News - Is Warzone 2 Any Good

The bad

The bad

After a while of actually using the looting system, it honestly isn't that slow or that challenging, but I feel that there's a very simple solution to this: if you tap a backpack once, it should automatically give you any self-revives, any kill streaks, or anything that is useful to your weapon like ammunition, automatically.

Because those are things that you would want to automatically loop, whereas if you want to get extra things that backpack might have, maybe it's got another kill streak in it, maybe it has a secondary weapon, then you have to hold it down to access it. I feel like this would be a really simple solution to allow speed looting to still be a thing while making it slightly more risky.


Looting is still something that exists in the game, but it is not something you have to do as frequently as the game already does for you. It already takes some of the plates and cash from these bags, so it just makes sense that it should do the rest of it as well. Speaking of the inventory, another thing that needs tweaking is the fact that we definitely don't need people having multiple self-revivals, multiple kill streaks, and multiple pieces of equipment in one backpack.

The backpack should just have one standardized size. The next thing for me is the audio quality of life, which greatly needs to improve in war zone 2. There are still some areas on the map where footsteps aren't entirely apparent. There are also issues where certain ladders, certain staircases, and certain zip lines do not have the audio cues that they're supposed to have, and that needs to be solved as soon as possible.

modern warfare 2

I, too, would like it if the proximity chat audio was directional. I'd rather it wasn't just a universal soundtrack, and I'd also like it if it were possible that when we go into an individual lobby, we don't hear the entire 150-man. Server for five seconds before the game starts; those improvements are greatly needed, in my opinion, and also let console players have the option to have a push to talk; many console players don't always have a certain button that they use, and if PC has pushed the talk button, it should be something available to controller players as well, especially with some of them who have multiple Pro controllers with extra buttons, it could be very handy.

The next thing that does need tweaking -- and this is kind of two things -- is the pacing of the game. I think the first zone on our map needs to be smaller. I think that's something that needs to happen so that the pacing of 150 players is slightly increased on a seemingly larger map. I understand that things will speed up a little bit as people get to grips with looting and the general flow of the gameplay, but I feel like a slightly smaller initial circle would go a long way to solving that.

modern warfare 2 gameplay

I also think the split zones shouldn't happen as frequently, and the reason for that is that the split zone system appears to be completely random, meaning that in one of the three circles you can have absolutely nobody, and in the other two you could have zero. And then 100 players? That's something that could absolutely happen in the game, of course, with different play accounts, but effectively, you're not guaranteeing good pacing in the gameplay by splitting the zone so frequently, all with so many multiples of a zone.

I've noticed that the midgame for matches where I haven't had a split zone has felt much more enjoyable than the midgame of matches where I have had split zones, so making this a rarer event and also making sure that there is some kind of system in place so that this isn't just completely random would, in my opinion, be beneficial.

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Like I said, I'm fairly confident that the pacing for War Zone 2 is going to get better, but the current system that we have right now just doesn't really fit the bill. The split zones are making things a bit challenging; they're slowing the gameplay down, and between that and the looting, it's slowing the gameplay quite dramatically.

modern warfare 2 multiplayer

I feel like there's a nice middle ground between the two here that's not going to mean constant chaos all the time but also a good midgame and some decent action, and when the action really gets flowing in Warzone 2 in some of those last circles or non-split Zone games, you really feel that kind of classic Warzone intensity and high-density BR moments that I think make people play the game more often, and finally, let's talk about things that need to disappear.

vanish completely and just need to be deleted or changed as soon as humanly possible, and the first is the 2v2 gulag, and I understand the principle, and the principle, and the principle, and the principle, and the principle, and they need to get people to work together makes sense, but it's just not working.

modern warfare ii

I constantly find myself with teammates who just don't play at all, are AFK, or just don't really care and just sort of either quit or hide in a corner, and that's not really a really helpful tool when I am somebody who had a 75 gulag win ratio in war zone one, and now if I don't pull or don't carry my gulag.

I'm guaranteed to lose it or probably not do very well. The gulag 1v1 system just made sense, and moving it to a 2v2 system, in my opinion, does not make any sense whatsoever. I've had multiple instances in trios, duos, and quads where I'm playing with teammates and we die pretty much five seconds apart, but for some reason I've got a random teammate in the gulag.


The next thing that needs immediate change is the server's performance and stability. Allegedly. Warzone 2 might be using 42-hertz tick rate servers, which is pretty good for a battle royale, and when you get into a server that's actually working functionally, the latency isn't so dramatic. Feels fantastic i've had these games before where I'm on a really low latency of just like 30 to 50 milliseconds and it's locked, which for my region is pretty good, and I don't notice many fluctuations in that once you get into one of those servers, the game feels great, but most of the servers have latency spikes or latency fluctuations of 30 to 40 milliseconds, which is really bad for a first-person shooter, and I can tell you for free that it's not my internet.

I have a 3 Gbps fiber line to the premises line, and all the YouTubers I play with are mostly on gigabit high-speed high-system lines as well. The current setup just isn't good enough; the lag spikes, the latency, the players' stuttering, and the things moving all around the place need to be better, and server stability needs to be solved as soon as possible.

Fixing warzone 2

Fixing warzone 2

One thing that I do think needs to be fixed, and this is something I've noticed in trios and in quads, is that especially in quads, the circle always ends in the same place: between marshlands. The, hydroelectric, and our Mazar city, they're like the center of the map basically and don't change, which is weird because in solos, duos, and some of the other modes, there are multiple circles; in fact, in solos, the Zone seemingly finishes anywhere around the map.

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Warzone 2 is here but it definitely needs some work. The Battle Royale and DMZ modes are a lot of fun but desperately need tweaking to be better and more enjoyable than they currently are.
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