News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Campaign Pt. 11


To the underground Yeah, I speak for the day. If you feel 6 feet under, now let this song give you rest. I got that we boy taddy, yes, she licks. We owe a debt of gratitude to our task force and to the Ulf for our success against Vladimir Marov and his private army. Much has been said about the Ulf.

Kareem and her soldiers, a terror organization, no Farah Kareim, are and always have been allies of the United States and our Western partners in the region. How did Commander Kareem obtain American armor? For nearly a decade, I sent weapons to Commander Kareem to support her missions against Alcater and Russian incursions into Ekhan.

Were those shipments legal? In order to save lives, I commissioned illegal shipmentments with funds I approved. Myself, quiet quiet, please, General Shephard, in October 2022, did you authorize Shadow Company to fire on a task force under your command in Las Vegas, Mexico? No, I did not, Mr. Graves were you given orders to use lethal force against TF?

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Yes, I was quiet in this chamber. Who gave you those orders? General Herel Shepard, did you act on those orders, Mr. Graves no, absolutely not, sir. Quiet [__]] me I stabbed each other in the back, still all saving their own skins, every man for himself. That's a difference between us and them.

call of

We're going to let this Stam boss know the best way to end the war is to win it. No, prisoners, hunting commander, you too, Captain Nick, take the fire back. Will you go straight away, Captain? Right, just prep for Xville. We're going home. Watcher to Bravo, send traffic Watcher MI6 is relaying waves of con chatter to us.

Bottom line: Kate, where are the con's in London, Steam, and hell? Is Marer off Al Life? There's a message from Azar 90. That's his cool sign. What are they doing in London, Lewell? Signals intelligence shows con's meeting with a known black hat tomorrow in Greensbury Park with a hacker, that's our Mark What's Cory wanting access to?

call of duty

We need to find that out and stop it. That hacker can lead us to Makarov's in London. He can't be far behind. We get solid intelligence. We'll have to move quickly. I'll coordinate with London Metro and get Uso standing by. You plug into London. CCTV Network with the rest of us, Tail the mark on the ground; Marov could be in our backyard; we got wind of where he is; we'll move on from it for now; let's follow our mark and find Him.

Bravo C7 to Watcher CCTV is an online copy of visual radio. Check six in position so load and clear. Affirm eyes on the mark. black hoodie, good check, let go to work Bravo Rog Get ready to move the soap. keep a low profile with lose her we lose, macarov solid. Copy roll easy. Cony may be watching this too.

I'll stay under the r though solid now. Press up the gas soap. You're good to go. I got light smoking. Johnny Blend it in LT, you say, targets Ming sergeants, stay with her soap; just don't get too close. It waits; she's tying her, likely checking if she's being followed. Yeah, she's cautious; she's in over her head with macarov.

call of duty warzone

Mark's moving Keep on, her phone's ringing. Get close and listen to our conversation. You can't miss anything. So hey, I got to drop the flash drive behind the rubbish. Yeah, between Beast 3 and Cafe, do what's the word she made a dead drop for a buyer flash drive? Alley between B 43 and Tea Cafe, we need a ghost take point on CCTV.

43 i think I lost him targets crossing the street. Keep on, MLT; we're counting on you, Bravo. Target's heading into the Pedestrian Tunnels, a dead-end good place for con to hide. I'm moving we have Metro and SFO ready to mobilize. I say we call him in copy at all stations. Gear up and prepare to breach approximately six on Route Cing off the perimeter view.

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The tunnel's clear. There is a locked door leading to the old train station. At the door, preparation for a breach is on your signal. Captain ready, let's get this done: breaching three 2 1 ex pushing in, sweeping left, sweeping right, clear. That's where we're in copy; find that buyer and get that drive.

John, team one, push downstairs with us, copy sure contact contact, and clear team two will hold position.

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