News - Mission : Deep Cover. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. Ultra Graphics. Ps5 - 4k60fps


Roswell marov We're traveling fast only if he wants it. I wouldn't be surprised. I have a contact. You might know the answer. I need transport to the AR-CAMP military base. It's heavily guarded. Can you do it to stop Mararo? Of course, I need to get in and back out. I could go upside-down quickly.

I specialize in upside-down. That's what I'm afraid of. Who's your contact? Yuri volov Yuri's on the payroll. Yuri never took a dime. That's Yuri when do we leave? Watch you; the Yankee eyes on the base are approaching now. Watcher, shit's about to get real. Keep a low profile. Yuri should have sent you his location by now.

Affirmative, Aram Administrative Building near the Handun Look for a satellite dish on the roof. Copy the dish on the roof. You won't have much time before they notice he's gone in and out; nobody gets hurt. I know Arlo well; tell me what you see, and I'll do my best. Got a problem and need a security key card to access it?

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You'll need to borrow one. I'll snag a card from an officer; anyone entering or exiting likely has one. Look for an officer leaving the building; see a major leaving the entrance; he's not alone; it sounds like you found your mark; follow him and get his key. Card, alone, down Target eliminated key cards and secured them; he took one for the team; it had to be done; that one's a Lov, not you.

You better make this worth a while; they're suspicious; if you go loud, they will kill you. Governments come again. Bravo! One there, Bravo! Your signals are weak. Come again in the blind. We have two missiles incoming to the AR Bas; they have K Group warheads. If you are there, get out. This could be it's; there's another one coming.

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See, we have to go. We cannot be things together as well. That to watch come in your for now missile attack chemical Warheads Get to the high ground and look for a way up to the roof for extraction. Nick, where are you now? People are dying down there. JY is with you. We split up. He's a survivor like you, climbing the ladder.

Now we watch if the gas is getting.

Dive into the heart-pounding action of "Mission Deep Cover" in Call of Duty MW3 2023 on the PS5! Experience the thrill of ultra graphics at stunning 4K resolution and a buttery-smooth 60FPS.
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