practice course.

So in case you haven't seen this, they added this as part of the new blaze-up event, where they got Chich, Chong, and Snoop Dog lots of weed camos. They've been kind of doing this every single year. It's usually a fun event, so the map is called Get High with a Three. Because of the event, and you know, 420 approaching blaze up, but also because you're climbing upwards and racing people to the top in order to win instead of just shooting and killing, you have to be faster than the other players.


It reminds me a lot of the Fortnite maps—the sort of Fortnite death runs or the difficult parkour routes are only up and things like that—and I don't think that it's necessary. Fits the blaze-up event cannabis theme, except that Stoners really do enjoy LED lights. As I say that I'm calling myself s out because of the Cyber shower that I have the floating glowing bed the automated lights in my living room or even my YouTube playlist it's like this was made for me just like I kind of enjoyed the finals map it was just recently added about hackers or as you can see this is my actual desktop that I'm recording on right now that is retro Wave 2 so I am sort of fully immersed in this aesthetic my wife loves it too we have a lot of fun stuff going on here, and aesthetically speaking this is what you would call retro wave.

This isn't a blaze-up event; this is just literally, retro wave, and you've probably seen this on YouTube in the form of those NeverEnding music streams of like Chill Vibes music, and they have the DeLorean riding across Digital California toward the digital sunset. So yeah, it's made for me. The map, I think, is aesthetically beautiful.

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It's a little disorienting at times. I might have picked some slightly different colors, but that's fine. What's really important to talk about here today is how this changes Cod gameplay, because this isn't just. I don't think it should be anyway, just a one-off of it map, but rather a parkour training map.


This is one of the few places to help you develop your skills and get better at the game, and we haven't seen one of those since the parkour maps in Black Ops 3. I think Black Ops 3 launched with one. I actually forget its name at this point, but you had to do things like time trials, go to the end, and sort of master all of the movement mechanics in the game.

It was like a tutorial you had to run through. I used to love making runs on the old Black Ops 3 parkour map and try to do it as fast as possible, and while Modern Warfare 3 does not have advanced movement mechanics. Like jetpacks and wall running, it does have a lot of advanced movement mechanics.

blaze up

You got dolphin diving and knee sliding. You've got a variety of weird types of slides that you would do to manipulate the cameras to gain speed, a lot of stuff associated with climbing and swimming, and kind of neat stuff like that, but so far there hasn't really been a place to practice that out except for private matches, so it's really nice to have a map in the game where you can practice all of these things and get good.

I don't know if this map is going to stay after the event, but I think GI High should be a permanent edition. Honestly, I think it would be worth expanding, or maybe having a second version or just some kind of, maybe like a war zone-specific one. I think that this is a fundamentally good thing that will help players develop their movement skills because that's a very important part of Call of Duty.

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Now it also adds another type of competitive element to the game that we haven't seen, which is speeduns. Call of Duty has no real-speed runs or real-time trial-type things that I'm aware of. we did we did used to have the firing range in COD 4, where you try to do that super quick. If you remember people who loved that, they had a ton of fun doing that, trying to get the high score, whatever, and I think that's what people are going to do here, and I do want to point out at this point in the article that the gameplay you're watching is not mine.

cod mw3

You'll see JB's name in the bottom left corner. I asked him to get me the footage because I kind of have potato fingers right now. I'm going to be honest with you. I played the map, and it was fun, but I was not able to perform super well, so I fell off. Many times it was not something that I was comfortable showing on YouTube; it was a little bit embarrassing, but that kind of goes back to my point: maybe I need this map for training; maybe I need to develop my skills more and get good, so yeah.

I really like it, and if developers happen to be watching. I really hope the map stays. And part of this article is also just that I kind of wanted to say something good about Call of Duty. I've said all I can say about the small new map, but you may have noticed on this channel a bit of a trend toward negativity.


As of late, about the game. I've done way too many articles about skill-based matchmaking and weird updates and cheating and hacking and stuff like that, and what I don't want is for this channel to turn into a Call of Duty hate Channel I don't want to. I live at the bottom of a well of infinite negativity about a article game, and you know that while Call of Duty is going to be here for a long time, many of you have also noticed that I'm kind of transitioning to doing more non-gaming topics.

Most of these topics are going to be some flavor of entertainment, and I want to keep them mostly positive. If possible, I want people to feel good when they're watching my articles. So I just didn't want to mix in too many bad vibes, and I just have been kind of hating on Call of Duty for a couple of months here, and I saw this thing that I thoroughly enjoyed that I actually loved and said.

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Okay. I have to share that it's like, if it's unethical for me to not complain about bad things, it's also unethical for me to not share things that I thoroughly enjoy, so that's just kind of what I wanted to do today. I hope that you enjoyed a little bit of the gameplay. I hope you enjoyed a little bit of the conversation.


I seriously hope that you checked out the new map because it's very fun. If you did, don't forget to like your favorites. And subscribe, of course. I'll give a shout-out to my sponsor at the end. Logitech G: These are their Pro X2 headsets, which are my primary gaming headsets here in the gaming bed, and, to be honest, my wife uses them too.

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