News - Warzone's New Urzikstan Map: Everything You Need To Know


Now, before we get into any of the changes, we got to talk about this map itself, because this map. I think, is exactly what a battle royale map for war zone should be when I say that it's got a lot of buildings, allowing for different fights in different types of buildings, allowing you to get height and play power position, but also balancing that out with a lot of redeploy balloons, horizontal zips, and vertical zips, which is something that Verdance just didn't have.

Additionally, you'll see that the map is a decent size; it isn't too big or too small. There's still water on the map that can be played on, and we'll get to a tip later in the article addressing how water is kind of changed in this game play, but for me, having a downtown and a sort of area that feels like an extension of downtown is great because downtown is a sort of nostalgic, quarantine.

POI at this point, and on Maer City, having the high-rise building in it just didn't hit the same, and it was so isolated from everything on the map if you do look at Zikan. As a whole, the map feels a lot more connected and, therefore, could have a better flow, similar to dance. Now the first change that I really want to talk through is actually a feature that's kind of in War Zone 3 Modern Warfare 3, and that's the carry-on feature, which basically means that all your loadout blueprints Weapons skins transfer over to War Zone 3, and you might be thinking, well.

modern warfare 3

I would, basically. Expect that, and the reason I think that's a big deal is if you remember back to the rebirth fortunes keep and even the end of Caldera, there were a lot of loadouts that you could use that we kind of brought back into the meta or would get randomly nerfed and buffed, and that kind of made the game exciting.

Having such a large variety of weapons to use, and now with the new feature of being able to use a conversion kit on your gun, there might be even more loadouts that you can kind of create and make that will definitely make the game a little more fresh and entertaining. Of course, we expect the new Modern Warfare 3 guns to be meta when the game comes out, but at least there is a chance that we can take those blueprints over to Modern Warfare 3.

modern warfare 3 review

Now, this second point, I think, is going to get the most people excited, and that's going to be that sniping is actually back. You can see I'm just using clips here from Call of Duty next, and this is actually a one-hot sniper in action here because you don't need to put a weird attachment on it like explosive rounds, which means in theory all of the Modern Warfare 2 snipers that are coming over to the war zone can now be one-shots.

We can actually use the intervention, and as a one-hot sniper, we can use the MCPR. And all these loadouts that we've used in War Zone 3 now can add sniping back into the game, and here's why I think sniping is such an undersold aspect of War Zone. When war zone first came out, sniping and using thermal optics with smoke was kind of the meta; in reality, it added a tactical aspect to playing as a team where one person could push up on the mini map and the other could kind of look over and snipe that wasn't present at all in war zone 2, and that definitely led to a lot of people feeling like war zone just wasn't their game anymore, but there's another thing that's back quick scoping.


There are basically two communities that got left out of War Zone 2, the sniping community and the quick scoping community, and now both of those groups of people will finally be able to play the game the way they want to again, which is sniping. Sniping is a huge aspect of Call of Duty, and this change number two might be the biggest one for that reason now, obviously.

Another change that I got to put in here is that movement is more fluid, and hear me out, this does not simply mean that slide canceling being back is going to save Call of Duty. I'm not going to do anything astronomical. Claim that that's the case, but what I will claim is the fluidity of the animations.

mw3 review

Combined with sliding being a little more fluid, having the option to slide cancel makes the game feel a little more fun and also allows you to improve at the game and kind of have fun playing it because, in reality, even people who wanted to casually play Modern Warfare 2 could hear them saying the animations are the issue; they didn't even care about slide canceling, but it felt like you had cinder blocks on your feet, and yes, you can use positioning and game sense to set yourself up, but what really can set you apart is that movement.

mw3 warzone

In addition to those two things, this being back in War Zone 3 and Modern Warfare 3 is, I think is a huge astronomical, and now this next change is kind of like a combination. Of movement changes here that people don't really talk about and that's that grenades no longer stunt your movement and that you can now reload cancel so if you've ever played Call of Duty you know that one of the worst things to happen is when you take out a few people you're on a streak and then you die because you're rent out of bullets now obviously that is kind of your fault for not reloading or playing it smarter but in Modern Warfare 19, if you had a habit of reloading early that way you always had a full mag you could cancel your reload and immediately, challenge the next player you couldn't do that in Modern Warfare 2 in war zone 2 and I think that is honestly a ridiculous, change that was reverted I don't know why that is reverted at all, but now in Modern Warfare 3, we have the ability to cancel our reload again, which is such a small change, but it makes such a huge difference, and you combine that.

And players that want to get better at the game are really going to feel this change, and I know a lot of you are excited about that. Now this next change is pretty cool, and that's that they're adding a lot of quality to life from the end of rebirth and Caldera. Back to the war zone now: where are these quality of life changes in War Zone 2?

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They still haven't made their way back, and if you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the big game of Bounty redeploy, balloons being more frequent, and then the addition of vertical and horizontal zips to the map. Obviously, we have a lot of vertical zips in War Zone 2, meaning that you can basically go up a building, but now we have the ability to take zips sort of across or horizontally.

We are about 10 days away from Modern Warfare III launching and a lot of people are eagerly awaiting the changes coming to 'Warzone III' and the new Map Urzikstan which is Warzone's new Battle Royale Map. These are the MAJOR CHANGES that are coming to Warzone 3 Warzone III and the new Map Urzikstan.
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