News - Is Warzone 2i Worth $70. The Most Honest Review Of Warzone 2i Beta

I can't tell you how many times I was shooting at an enemy in war zone 2, and I almost lost them because I'm trying to sip through all this gun smoke on my screen. The gun smoke is unbearable. I know I just said that like three times, but if you can't tell, it really pisses me off. All the guns feel pretty good so far, and there's a good variety despite it just being beta, and there are obviously a few top dogs like the MCW and the striker 45.

But I think after some adjustments, the guns will be much more balanced and a little bit more competitive. Speaking of which, the gunsmith returns with the five attachment systems that we've been seeing over the past few titles in Modern Warfare 2019. We introduced this gunsmith system, and we've been using it pretty much ever since.

modern warfare 3 meta

It's obviously had a few variations, with Vanguard having 10 attachments and Modern Warfare 2 introducing tuning, but I'd love for them to take a little bit of a different approach. I mean, it does get kind of old after a few years. I can't complain because it is super simple, but just kind of shaking things up and making the game feel fresh and new is really important.

Because we do get a new Call of Duty every single year, they're all the exact same; none of them are going to be fun again. I don't hate this system, but maybe throwing in something like the P 10 or just getting a little bit more creative with it than just throwing on the same exact gunsmith that we've gotten over the past 5 years would have just made it stand out and feel a little bit more unique.

modern warfare 3 movement

Not everybody's going to really like hone in on that and be like. This is why I'm buying the game or this is why I'm not buying the {305} again, with a new Call of Duty title every year, it does help just to have that little bit of variation, and speaking of variation. Tuning is back, and as you can tell.

I'm super excited about that. I can't wait for another whole year of trying to get the sliders just right. Right-tune's not my favorite feature, but it's not terrible either. I have this weird LoveHate relationship for it theoretically; it allows you to really customize your guns to the play style that you want, but I do think tuning kind of overcomplicates things.

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Sometimes it's kind of one of those innovations where it sounds cool, but in practice it gets in the way a little bit. Speaking of innovations, MW3 has actually introduced a whole new feature for gunsmiths called aftermarket parts. This allows you to add new parts to guns and rework how they function, turning them like SMGs into ARS or like pistols into SMGs.

modern warfare 3 review

I'm not 100% positive of everything you can do with it, but it seems like an interesting feature. Let's just hope it's not the same as tuning, where it actually works out really well and gives a new level of depth to the gunplay in the game. So these are the aftermarket parts that I was just talking about, so if you come down here in the bottom corner, once you unlock it, there's something called a conversion kit on some of the guns.

This is the retti; this is the only one that I've used so far, so it's the one that I wanted to show off. If you click on it and go over it, it says Jack Frosty is carbing. Kit basically turns it into a pocket SMG; that's all it does; it's honestly pretty crazy, and it shares the same attachments as the retti, and once you start unlocking more magazines obviously, it becomes much more viable.


Honestly, this does add a really cool dimension to the game. I thought it was just going to be kind of like a gimmick again with tuning; I wasn't a big fan of that, but with this, it actually changes the way that certain guns play and they become much more viable, much more useful, like this is really good if you're carrying a sniper, so I don't know there's a lot of cool things that you can do with it, and I'm really looking forward to them exploring that innovation and expanding on it more.

Moving on, we have the perk system, which I'm actually kind of a fan of. I don't like when they try to reinvent the wheel, so I was nervous about how the perks would function going into this because if you remember an MW2, you had perks, but like you had to wait for them to unlock as the game progressed.

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I don't know, I didn't like that system whatsoever, and thankfully they completely got rid of that in this game, MW3, which actually has different pieces of equipment that serve as perks. For example, they've got gloves, headsets, vests, and boots, all of which have pretty standard functionality. Compared to perks that we've seen in the past, there's a piece of head equipment that gives you a ghost, and there's gloves that give you a scavenger.

mw3 all guns

Boots that give you the ninja perk all of it's pretty standard with some new additions as well one of my favorites being boots that gives you extra ads and strafe speed movement while you're shooting so far I like the different combinations, that you can kind of build out and all the perks seem pretty balanced while being able to get most of what you want I like how it works you don't have to wait for it to charge up like Modern Warfare 2 and the actual functions of the equipment are pretty useful so far now because I'm doing this as an absolutely, honest review, after playing the game more I kind of have a little bit of a different stance on some of the perks I don't hate them I still think that they work well but some of the movement is almost walled behind some of these equipment pieces if you want to change things up and have a different piece of equipment, your movement feels much more sluggish.

mw3 all maps

It's not nearly as fast as it's supposed to be; it's noticeably less snappy, and you lose things like being able to mantle super quickly unless you have the right pair of boots on. I don't know, but hopefully the community gives good feedback on this and they find a good balance to strike between having good movement and being able to use the perks and equipment that you want.

All the tactics are pretty standard: smoke, flashes, stun grenades, and the lethals are the same thing, with one of them being the new little bomb drone. I thought it would be super overpowered at first, but it's kind of hard to hit people with it, but when you do, it's really sad and satisfying. And again, it affects the pacing a lot.

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I don't know if I've really doubled down on this yet, but one of the things Modern Warfare 3 does really well that Modern Warfare 2 didn't is have good pacing in the multiplayer. Next up is map voting, which I didn't mention when I was going over the maps, but it makes loading into a game so much more satisfying.

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