News - Warzone 2. 0 - The Ultimate Solo Dmz Guide

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It's Triple G. We're back with another DMZ article. In today's article, we're going to be talking about how to solo the DMZ. It's one of the hardest things to do, and I get a ton of people come into the stream and talk to me about it. to solo this game because you're always coming up against Three Stacks.

So in this article, I'm going to be talking about all the tips that I think you need in order to succeed in Solo DMZ. I stream five times a week, and otherwise, let's get straight into this article, alright? So let's talk about the solo DMZ then. The first thing you want to do is sort your loadout out and make sure it's sorted out properly.

Know what you're going into that fight for, and know what your loadout is strong against and what it is weak against as well. So this is my basic loadout. I had a DC before. I filmed this article so my armor plate carrier is in one slot, but I don't have a self-revived gas mask or kill streak, and I only have a small backpack.

Now, this is something that you should obviously prioritize when you go in to get yourself. armor and a self-revive, but we'll come back to that in a little while now. The gun that I'm using here is the RPK; this is my RPK setup, and if we look at the setup here, I've covered this in multiple articles.

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But particularly for solo. I like the vlk4, because I'm not going to be pushing people too much, so this gives me a little bit of range, and then here are the other ones tuned for ads and recoil reduction. One of the other options that you have is a sniper rifle. The sniper rifle will give you a ton of advantages when killing enemies, and we'll touch on that when we get into the game mode.

The second thing that I absolutely recommend that you do is take a stimulant. A stun will save your life, particularly in one place; a knife will allow you to be stealthy; and of course, it will give you that one-shot capability on both players and level two; Below enemies and the final upgrade that I recommend that you do is the field upgrade, which is the Munitions box.

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The Munitions Box is nice because when you get caught out, remember that you're the only person that's going to be taking out those enemies, so you're going to use more ammunition, so the Munitions Box is definitely a recommended thing to take. The other thing to talk about with loadouts is that they've made sure that the loader you take suits the missions that you're trying to do.

If you have a bunch of missions that have just been collected, that means that you're going to be going inside buildings a lot, which means that you probably shouldn't just have a sniper rifle. You should have a backup rifle, even if that's just a rifle or a gun that you've picked off the enemy with.

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Make sure that you have something to be able to fight in close quarters if you are collecting things or just going around. Painting, building UAV towers, and killing enemies will be really important because you'll be able to take those enemies out of range. Now, when you first spawn into the DMZ, it's important to know where the spawn systems are.

dmz gameplay

In DMZ, the spawn systems are relatively simple, and the majority of players will spawn around the outside of the map and to the left and right of you as you spawn in. Once you start playing DMZ a lot, you'll get to know and understand where those players are. Then it is very important to listen for the gunfire now; the gunfire is very important.

The gunfire is very important. The gunfire is a choice to make; you could go up and get the drop on them and maybe get their gear, or you could go off in a different direction and carry on your stealth run. Now, when challenging enemy teams while playing solo, it's really important to gather as much information as you can.

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So if you hear that gunfire and decide, I've got a three-plate. Once you have done that, it is time to get the drop on them. Now what I like to do is shoot while they are shooting themselves; in that way, they think it's the returning enemy's fire. If you just shoot them where they're kind of standing, out in the open, and there's a lot of them, they'll be immediately able to relay where you are, and then the teammates will become hunting for you.

dmz guide

That being said, if there is a guy just standing there in the menu, absolutely mow them down and full-kill them as fast as possible; they won't be able to relay any information whatsoever. Now, when it comes to completing missions in the DMZ, there are going to be some missions that are tougher than others.

Finding things in certain areas is pretty simple as a solo player, but getting dog tag kills or three Sam sites in a single run simultaneously. While soloing, those types of tasks are going to be a little bit more difficult, so just bear that in mind that it might take a few attempts before you get them done.

Once you have gotten your tasks done or the items ready to extract, it's time to extract, and there are a few things that you should look out for as you start to make your way towards an extract. The first thing that I would say is to look at the three extracts you have available now. Are they surrounded by buildings that you know potential campers could hide in, or are they nice and out in the open?

dmz modern warfare 2

Out in the open also will potentially attract snipers, but they do have sniper glare so you can assess the situation before you get there, and of course you could use a hostage rescue, which will give you your own little secret extract, which I've touched on in a previous article. So as you start walking up to the extract, make sure that there are no enemy flares going into the air.

If there are no enemy flares going into the air, you know that nobody's called it in recently, so you should be able to check the surrounding areas and get out; make sure that you're not just standing still at the extract; try and use some cover that's not necessarily the most obvious cover; and you know, don't just jump into that one solitary building; use your prone; use the bushes; do whatever you need to do in order to keep yourself invisible.

dmz reveal

If you do go to an extraction and one is being called in, I'm using this footage here that happened on stream of what I did to a team and actually two teams while they're trying to extract. I noticed the AI was shooting up the hill, so I was really easily able to identify the players because they had large backpacks on, and notice how I thirsted that guy straight away so he was unable to relay the information to his teammate, therefore, and therefore didn't get his teammate, making it back up as well as making it back to a 2v1 with me immediately as I first did him.

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