News - Modern Warfare 2: New "chimera" Best Class Setup & Best Loadout. Fastest Way To Unlock. Warzone 2


It is a very, very fun and dominant weapon, so today we are breaking down the best class setup for it for Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, as well as the best loadout for it for War Zone 2, and talking about the unlock challenge and whatnot. So first, let's talk MW2. And just the general basics of the Chimera, right?.

How to unlock the chimera in modern warfare 2, warzone 2, & dmz

How to unlock the chimera in modern warfare 2, warzone 2, & dmz

So in general, the overarching challenge for the Chimera, the rifle to unlock it, is way better than the M13 for this one, and you actually have the choice to unlock it in multiplayer, war zone, or DMZ now in multiplayer and Wars on the challenges to get two rifle kills in 15 different matches, and in multiplayer, we've got shipment 24-7, and you only need two kills in one match and then you can back out and it'll still count your progress, so I quite literally unlocked the Chimera in 20 minutes.

I probably spent more time queuing into the menus than I was playing in game Q into shipment 24 7 to get two rifle kills with attack or an M4 or whatever back. and do that 15 times, and you'll have the Chimera unlocked here in multiplayer; obviously, in Warzone if you are a free-to-play player, you'll have to get your two rifle kills, and / and / and / and /.

chimera class setup

I also don't believe this is going to track in the pre-game lobby, so ultimately the easiest way is to go ahead and do this in shipment 24-7 here in multiplayer, but you can complete this in Warzone as well for what it's worth now for DMZ. The challenge is to unlock it via Building 21. However, as you can see here.

Building 21 isn't fully live with today's update, and apparently it doesn't take place on all mods, as the devs told me in a call that I was part of earlier this week regarding Season One Reloaded. We'll be talking about that more tomorrow, so make sure you are subscribed to those notes. There are also plenty of other updates, news loadouts, tips, and all that stuff to come here in the future.

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You'll know following this update. So, we're not sure when it's going to be live in the game or how we're going to get there yet, but once we do, it'll be just like the M13, where you have to go to Building 21. The Chimera, pick it up, and extract with it in order to unlock it via DMZ. I'm just trying to tab into my game, and it's freaking me out.

It crashed, that's why, and now there's an update. Sure, okay, now that my game's done freaking out, yeah, long story short, the easiest way to unlock the Chimera is going to be via multiplayer. Just because that challenge is so simple, there is also a store bundle for it as well; it's the Dark Skies bundle here, and obviously it comes with the Chimera for 1200 Cod points in order to fully customize it, though you still need to actually go through and level it up and unlock it naturally.

Modern warfare 2 best chimera class setup

Modern warfare 2 best chimera class setup

As well, but let's talk about the loadout here for the Chimera in multiplayer. Obviously, first, and then we'll switch over to Warzone as well. They do differ between the modes a bit, and this thing is a very aggressive rifle. Now, keep in mind that by default, it comes with a built-in suppressor, so if you don't change your barrel, you have that integrated suppressor.

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Already now of course red dots don't show up on the mini map anyways so that's not a huge deal but it is something to you know take note of and honestly for that reason as we get into the setup here that's why I don't even run a barrel on this for multiplayer, The damage range is already fine for when I was playing 6v6; there, it works just fine; it actually kills very quickly, and frankly, these barrels are going to take away that suppressor, so you'd have to use a muzzle if you wanted something else there or Obviously, you lose some of the default properties of the barrel as is.

cod modern warfare 2

So just keep that in mind as well. If you go ahead and change this, you are losing that aspect of it, but the barrels are all right. But considering this is mainly a close-range rifle, these, outside of the Vorpal Barrel, aren't really going to do all that much for you. This one, however, actually does increase your range, movement, and speed, so if you wanted to run a barrel, that'd be the one I'd recommend, but for multiplayer.

I just don't feel like it was needed whatsoever. Instead. I'm building this out to be nice and speedy and aggressive, so I do have the seven milliwatt laser on here for faster ads and a faster sprint to fire, and I also got the Ripper under the barrel here, which I'll go ahead and tune for slightly better stabilization.

And then slightly better stability; you could also, if you're super comfortable with this recoil tuned, go the opposite way basically for a better AD and a better aim locking speed as well to make it slightly more aggressive, then I would go for the Ravage 8 stock; this will help out with the Sprint speed.

cod mw2

The ads say the speed hurts your control a little bit, but honestly, this gun is just super easy to use now that I've tuned it for almost perfect stability, and then slightly better ads say speed as well. Lastly, I've only got four attachments on here. I'll talk about that in just a moment, but I go for the Bruin flash grip because it's just going to help out with that sprint to fire and ads as well, making it even more aggressive, and I do tune this one for slightly better steadiness so that the recoil con there is not as harsh, then I tune in for a slightly faster sprint to fire.

Now, the reason I'm only using four attachments is because, again, I don't feel like a barrel is necessary for multiplayer. I like the iron sights, so I don't use an optic. That said, if you're not a fan of the iron sights, use whatever optic you're comfortable with on the SC Mini, the Chrono Mini, the Red Dot Chrono Mini Pro, or any other option that you are comfortable with, and go ahead and throw that on there nice and easy for the magazines.

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45 is going to slow you down a little bit too much for multiplayer, in my opinion, for that fast-action 6v6 gameplay, so I'm not a huge fan of that 20. I don't feel like it's enough in some cases, and none of the ammunition here is really all that useful; there's no high velocity or anything there; it's all going to hurt you in some way, shape, or form, so I'm not a huge fan of any of these in particular.

easy to use, easy to like, nice and agile as well, and ads' speeds definitely look good all around. Solid; now, of course, it's a close-range rifle, so, like, these first two dummies are probably going to be using it the most at long range. You can clearly see there's a lot more bounce, and it's not going to be as accurate at those long distances because obviously that's not just where this weapon is intended to be used, but the close range thing is very very good.

Warzone 2 best chimera loadout

Warzone 2 best chimera loadout

Now if we go ahead and switch on into a warzone, things are a bit different here.

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