News - Important Things To Know. Discussing New Features Warzone 2 (loadouts, Looting & Gulag)


This is one thing that people were worried about, which I think they addressed right, Here The circle collapsed, yeah, so you know one thing that people are worried about: cross-circle engagements. You know that if you're stuck in a circle by yourself, can you actually fight people in other ones? Well, you can with a sniper, so that's going to be super interesting.

It's going to be, I think, are going to be very good on this map simply because of the hazy collapse and the size, but also because of this right here. You'll be able to see through the hazy collapse and take out enemies in other circles, and then of course you can use gas masks and stims to push into another circle, at which point you can engage.

But ultimately, those three things are going to come together, and you're going to have to think about strategy in terms of rotations and positioning and stuff like that. So now we go back here, where we got proximity chat, and this is another big one right here: interrogation.

Interrogating enemies

Interrogating enemies

So this gets super interesting, and again we'll go over here, interrogation. After you take down a player, you can interrogate them, and when you interrogate them, it's super quick, like a few seconds. Once you interrogate them, you actually get pings about where those other enemies are and where teammates are.

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This is very high-risk and high-reward because if those teammates are close, an enemy that you've downed can also ping you and tell his teammates, "Hey, this guy's interrogating me." "Come kill him." So it's kind of high-risk. high reward if nobody's around. You kind of get an extra piece of information, but if those teammates are close, all of a sudden you're not getting that full kill, so it's a super interesting, dynamic play.

warzone 2 all new features

You can interrogate them for just a few seconds, which gives you a little bit more information about where other people are, so that's going to be a very interesting play in terms of when to do that and when not to do that. Now, of course, we have vehicles here, and I want to go here for vehicles.

New vehicles

Where are we going? We've got a bunch of new vehicles, and we need to be aware of some of these things because we need to think about how many people, for example, an ATV can hold. Three people it holds One driver and two passengers now, so you can fit three people on this ATV where previously. You could only fit, and of course the damage rating is low.

We've got the UTV right here; there are a lot of vehicles. Right, one of my biggest concerns is that, because of the pace of play, can you move around the map? The answer is yes because of all the vehicles: the UTV, the hatchback, which holds four, that holds two, the chop top, which obviously leaves your head a little exposed, and the SUV.

warzone 2 all vehicles

You've got the Hummer EV. You've got the tactical vehicle, you've got the cargo truck, you've got the light helicopter, and you've got the heavy helicopter. You've got the heavy helicopter; you've got the boats here because you can actually go onto the water, so there are a lot of different ways that you can actually get around.

One of the biggest things to note is this right here. Fuel, and health, so you actually have fuel in your vehicle, so it's not unlimited use, and yes, you can refuel it with gas cans found around the map or at gas stations; you got to be strategic about those, especially for our aggressive players who are going to be using them, because hey, your car can actually run out of gas; it's not unlimited use, so that's just one thing to keep in mind right there, but I think vehicles are going to play a huge role in terms of being able to get around the map; you see a little bit of the boat right there.

warzone 2 car

and you can really share, you can swim, you could take the boats; you know, this wasn't something we could do too much of in war zone one, but it's going to be a really big factor in war zone two being able to use these to escape enemies, you know, to rotate out of certain situations. It just gives us another way to go about rotating, so I hope you found today's article helpful.

I'm going to be doing a lot of articles on how to improve your best loadouts and things you need to be aware of.

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Today I am taking you through a few new features and different dynamics in Warzone 2 that you NEED to be aware of when you drop in. Loadouts, looting, gulag, vehicles etc.
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