News - The Power Of The Flamethrower Returns Warzone 2 Zombies Extremely Op Loadout


Now if you guys really missed the flamethrower, we found a gun that does almost exactly what the flamethrower used to do, even down to killing Mega Abominations in absolute seconds. I appreciate everybody that stopped by the article today if you're into zombie content or anything Call of Duty. Subscribers, we're already on the road to 18.

I cannot thank everybody enough for all the insane support that you guys have been showing on the channel here lately. It truly does mean the world to me. Believe me, guys, I cannot wait to jump into everything about this loadout, but really quick. I do need to give a huge shout-out to today's sponsor if you guys are looking to unlock the new MW3.

Everything right now. I am pretty sure, don't quote me on this, but I am pretty damn sure this is the fastest-killing Mega Abomination gun that we have in the game right now, but there are a few things that's definitely helping this AR melt through these Mega Abominations, and I'm going to tell you what they are right now.


Number one, this is one of the ARS. It actually allows you to equip the incendiary bullets, and these things are weak to fire, and that does add just a little bit of extra damage. Not only is it going to be doing extra damage, but the incin bullets also do lingering damage, so even after you stop firing, you're going to notice that they're still taking a little bit of damage.

You can also double up the flame effect by putting a Napal burst on your weapon, and it's going to just be tearing through these mega-abominations. And with how powerful this F is already, it absolutely gives you these mega-abominations. Check out this guy. Here we even got an hvt on a mega Abomination, and he didn't even beam at us, and we were able to kill him in just, I think, a minute later.

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There are a couple other guns that can do almost everything that this thing is doing, like the iso Hemlock, and then there is also the Razer Back. Both of those guns are actually really good, but the Iso Hemlock just isn't as good for killing zombies and stuff. This is good for almost everything; we can just absolutely shred through all of these red-tier Zone zombies, and then all the bosses that we've come across, like the mimics and the manglers, just absolutely stand no chance.


I wanted to keep this next clip up in here because I wanted to show you guys that usually I want to get on top of something so I can get these guys to beam at me, but I even just stood my ground right here, and even with all of the zombies that were surrounding me and the Mega Abomination, we were still able to just shoot through everything.

Now I didn't have Mega holding on to this thing, so I definitely slapped on that largest Meg, and after Pack-a-Punch, it's going to give you 120 rounds, and like I said before, we were able to kill these Mega Abominations in literally a single mag, so I can only imagine what this would be like if you actually had Magga holding up on it just absolutely.


Crazy, by the way, at the very beginning of the match, you guys see that guy that tried to join me when I was doing the Easter egg to get my free legendary and flawless crystal. Usually, guys, especially when I'm out here trying to test guns and stuff. I do like to run solo, but I did let him join up with me because I know what it's like to try to come out here and get some of these Easter eggs and some of these items.

It's really hard, especially lately, when everybody just rushes out there and you have to be one of the very first ones to get to them. I let him join so he could at least complete the Easter egg with me and get some of those things out of the rift, and then I just left on my own again. We're going to kill one more mega-abomination.

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Before we head on into the dark ether, I need to get myself some Elder sigils, and I really wouldn't mind getting another Mega holding. We're going to be going into season 2 reloaded, and today they definitely made some changes in here, some that are not really for the better, and it's just my look that whenever I put out a nice little piece of information that I think might be really useful to people, they go and change something like this, and not only do they go and change it, but they end up breaking it in the process.


I'm just going to talk about it now because I really want to. Well, after their most recent patch, they ended up fixing it, so now you really cannot do that on the PN; you actually have to hold it, and the PN still works. What you guys are going to notice is that when I tried to do it on the ether extractors, not only could I not do it, but I couldn't get them to activate at all, and I tried several times to get them to actually work now.

I know these things have been known to be a little bit glitchy in the past. Trust me, I have run these dark ethers and done these contracts. Just more times than I would honestly like to admit, usually if I mess with them a couple of times. I can get it to work, or even just by, you know, trying to activate it once or twice by standing right there.

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I can usually get it to work, no matter what I was doing, was working, or was actually getting it to work. This is the second time that this has happened to me. I don't know if I mentioned that already or not, but this is the second time that this has happened to me, like in a row, coming into this dark ether.


My overall theory is that there's probably a developer out there somewhere who got some sort of word that we were doing it this way in their attempts to fix it, so that way we would actually have to hold on to the items to activate them in the contracts. Well, since they were already glitchy. I have a feeling that they just made them even more glitchy in their attempts to try to fix things, like, well, good job you made it, so we can't just double tap it to activate these things, but now we can't activate them at all.

Well, what can you do? But this thing actually did handle that HVT. Mega Abomination that we got in here really well. I figured that it would. I just needed to actually get that guy lured out of the damn fog. Don't ask me why I always get stuck behind that damn dumpster. I do not know. Now that we're here over in our Outlast contract, you guys are going to see how this thing's just handling these dark ether zombies.


We had absolutely no trouble in here whatsoever. Yeah, I did try to do the tap thing on the PC, but it definitely doesn't work anymore. I definitely have to say, guys, almost absolutely. Everything about this AR is just beautiful, but it really only has one major downside, and that is that it is an AR, so it is just naturally a little bit slower.

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