News - New: Warzone 2 Ranked Play Maps Ultimate Guide. 6 Star, Vista


As well as. Towards the right side and you're still in the hill on the other side of the sign towards this box if you crouch, and slowly move left and right you'll see my body sinking towards the floor you can get far down enough to get the bottom part of the rail lined up with the top of the bridge this an even lower heady to contest anybody pushing from the P3 side and then of course you can stand up and look towards lower Bridge before crouching and going back down if somebody's playing the back spawn building towards that window to contest P5 you should know that you can Crouch at these boxes, and get a line of sight between them a similarly great head glitch that stays in time as well from the Rocks if you hug this ledge right here you can sink far enough towards the bridge that this is a great head glitch over the railing. And then of course from earlier you can strafe to the right and look lower time, as well you can go on these rocks here which gives you a head glitch over ticket to look P1 and P1 railing and you can even see all of P3 as well from here some people don't know that you can hop on top of this, which is a greater way of getting from a low bridge to top rails easy rotation from P5 to P1 you can go that way or you can just jump straight up to the railing and mantle here from the same roof you can jump on the lamp post which would be an interesting way to fight people that are P1 tip number six is Vista nade spots to take care of any opponents that are pushing Tower or Tower to Mid what you can do off spawn is aim the nade over that left, hedge.

Vista nade spots (mw3 ranked play)

Vista nade spots (mw3 ranked play)

This will land on the deep side of midway and take care of anybody holding those steps you'll see on the kill cam. This goes up and over midway, landing at those deep steps at the top of the tower and the same nade from the other side as you're going up the tower of steps. Cook the nade and send it over the bar and grill.

Also read:

Sign, this will land deep mid, and as you and kill cam right over the bar and grill landing at the deep midst steps, the next nade is for the step pady off spawn. Of course, after you give the steps, a couple love taps to see if they're there, and you can send a nade over that same trash can as well.

modern warfare 3

Well, this will go all the way over P1 as you see and kill, Cam. Landing directly at those God steps, the next nade will land here, as this is where a lot of people will funnel as they're trying to push P1 from the same God steps for the P3 side. All you need to do is aim it over the left part of that building, jump, and send the nade, or you don't even need to jump, and then kill the cam.

You'll see this goes directly over P1.

Vista spawns (mw3 ranked play)

Vista spawns (mw3 ranked play)

And lands in that alleway I would send this nade pretty much off spawn every single time you're trying to contest P1 tip number seven is Vista spawns you'll see here on the mini map at P1 the spawns will come through here towards office or over here towards single pal and Tower this is going to be a lot of midf flooding, and a lot of those God steps like we were talking about earlier and that nade spot for that funneling area towards P1 over here by the desk fortunately these spawns on P1 should stay fairly consistent, you'll see the rotation start to come in towards P2 here a little bit towards the end of the hill and now here once P2 spawns up the spawns are similar but a little lower on your mini map you're going to see a little more single palm and closer to back burger and then over here in depth should shift a little bit closer to the PCU side as these kills come through they're even spawning Back DJ.

mw3 6 star

So just be ready for a nasty spawn trap DJ. As long as you're here blocking, some splits will come through, like you saw in Modern Warfare 3. From the sounds, once P3 spawns up, you're going to be looking at the same single Palm spawn. Maybe some top burger and top Tower and then some as far back as office and deep spawn so for now the favorable spawns are probably going to be towered just cuz you can easily check mid and P1, a lot of funneling is going to be happening over here towards the middle part of the map and then towards Bridge so you'll see the single Palm spawns come through somebody gets a split over here towards bridge but generally those are the main spawn points you're going to be looking at here on this hill now for P4 over here towards Tower you're going to see people spawning souvenirs.

mw3 ranked play

On the red team so the souvenirs will easily funnel into single palm, and then the blue arrows are spawning over here towards P2 so a lot of contesting for top Tower top Burger to get control of the hill and then the people that spawn over here towards souvenirs and P3 are going to be working towards single pal in the last Hill P5, at the bridge your main spawn points are still going to be at souvenirs and dark and then over here towards depths probably working P1 control is going to be your best bet for breaking especially if you're the team that's spawning souvenirs just so you're not ching the head on gunfights at the bridge, the people that are spawning back depths and back office will probably for the most part funnel P1 as well towards that Alleyway we were talking about earlier and then some people like you see number four is doing will push towards office and try to challenge Hill from that angle the main two spawn points are going to be souvenirs.

Vista callouts (mw3 ranked play)

Vista callouts (mw3 ranked play)

And then depths and office and tip number eight is Vista call outs we have P1, this is Diner this is mid steps this is P2 plat all of this is P2 you can call this ice cream corner this is Burger top burger steps and long this is Tower so Tower steps Tower plat this is P4. This building here is DJ Single Palm; this is Arches; back here is Souvenirs.

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This is art. Art leads to a bridge in P5, and art steps lead to P3. This is rails or top rails behind Bridge. All of this is rock. Rocks lead to tickets. This is an office, or back office. This entire area here is deep. And those are my eight tips for the new Maps six-star and Vista. I hope you enjoyed them.

Also read:
6 Star MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play on 6 Star, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots, Spawns, Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Callouts. Hope you enjoy! Vista MW3 Ranked Play How to Get Better in MW3 Ranked Play on Vista, get ready for modern warfare 3 ranked play TODAY with best MW3 Ranked Play Gods Spots, Spawns, Nade Spots, and MW3 Ranked Play Callouts. Hope you enjoy.
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