News - Is Warzone 2 Fixed. Changes And Updates For Season 1 Reloaded

I think this actually will be a really fun game mode because, sometimes, the midgame of normal BR can feel very slow, especially if you're someone who was used to playing Resurgence in the non-traditional. Better Route, and then that Warzone Cup is basically that Rocket League-esque. DMZ mode, it sounds like it's relatively staying the same.

warzone 2 changes

I am not a DMZ expert, but they did add a new area that sounds like it is separate from Al Mazura. It will be funny to need a key to go to this completely separate area. How they called it a "biological laboratory" sounds like a complete rip-off from Tarkov, but hey, what do I know now? This change is something that I am very excited about, and I did test it and can confirm that they increased the number of strongholds from three to five, and strongholds are, for the most part, by far the easiest way to get your loadout, especially in the early game because these basically spawn once the first circle starts to close, so now you should theoretically.

If you have a stronghold somewhat near you, you can grab a vehicle and go to that stronghold, and they also significantly nerfed how strong the AI bots are there; they reduced the damage they did; they reduced the number of units; and they also decreased how often they respawned, so this was a very good change.

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I did a few strongholds in solos; they were very easy to go through, and I was even able to hit them after other people had done so. Just keep a mental note of where those strongholds are during that game because even if that icon goes away, you can go back and get your load out, and that is, I think, extremely important.

warzone 2 new update

Right now in this game, a few adjustments to the DMZ. I'm not going to cover this, as I am not a DMZ expert, but that information is available here if you are interested. Bomb drones should be back in the game. Bomb drones were actually taken out because of an issue. It seems like they have nerfed their damage, but it says it will provide players with three armor plates on the outer radius of an explosion.

will survive, so I think that means if they are a point blank to you, it will still be one shot down you, which is frustrating, but hopefully they're a little bit more visible. Hopefully, we can shoot them down a little bit easier than before. Now This one is very interesting, and this is something that they did not really go into detail on but that I was able to test.

warzone 2 season 1 reloaded

The ultimate perk, the fourth perk that you have, was not working in any loadouts except unless you went over to the default tab. They just got rid of it, so the only options were things like overclock ghost and high alert. I think high alert is still a really good option. Ghost, of course, if it works, but I don't know if it really works as intended or not, and the ultimate perk in normal custom loadouts is not working, so you cannot custom customize.

For your perks, you have to select one of the preselected ones from the perks sets. They did address it, and they said not in the Passions here, but they said it another time recently. It is not intended for you to customize your perks; it is intended that you have to use the preset perk packages, so I think they maybe need to do a lot of balancing with the perks before they roll out those custom packages, but Chelsea, a few quality of life changes are here, and the biggest one here is going to be the ground looting.

warzone 2 season 1 reloaded patch notes

I did test the overall looting, which is easier now than before, when you had to look at an item just perfectly in order to loot it. It definitely seems a lot easier to actually loot it if you look at it; it gives you the option to loot it, and it's not as much of a struggle. However. I will say there was an instance when I was playing that I killed someone in a very small bathroom area, and all of his loot piled up, and it was very difficult and I could not find that player's pack and open it, so it's not perfect, but definitely a lot better.

If anything, I think they should have increased the number of stations, but there seems to be less of anything. Another thing that is really nice here is that when a player revives, there's going to be a sound like there was on Warzone 1. I don't know how loud that sound is; I didn't get to hear it, but you should hear like a ding or like that Zoom kind of sound so you know someone is self-reviving.

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There also is going to be an audio alert when your teammate, or an enemy, goes down in Google. Because before it was hard to tell if one of your teammates or the enemies went down in combat, records are still not available, so your KD and your number of wins are still not available, which I think is insane.

warzone 2 strongholds

I guess that this is still not available this late in the game, and from what we know, your Acadian stats and wins are not tracking, so that will not start tracking until once. They implement a leaderboard, which is very interesting. Now there is an absolutely massive list of bug fixes, and I'm just going to cover a few of the big ones that I noticed myself: You should be able to see nameplates when you're watching your teammates.

This is confusing because often your teammates wouldn't have nameplates, so it looked like an enemy when you were watching. Did you increase the bomb drone beep so it should be a little bit easier to hear? So this is an interesting one where they said that they fixed an issue where you couldn't ping a loadout drop.

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I don't know if this is intended or not, but when someone interacts with a loadout, that icon is gone forever, like it was before. To me, that doesn't make sense. I find that a little bit frustrating, but I guess that is what they intended to do for people that run the resupply perk; it is just to have a it's supposed to have a bar now that shows it kind of refilling, which was not there before supposedly.

warzone 2 update

They also cleaned up the kill feed. There were a lot of times when your teammates would kill and you would not know because it would not show in the kill feed. This is supposed to be fixed, and there was a method by which you could get the maximum. Cash, by like a bug with interacting with loot, supposedly they nerfed that and you can only do that anymore if you're using the akimbos, and you pulled your parachute sometimes there was a bug where your guy's character would be like all over the place with his gun, so supposedly they fix that here.

One other bug that I realized they did not fix is that when you knock someone out of the air and they go to that downstate, in Fall they do not die from fall damage, so they can literally land on their butt from like 100 meters up in the air and they don't die. Personally, there are several more changes.

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