News - New" Solo How To Tombstone Glitch. After Patch. Duplication, Unlimited Stash Warzone 2 Zombies. Guide

best tombstone glitch

Backpack now, once you have a character that has a large backpack, you should see that you have a bunch of slots here that you guys can go ahead and pretty much choose all of your items that you want to store or save in your tombstone, so whenever you enter your tombstone, these are all the items that you will have available to use in every single game that you guys enter.

So let's go ahead and equip some of my schematics. These are all the items that I will be carrying. To do the tombstone, these are items I want to have stored in my stash. This Tombstone soda can is not included because I will need it to actually set my tombstone, so I will be carrying it. I would suggest you carry a tombstone if you have the schematic for the tombstone where you can actually craft it, and that's exactly what I did, but it's all optional because you can go in game and you can buy yourself a tombstone from the tombstone machine.

If you have any weapon on you. I would suggest that you unequip it because, obviously, you don't want to lose your insurance slot, so make sure that it is just unequipped and you are just going in with your f. You can carry a decoy or a throwing knife. So let's go ahead and start the game up for the first time, and we are going to do this solo.

duplicate items

All right, so once we are loaded into the game for the first time, guys, you want to make yourself at least $2, 000. So you will be able to get yourself a tombstone. Perk, and let me actually mark the machine where you can actually buy the tombstone, so you guys can have a general idea of how it looks if it's the first time you are actually purchasing a tombstone.

So this is actually a tombstone soda machine. You should see this little skull icon on it, and this is where you would have gone, and you can actually go ahead and purchase yourself a tombstone. So another important thing that you guys should do is just bring up your mini map, zoom all the way out, and see if you have any tombstones.

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Lying around, we don't want to have any existing tombstones, because obviously it will just mess up the glitch and probably your tombstone will just not set, so if you have any existing tombstones, you should obviously break them before you go ahead and try to plant a new tombstone. In my case, I don't have an existing tombstone.

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This is actually my first time setting this up, so at this point, you can go ahead and drink your Tombstone soda. Just like I did once you actually drank your Tombstone, you should have like one more slot remaining. As you can see, in this slot I will be putting a large backpack, and I will highly suggest that you guys do the same and always store a large backpack in your Tombstone stash because You will probably die in the game, and then when you go to collect your tombstone, you will only have a small backpack, and you won't be able to collect all of your items from your tombstone stash and break them with a small bag pack, so I will highly suggest that you guys get yourself a large backpack before you set your tombstone, and that's what we are going to do here, so right now just find a delivery cargo mission, and just do that, and then we will need to get at least $110, 000, and then we should be able to buy ourselves a large bag pack, or it's optional.

how to setup tombstone

You can do the stronghold missions, and you can take over a star hole. We will not be using that method; we'll be using the easier one since we have not spawned in with a weapon at all, and I don't want to use any of my crystals or anything. Like that, because obviously I want all of these to be inside my tombstone, so from here, let me open this and try to get the zombies to chase you.

Okay, so there's some guys in there; let's actually get in there now and complete this. Mission all right, so we got one mission complete. Let's see what we actually get here for the AA reward. We got ourselves, and we rewarded all the right guys, so we got the third delivery contract complete, and we got about $9, 000.

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9,600, to be exact, and we did that in less than 10 minutes. You can see the time up there; it's like 30 to 31 minutes. I think we did it in over 10 minutes, and I wasn't even in a rush. I was just taking my time, but you guys can see that it's super easy to do these contracts, and you can always do one more, but from now on, I'm going to just try to kill a few zombies.

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You guys can actually check these machines here, these cashier machines, and you should drop you some money, so now you guys can see that I got over $10,000. So now I need to actually get myself in a boat, and we're going to make our way to this location right around here. Zip up and just buy the large backpack, then just leave immediately.

And it should be simple and easy, so let's actually go down here. There's normally a boat waiting for us down here, but sometimes it's not. Yeah, there it is; it's right there, so let's actually get this boat, and we are going to go ahead and go into the red zone for a second and just grab our backpack.


And we still have a decoy grenade, so we can go up there and throw down the decoy. Grenade, and then we can actually purchase, the large backpack and just leave all right so this is where I'm going to actually Park my boat I'm going to up on this boat here then I'm going to go up this ZIP here, by station is just right up there andless sure if I can run I'm going to try to run, actually try to reach up there where that just fell should be a problem with you just try just run and just try to get it just try not to stop and once you reach by the buying machine you're going to just throw your Deco, down so just in case any potential ched is there you go just throw it down let's go ahead and buy ourselves a large backpack you can see it's 10K bada boom now we got it and you guys can see if I open my backpack you will be able to see it let's actually go around here and get into a boat if I open my backpack now you guys can see I got a large backpack right here in my, backpack.

mw3 zombies duplication glitch

So, yeah and another tip that I want to give you guys: if you actually don't have a large backpack, you will need to buy two, and two of these large backpacks will cost you like 20K, so yeah, it's a lot of cash, and you can always get them for free by just completing the stronghold. You will be able to get them for free, but from here, guys, let's go ahead and do our tombstone for the first time, and listen clearly, guys, this is the moment that we are going to set our tombstone right there.

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