News - How To Beat Stackers On Rebirth Island: Advanced Warzone Tips And Tricks
It's your boy, Beey, and we are back with a banger. If you clicked on the title of this article today, it's because you are sick and tired of being stacked on Rebirth Island, and today I'm going to show you how you can 1v4 these stacking dweebs so you can avoid ending up like this. Guy, my hell no man, what the [__] man, get your ass.
On, get your. Now as I break down a lot of these clips. I want you to pay attention to about four aspects that you're going to see every single Pro use in 1v4 teams that are stacking the way some of these kids are. It's going to be a combination of your gun skill, movement, equipment, and map knowledge, and the approach to every single one of these fights is typically going to remain the same.
Your goal is to isolate, replate, reload, and then re-engage. So if it's your first time on the channel, make sure you drop a like. Leave the notification bell on so you never miss any Call of Duty or war zone-related content. Now this one team has been camping on top control for the past 30 seconds, and one of his teammates makes a crucial call out in proximity chat, which you guys should always avoid.
He's belong to him, he's belong to him. Making that call out gives me the indication that he has some decent level of game sense and a decent headset. Meaning that I can't just rush up the stairs thinking that I can 1 V for them, especially when they're going to have The High Ground on me, so I'm going to use this information to my advantage by putting down two proximity mines and then throwing the smoke grenade.
When people are stacking, they typically have this FSE sense of security. Because there's no clear line of sight in a smoke grenade, as long as they're all together in one condensed room, they're going to be okay, but they fell right into my trap. Even though his teammate tried to call it out, just not in time, he got trapped down there.
As soon as I get that knock, I don't have to replay, and I don't have to reload. I can go back and re-engage in that fight, but right when I turned around, I noticed that one of his teammates was already chasing me, and that's an easy 1V. One, after I get that knock. I'm going to use these next couple of seconds to do two things: replay because I have enough ammo to still get another knock on a different player that pushes me, and gather as much information as possible based on what just happened.
Now that the first person that I knocked on The Bouncing Betty has probably gotten up by now. I see that his teammate is still with him on that section where I initially dropped that smoke grenade to set up the trap. There's one more guy coming on the back side of the building, so I'm kind of facing in that direction right now, so I'm going to go ahead and isolate him and then go through the steps.
Again, I told you to move. Right now this is where things get a little bit tricky because there's still two other people up they're in that next section of the building where I had previously set up my bouncing betties I want to go ahead and push them into to isolate one of those players I'm going to have to approach it differently because they're stacking so tightly together I need to either use my movement to try and pl an angle or grab some sort of Corner, in that doorway where I can be able to take some shots and get a knock and then go ahead and follow up the steps again.
One of the enemy players throws a C4 at me, taking off one of my plates, making me re-evaluate how that situation is going to go, so I push back out, turn the corner, replay, and reload the same steps as usual. That guy who threw the C4 made that push by himself ends up getting knocked and gives me the opportunity to go ahead and go through the steps one more time to try and get that last player out.
I'm always assuming that some of these players are going to live ping me, so while I'm putting on that last plate. I rotate on the back side and close that door to give the last player a little bit of misdirection, and as I slam back out, this is an easy 1V one to clutch up the 1v4. Now, a lot of these methods work very well for a lot of you guys that can hit your shots, and when I say hit your shots, I mean at least the majority.
Upwards of 50 to 60% of your shots if you cannot hit your shots if you haven't worked on the fundamentals, like going into a private match with a bunch of bots and just shooting a bunch of bots with an assist off getting used to your sensitivity. Nothing that I tell you is going to help you 1v4 teams and get out of some of these situations because hitting your shots is like 90% of the battle; the other 10% is just your movement, your placement, your IQ, and then working with your teammates if you're playing competitive, and this clip that you're watching right now does nothing but emphasize that point even more.
I got the first knock of the kid coming up the stairs from showers, and right after I got the kill. I noticed that all three of the players on his team were right either right above me or on the roof, so what I'm going to do is reload my gun and then try and use this little jump-up spot to get on the stairs and then pre-aim any of those kids that might be coming.
Right when I get to the top of my staircase, I notice one of his other teammates coming up on their staircase. He doesn't see me; he looks down the hallway, so I'm able to get a knock in, like maybe less than 10 bullets. I don't need to replate. I don't need to reload; I might have an opportunity.
Just go ahead, turn down the hallway, and re-engage the second player if I see it. As soon as I get the knock on the guy in the hallway, I hear somebody coming up on the staircase where I'd initially knocked that second guy. I have a couple of hits that I've already taken; I have about one and a half plates just a little bit over that, but I still feel confident enough in my gun skills to go ahead and push the guy that's coming up the staircase, hopefully trying to catch him off guard, my kid.
And I'm going to be completely honest here: in this style of V4 in teams, you don't really get to that point until you're really comfortable with your shot, your sensitivity, and your gun skill, and playing around a lot of different players, especially when you don't have a lot of audio cues that Call of Duty has.
I'd want to say artificially, or maybe unintentionally, created, especially in the game with a lot of inclusion. In this last clip that you saw. I was able to do them on V4, not because I went through the steps of isolating rep plating, reloading, and then re-engaging, but because that's typically how those fights are going to go, especially on the bigger maps like Stanner.