News - My Real Gun Collection From Call Of Duty Warzone 2

I have a lot of AR15 platform-style guns, but this one's probably my favorite just because of the beautiful sakote job. This was done by the King of Camo. It's got this metallic feel; it's kind of like something you probably can't really tell in the picture or in the camera, but it's like golden on one side, and then when the light hits just right, it has like a purple metallic look.

american woman

I don't know; it's just absolutely beautiful. Also, my hot button fell off, so I got to reinstall that, but yeah, we're in this next gun in Call of Duty, which is the M13. Now I have friends that swear by this gun; they've run it in their loadout, and they love it. I can't relate. I think this gun stinks, and a little PP shooter doesn't do enough damage for me, so the M13 being Call of Duty in real life is the Sig MCX.

Now this one I have is the Sig MCX Rattler. If you're wondering why I don't have a stock on it, it's because I'm waiting for my spr to go through before I can put a folding stock on here, but once it's done, it's going to look pretty freaking sick. The next gun on the list is the STB 556. I'm pretty sure everyone can recognize that this gun is the AUG.

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This is probably one of the most recognizable guns in all of Call of Duty or first-person shooter history, so I'm sure you guys have recognized that the stb in Call of Duty is also known as the sty Aug, and what kind of gamer fan would I be if I didn't have a sty Aug in real life? This actually came out kind of in an ugly color.


I wouldn't necessarily say it was ugly, but it was kind of plain, so I went and got it a Syra coat in multi-camera black, which is probably one of my favorite colors. The next gun that I have for y'all is the striker. Now this gun is my secondary IM, my loadout, so if you would like to copy and paste it to use in your loadout as well, you're more than welcome to, so leave it up here for a second so you can see it, but I just got the magma skin.

I guess what you can call it. I think we had to get like a million XP in a certain amount of time. I don't know; it's kind of cool—not the coolest event skin that they've come out with—but it's something different to throw on there for now. So the striker in Call of Duty in real life is known as the HK Ump 45.

Now this is not the HK, Ump45; this is actually the LWRC, Smg4, which is pretty much almost the same thing except it's not AK, but it's close enough, and last but not least, we have the 50 gs. This gun is my two-shot head shot; however, the recoil is absolutely freaking insane, obviously, because it's a 50, but I love this thing as long as I can hit my target.


I love it; if I miss it, I hate it. So the 50g in Call of Duty in real life is the Desert Eagle 50AE. I'll even do the one better. I had mine covered in gold, so this one's absolutely beautiful. You can see all my fingerprints on it, because I really need to clean this thing. I'm really bad at cleaning my guns, especially something as beautiful as this.

It needs to be polished very frequently, and that's a wrap for this article. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell.

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