News - New" M4 Most Overpowered Class Setup Warzone 2. Best Class. Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay


This gun is accurate. This gun has no recoil. It is a beast. And then for those of you guys who like to rush but still use ARS, I've got you guys covered as well with an SMG class that's pretty awesome too. So that's actually one of my favorite M4 classes that I'm going to share with you guys right after the long-range one.

So the long range class and both classes run the same things: we got the knife as the secondary, which is a knife; we got the fry grenade; we got the fry grenade, and then for the perks, we got double time scavenger cold-blooded. And bird's eye, which is great now if you're playing Warzone, is kind of nerfed at the moment, so don't use it, and by the way, this is the class I'm sharing with.

I truly appreciate that, and sub to the channel, nobody's turned on, and I also want you guys to know that I'm going to be uploading a lot more articles consistently. I've been very inconsistent the past month, but I'm going to start uploading consistently, and once Chica, I think it's Chica Island, drops, I'm going to be uploading that as well.

best class

Now, this is not the SMG class; this is the war zone class that's mixed with multiplayer; as well. I use the exact same thing and the exact same tuning on both, and it's good, so the first one is going to be the muzzle, and that is the RF Crown 50. This one gives you horizontal and vertical recoil.

Control now I noticed one thing with the attachments: when it says horizontal on top and vertical on the bottom rather than vertical on top and horizontal on the bottom. I find it to be slightly better. I feel like this is the best for it; it's nice, you get a nice amount of damage, and you get a good amount of control for this weapon; you don't need the recoil stabilization or anything like that; this gun's already accurate enough for the barrel; you're going to put the high tower 20-inch barrel on now; this one gives you bullet velocity, which is amazing on Warzone; it gives you damage range, which is amazing; it gives you recoil; it gives you the control.

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which is great; and hip fire accuracy; so in case you have this gun out in close range and someone runs up to you, you got that hit by your accuracy to hit them nicely now in the tuning, we put the recoil setting this up and, the ads speed all the way up as well, so we don't need to put the damage range too high.

best class setup

I mean, if you're playing Warzone, you might want to put that in instead of the ads, but for the sake of multiplayer. I put the ads up on this one right here, and I'm going to the next attachment, the Slimline Pro optic. This is going to be a shared attachment on both classes; it's going to be good for close range as well as long range.

I use it for both; it gives you a nice sight; it makes it real; it's really clear to see the enemy and stuff; but it does take away some ad speed, which is why in the tuning we're going to put the ads all the way up, which is still negative towards the ads, but you get a lot less of a penalty when doing that; and then I put it to close as well; I feel like close is nicer than far; it just looks a lot better.


I'll give you guys an example quickly. So you go into the firing range, and this is what a close look looks like. Okay, that's a little weird. Yeah, so it shows you guys that right there, it brings the enemy in a lot closer, and then if you go and you say it's a far example, it's just going to look really awkward in my opinion.

I don't like setting it too far at all. You do that, and it just looks really weird; the red dot goes like, "Kind of further away." The gun's a lot further away from you, and it's just that it blocks a lot of your screen. I'm not crazy about that whatsoever, so I always put that to the side, and it looks a lot nicer.

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It still brings the enemy in on the far side, but it blocks a lot more of your screen going to the next attachment we have in stock, and that's the choreography price. Factory. And, this one gives you aiming stability and recoil control, which is something that you really need in Warzone, and if you're playing multiplayer on the larger maps or shooting at a lot longer distances with this gun, you definitely want to have that now.


I put the ABS all the way up, and I really put the idle stability to the max as well. Now, normally. I would put the aim walking speed higher, but I feel like I aim down sights a lot when playing Warzone without shooting my weapon, and I wanted to be as steady as possible, which is why I put the aiming stability rather than the aim walking speed.

The final attachment for this one is going to be the rear grip, and that's the second ZX grip. And sprint to fire speed is where I throw it to the max on this one right here. There's no need to put recoil, set this, or aim idle stability again; it's really nice right here. I'm going to tell you guys that right now, so you go into the gunsmith.

But if you're playing it like an SMG and you're playing it properly, as if you're using the Vasana for example, it's a really nice gun, and then we're going to go over to the optic like I said, we're going to leave the Slimline Pro in the tuning, we're going to leave it exactly the same; there's no need to change that going.

cod modern warfare 2

For the actual stock on this one, this is what we're going to change for sure. I'm going to put the demo D50 buffer tube the demo D50 buffer tube and this one right here is not tunable, but you do get ads, Sprint to fire, movement speed, and hip recoil. Control so if you are firing at the hip the gun's not going to be bouncing all over the place.

It's not too bad, but you lose aiming and recoil control, and there's no way of tuning this, so you lose what you lose, and that sucks, and it is what it is. But anyway, going down to the rear grip, we're going to throw it on, and it's not going to be the sack, and I think it's the Phantom grip I normally run.

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I feel like this one is slightly better; you lose more accuracy and recoil control, but you get a lot more handling. And then this one, we're going to put the ads on and tell the Sprint to fire all the way up now before we go into the muzzle. If you take this right here, you can start shooting with a pick and muzzle.

cod mw2

All over the place, and if you're trying to go for like a mid-range shot, it's going to be really hard to stay on target like I'm actually holding down on the joystick right there and it was really, really hard, so what we're going to do is we're going to go into the muzzle and you could throw on something like this that gives you recoil setting this but personally like I said we're going to want to throw on something like this now for some reason on this class I feel like the x10 Havoc.

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