News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Is Unplayable


Okay, then [__] me, [__] me. This game stinks. Yeah, basically off my wiener, please. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 or Call of Duty in general is in the worst state it's been since Vanguard, in my humble opinion. I know there have been a ton of articles already made on this topic, and even if you haven't watched any articles, you probably heard of the news of IGN giving this game like a 4 out of 10 or something, which is pretty funny because that's what it deserves, if not lower.

The reason I'm talking about it is because I've uploaded Call of Duty since the beginning of my channel, and I think in general it's just important for all the community to give feedback on one issue if it is serious, and this whole entire game is basically just a [__] issue. Something to keep in mind is that when media companies review this game, they really only account for or focus on the zombies, campaign, and multiplayer aspects of the game, which I don't particularly enjoy or play too much of.


I mainly just focus on playing War Zone, but the base game still indicates how War Zone works, so it is important to improve the base game so that War Zone can be improved as well. The issues I'm pointing out here really only apply to War Zone, starting out with the biggest issue of all. The time to kill in this game is so [__] fast you can't even [__] turn around or turn a corner before you get popped in the [__] face, so basically the game tells you how many bullets it took to kill you via a certain gun, and there have been times where me and my friends have been fully plated up and I've been killed in three bullets, three from a [__] SMG.

It's not a marksman's spin rifle; it's not a sniper's [__] either; it's a battle rifle, an assault rifle, or an SMG, some automatic [__] gun that just kills you instantaneously. I cannot stress enough how fast you [__] die in this game. Now, Call of Duty games are kind of known for their fast ttk, especially in multiplayer, but when you bring that to War Zone, it just does not work, and I strictly play Rebirth.

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I can't imagine sitting through a [__] 20-minute War Zone game just to get popped twice and [__] lose everything that you've worked towards. It just does not make sense in my mind. Whoa, how do you design something like this [__] dog? It doesn't cooperate with me, like, just think maybe you die a little bit too fast in a [__].

cod modern warfare 3

Battle Royale game for sure, you can make it a bit faster, but it's not supposed to feel like multiplayer, and the funny thing is they promised this game's time to kill to be slower. They said jumping from Modern Warfare 2 to this game will result in an increase of 50 health points. It would be going from 100 to 150, but these [__] brain-dead [__], these brainless [__] that we call people made the MW3, Guns.

So overpower genuinely feels like we got a decrease of 50 health points. I cannot stress this issue enough, man. This should not be the way the Battle Royale functions at all in any way shape or form, but Call of Duty shuts the [__] up. You cannot play through or sit through a 20-minute game and just die based on [__].


Just luck, that's it. There's no counteracting this; there's literally nothing you can do. How do you make a battle royale? so fast-paced to the point where you can't even turn a corner, you should be able to outrun your opponent's gun if you are fully plated and are about to turn a corner. This also incentivizes camping a lot because a camper can just sit in a [__] corner all day and run up on him.

You hadn't seen him by the time you saw him, Nan. You start to react; you're already dead. I don't understand how you let this issue progress for this long or continue happening for this amount of time because they had the opportunity to nerf it throughout the whole of the game's existence, like this game has been out for a month or two now, and I can't even Remember, and I don't give a [__] about the multiplayer, but in War Zone in particular, you cannot have your players dying this quickly.

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Yeah, everything seems fine. I don't want the war zone to be like this. I don't care if footsteps aren't super audible. I don't care if you mount Camp; I don't care if you camp in general; I don't care if vaulting is a bit slow; heck, even remove slide canceling; I don't give a [__] as long as I have enough health to [__] outrun my opponent, man, not even outrun, just react to my opponent.

modern warfare 3

You don't understand how fast you go from seeing your enemy to dying. You're just ass. You should just get better at the game. I can't there is nothing I can do. There is no counteraction. It's like the only thing you can do is run into cover; it's not like Fortnite, where you can just turn around and [__] pop a wall up out of nowhere.

In this game, you actually have to run and utilize your surroundings to your advantage, but you genuinely can't by the time you see the nearest prop to hide behind. You're just dead. You're already dead. You're not the only one down. You're practically killed, especially on maps like Vonell, where people can just sit up on the rooftops.

modern warfare 3 bad

Just Mount and Camp are all game; they look down on you and pop you twice. 2 N seconds you're gone erace from existence, you never you were, you were never even born man all right, Me, that's enough of that, [ __ ]. Other prevalent issues about war zones specifically are the visibility I don't really care if the visibility is kind of [__] because Call of Duty is so hyper-realistic that everything kind of blends together, and I feel like this is an issue people have been having for a while now, especially on the engines that Modern Warfare 1 2 and 3 run.

It's a bit harder to see people when everything's moving at 3, 000 mph, and also when you die in 5 [__] milliseconds. I don't care if the visibility is absolute [__] as long as we have more health because then we actually have time to observe our surroundings, focus, and react to potential threats rather than always being on this hype train that is Call of Duty trying to [__] focus on every single little detail while also jogging 300 mph knowing you have the risk of dying in 5 milliseconds.

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looking out for teams on rooftops trying to camp your way into the circle, especially on maps like Vond Del or Zikan, and when you actually get into a fight, you've got to make sure you're not getting a third party. You've got to counteract the [__] drop-shotting slide by canceling sweats. I just broke his camera.

modern warfare 3 is bad

It's just too much, like it's sensory overload, and if we have more health, then all these problems will arise, but I like war with little health. Just go play multiplayer, man. It's not that hard. There's a mode specifically made for that. Play hardcore i think the Cold War had pretty good visibility.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is UNPLAYABLE. It really is! In this video I go over why and how to improve upon the game and make it good! Please make it good.
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