News - Is Warzone 2 Fixed. Changes And Updates For Season 1 Reloaded

cod mw2

So first, they did add this like Rocket League-esque game mode where you're basically playing soccer with ATVs, you know, hooray, for those who want to play that. A few things here: They did finally fix the XP tokens so that it actually will show a timer on screen of how much time you have left, so that's a nice change there; there should not be a bug anymore where it would just deplete all of your XP tokens; that was very frustrating for people that did have to experience that; they did clean up the UI a bit, not a massive change.

I think the UI still needs work, but it is a little bit easier to navigate your friends list and invite your friends. There are a few other small changes here, like voice chat and things like that; they did add groups, so groups are basically like regiments or clans; this is a good way, you know, to do what we used to do with our custom private matches in Warzone One; all their custom matches are still not a thing yet, so we'll see if that becomes more common and whatnot.

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There is a new weapon, the Chimera; I use this a little bit as grounded in War Zone 2. It's very similar to the bass P, and I think it's in the same family. like a close range Maybe sniper support type AR; I don't think it's going to be necessarily a long range meta, but I haven't got to test it, and I don't have it fully leveled up, so we will have to see now that there was a huge nerve, finally to the akimbo.

modern warfare 2 season 1 reloaded

Pistols, these have been incredibly dominant, and in close range, these things were just absolutely broken with how fast they could kill you. They did say there is a damage reduction, but I'm not sure exactly how much that is. They did not give us fine numbers like they used to in War Zone 1, which is frustrating that we're getting less of what we are used to having, but hey, it is what it is, and a few other Nerfs got the nerve to cast off 70 for you at close range.

At close range, this was one of the most dominant close- to mid-range guns in the game, so I think this was somewhat needed. M13 had an adjustment to one of its attachments, not a big deal there; Casa. 545, the AR variant date gets a buff overall to close damage and the chest damage multiplier, so this actually—I think this was actually an underrated gun before this actually might sneak into a kind of mid- to long-range Meta MX9.

modern warfare 2 update

Get a little bit of a buff. I think this thing is more of a solo gun because that 32-round mag is its largest attachment, so it's kind of tough to use in trios and quads. The Vel or the MP7 also got a little bit of a buff, but mostly increased movement speed and then longer damage at range, so it might be a good sniper support, to be honest.

A few adjustments to the bass lick, which is like the Magnum handgun, and a relatively small buff to the deagles. Not a super popular gun, but we'll see how much of a change those make. This is one I am very glad to see: shotguns will no longer one-shot a fully armored player. This was incredibly frustrating.

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So the shotgun's damage has been nerfed, and it appears at close range that at least a few other changes to some of these to expedite the shotgun Riot shields actually caught a pretty big nerf, which, personally. I'm glad I don't use, but for those who did, that would be frustrating for those melee players small adjustment to the Joker, nothing big there, but one thing I was really hoping for in this update was that there would be a nerf to the heavy Chopper meta.

season 1 reloaded mw2

A lot of people are getting these heavy choppers and they're just staying alive to the end game, but if anything, they buffed it; they actually reduced the collision damage it takes, so I'm a little frustrated with that; we shall see. I think that is definitely still a part of the meta if your goal is to purely win games.

This one I didn't get to necessarily test, but this will be very nice. If your teammate walks in front of you between you and an enemy, their nameplate should now disappear to allow better visibility on the enemy. This happened several times where your teammate walks in front and you see that nameplate, thinking it's my teammate, when in fact it is the enemy, so that should no longer happen now.

This whole section here is very confusing. This is all multiplayer-related; however, these patches are from Ravensoft. Raven Software are the ones who are responsible for Warzone, and Infinity Ward is responsible for multiplayer, so I have no idea why they are talking about this here, but there are some multiplayer adjustments to some of the kill streaks there.

season 1 reloaded patch notes

Portable radars can now stick to vehicles, which I think is actually a nice change. Portable radars give you a very small UAV. It's a field upgrade, so you can now throw that on a vehicle and drive around; you might find some people sitting in a building if you're driving next to a building; a radiation blocker, which is a DMZ thing; they adjusted how that is a little bit of a Nerf to thermite grenades; they're not going to persist; they should kind of fade away; basically tuning.

Tuning got buffed, and it seems like that's essentially what they're saying here. That your tuning increases should increase more, and then how much it would harm it if you tuned it shouldn't harm it as much, so essentially it's going to be more important now to get those guns to max level and to actually tune them now that they did buff thermal, optics, or making the thermal like range be a little bit longer, and then it also will be that when you kill an enemy you're no longer going to see that heat signature, so it's less distracting.

season 1 reloaded warzone 2

A few other adjustments to some of these optics There's nothing big here. I don't think any of these objects were super popular. There are a few bug fixes here, but there's a whole other list of bug fixes coming. I'm not sure why there's some here and then or later, like a lot of these changes should be for Warzone, but then there's a War Zone section down here, so it's kind of confusing now with the audio.

I was really hoping for major audio reworking because I've been very frustrated with the lack of footsteps in this game. I did play solos, and in solos I felt like the audio was working fine, but the big issue with this game typically when it comes to audio was when there were lots of noises going on with the footsteps, they got completely drowned out.

tcaptainx update

So we will have to see. I don't think there really is a major change to the actual footstep audio in the game. Unfortunately, as far as the playlist goes, we got a pretty standard list of solos. Duos, quads, and triads is going to be a mini-Royale; this is not Resurgence. Mini Royale is still Battle Royale, but it's like sped up; it's like starting the game kind of midway through with a much smaller player pool.

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