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Friday. What I have here is Toronto beating Miami. Toronto is just one major one, which I correctly predicted, so they shouldn't lose now. Maybe they're going to be a bit light on the gas here since they just won, and they're not going to care as much, but they should beat Miami and New {533}olina.

Carolina literally beat New York and made them get the top 12; Carolina got the top eight, which isn't much better, but still, Carolina, I feel like it's a better team. I don't know if they're good at searching yet, so I have New York winning that game five search still, but this could go either way, but New York should be the better team most days.

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Saturday Carolina Boston. I would say 32. Carolina boston just made a pretty big change; they added ASM now. ASM is really good. I think overtime Boston will probably be the better team, but right now it's online, and I feel like Carolina could pull that out for sure. Miami definitely got FaZe in that one; they got second place in the major, but they're still really good.

Seattle New York, Seattle I don't know what's going on with them; they dropped their best player for whatever reason. Who knows what's going on with Italy? We have a new player here, and I still have New York in that. I mean, maybe they're much better, but I think New York is definitely the better team, even though they placed worse than Seattle.

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They should beat Seattle here. Vegas LG that's up in the air. LG seems better. Vegas has made a change. I don't know if this could go either way, but I think LG should definitely win over Toronto. Rocker was okay; they got fourth in the major, but Toronto is still really, really good; they should win that one, and optic thieves should win as well.

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They got third right, but you know, you never know online, things get iffy, and optics tends to play shaky online. And thieves have a new roster; they got two new players, right crimp and nasty. I'm pretty sure, so who knows how that might go, but I still got optics beating them out there, so of course again, picks, you're going to get a lot of different rewards.

You're also going to get more picks, Double points boost as well for correctly predicting matches correctly predicting matches stuff like that. I'll show some images up on screen, and of course we're going to have more viewers and rewards for the CDL throughout Season 2, Season 3, and so on. I'll be sure to update you guys when those get revealed on the channel, but overall, that's here for this article.

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