News - New" Solo How To Tombstone Glitch. After Patch. Duplication, Unlimited Stash Warzone 2 Zombies. Guide

new method to solo tombstone glitch after patch duplication

I want to set it right there. This is also the best place to set it because zombies are not on this little island here, so you will have no problem digging into your tombstone and choosing whichever items you want. Want, so this is a Island by itself and I speak I would highly recommend that you guys use this island to set your Tombstone, it's more convenient it's in the middle you can use both from every single angle and get to this location you can see and that's what I have been doing so from here guys we want to go ahead and make sure that we don't have a team make sure you don't in a full team when you are doing your Tombstone, so make sure to click on up and just click leave your team as you can see I am solo so obviously it won't work but you can just click on all and up on your d-pad scroll down to where see leave Squad and just leave just like that ensure that you do that because that is super important or else it will not work and the next thing that you guys will not need to have is a self reses.

Thing, all right, so you should get eliminated, just like that. Don't worry, guys; I know we got eliminated. From this point on, your Tombstone is officially set, and you will lose a few things, but don't worry about it; they are all still in your Tombstone stash, so let's go ahead and click on. Leave now we are in the lobby again.

Also read:

If you go to gear, you can see that you don't have anything. If you lose your backpack or any insure weapon slot and also decoy and all that, you will lose all of them. But don't worry, your tombstone is officially set, and it's there for you at any given time. Now you can choose to carry your weapon because we are obviously going to do the duplication now, so let's actually carry a weapon.

new solo how to tombstone glitch after patch duplication glitch

Let's carry these two weapons. And now we can actually switch characters if you guys choose to, so I'm going to switch my character. Here, it doesn't matter; they all have small backpacks, but we do have a large backpack in our Tombstone stash that we can use at any time with any character, so let's go and find one, Match.

As we are loading in, guys, you can see we're on the countdown screen, and you have already seen our Tombstone stash on the map. Now let's bring up our map, and you can go down and you should see our Tombstone stash, or whichever you store your Tombstone, it will be there. Now just make our way over to our tombstone.

We are going to grab every piece of item that we got in there, and we are going to duplicate it. There's actually somebody Tombstone here, all right, so another tip for you guys: once you set your Tombstone like this, you never want to buy a new Tombstone perk again unless you are trying to reset your Tombstone.

new solo how to tombstone glitch duplication

Okay, so now we are at our tombstone stash, and you guys can see this is the tombstone stash you can now dig in, and first you're going to need to equip your large backpack because obviously we come in with a small one, and just let's grab all our items and let them break. Just like that, once it is broken, you can actually go ahead.

setup tombstone

So now we are going to do the duplication, and we will need Act 4 to do the duplication. This change is the change. The bad signal is the Act4 contract mission, so you will need to have your Act4 bad signal. Mission, selected, and once you have it selected even if you don't complete it should be here and we're going to just go into this thing here, and we're going to choose yes we're going to vote Yes and there should be a countdown, then, it will bring us here and you're going to wait till the black scream if you're on PC, and then you're going to click on alt and F4 to back out and close down your game application if you guys are on Playstation or Xbox, you're not going to wait till you see the black scream you're going to just immediately close your application once you see the purple transition, okay that should be pretty much easy to understand once you see that purple transition for PlayStation and Xbox, you're going to go ahead and close down your application, but for PC like myself I will wait until I see the black, screen, all right so once we are in the game let's go to zombies, and if we did this successfully you should see every piece of item that you had in your backpack so go to gear and voila you can see everything.

Included are my weapons and all of my stuff that I had. Everything is here, so from here, guys, you want to go ahead and unequip all of these just to duplicate them, and all of these will now save them in your stash. You guys can see this is my stash. You can save them in your stash. is full and you probably need to destroy it will tell you that your stash is full, and you probably need to destroy it.

unlimited essence

I'm going to show you guys how to work around it. The reason why you get that is because some of your items that you have in your stash are actually original items—genuine genuine items, to be exact. You don't want to have genuine items that you craft from in your craft. Here, from your schematic craft, you don't want to craft these items and put them inside of your stash because obviously once it reaches like 10 out of 10, you won't be able to have any items in your stash, so all you need to do if you figure that something went wrong and somehow you have the message that is saying you need to delete them is go ahead and locate all of the items that you think were originally crafted or originally earned from in the game, so you're going to go ahead and for sure I know all of my signatures.

Duplicated but for these fire mods, I think I generated them. I craft them and a few ray guns as well, but I would work on this stuff first. I would immediately destroy this stuff because obviously you will not need them or just carry them in game and use them, and it should be okay. And also another thing: if you go ahead and look, you can see I have a quick revive Canon here.

unlimited essence mw3 zombies

And I got me more stuff it should be down here wait let me just look through here and you can always generate them if you got tombstone, here so I did craft a few tombstones and stuff and save them in my stash so I can use them but you don't want to actually do that because what that will do is, that will fill it up 10 out of 10 then you can't go over the limit, and it will ask you to destroy stuff so if that happened to you actually know what to do just search for all the items like all this dead wire just remove all of these just remove them it doesn't hurt removing these stuff you don't actually need them Quick Revive just remove them you can always generate them if you got a schematics.

Or you can always purchase them in the game Tombstone. I must save that tombstone, but I have two, so I'm going to delete one tombstone. Now if you guys actually go back into the game, your tombstone will be there again with the same items that we just previously left the game with, and you can always rank them using the same process over and over and replicate as many items as you guys want.

unlimited stash

So with that said, guys, I'm going to wrap this one up. I love you all. Stay safe, and I'll catch you guys in the next article

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