News - Warzone 2 Is Here And It Is Incredible. Everything You Need To Know (looting, Loadouts & More)



Warzone 2 is finally here, so today I'm going to be talking about and really showing you a lot of the major changes and new features that they've added. Now, I want to jump right in here with one of the biggest changes that we're going to have to get used to, which is looting. There are three things that you really want to understand about looting.

The first and biggest change is going to be the loot menu. Now, around the map there are duffel bags. There are med kits, and each enemy has a backpack, so when you kill them, they're going to drop this backpack, and you're going to interact with it, which allows you to open up a loot menu.


Take note now that this is going to be an adjustment, especially.


This next part now, what you're going to notice right here, is what is called loot versus stow. So, right here is a backpack that I have, and I'm going to go and interact with it, so here's a little bit about what it looks like. You know, right here, I have my backpack and my loadout. This is the loadout and the backpack of the enemy that I killed, so right here we see cash, ammo, armor, plates (which we'll talk about in a little bit), armor plates that have really changed, as well as a gas mask.

Now I'm going, and this is me kind of exploring; you know. I go to the backpack, and you have the option as I go down to, basically. Loot or stow it now; I'm gonna from my backpack and equip it, which will put it right in my loadout, meaning I can actually use it. That means that it's actually in use if you have it in your backpack; it's only being stowed there and only being held in case you need it later.

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Now, again, notice that I have the sniper ammo, so right here, if my teammate needs sniper ammo, I can go ahead and drop the 40. But here's where it gets interesting: now we're going to equip the Dead Silence, right? I have my cash right here, and I'm going to equip the gas mask, likely from my enemies' loadout.

So now this is going to pop right down here, and we're going to see this again. Now notice right here in my loadout that I have three armor plates already, but I can actually stow the armor plates in my backpack, so boom, we're going to go ahead and stow them right there. Now I do have an extra spot just in case I want it, and one interesting thing is that I could equip them or I could stow them.

Right here is a heartbeat sensor, and I can go back and forth between my heartbeat and my stims right here, so right now I'm like, Okay. I'm good to go. We've got the gas mask now that's in that I can use. I've got dead silence here. I've got my lethal weapons. I've got my tacos. And now we're in a good spot to go ahead, as well as having stuff in my backpack, so that's going to be the biggest change.

One good thing to note, and again, that's going to take some getting used to, but we're going to learn it.



It's gonna be an adjustment. The other thing that I do want to note about looting is that there is a kind of standard looting. As you can see right here, there are things on the wall or in supply crates; there are things on the floor; and there are things on shelves that you can easily just go ahead and grab, so that's part of looting.

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going to be very similar as well as some stuff that, you know, you notice right here as I kill this guy and I drop out of it, knowing his backpack that, he does drop some stuff right here; he drops rocket ammo, he drops a gun, so there is some stuff that is actually going to be on the ground looting that is going to be the biggest change in the biggest adjustments.

how to loot warzone 2.0

I've got so many articles planned for you guys over the next few weeks. Now, let's talk about plating. Here's the biggest adjustment: There are a few big adjustments with plating, but one of the biggest is going to be this right here. In Warzone 1 and War Zone 2, we fly in with two plates, but when you find a plate in War Zone 2, you cannot put a third one in; two plates are now the standard unless you find this right here, a three-plate armor vest, which allows you to slip that third plate in.

So when you find one of these, you do have a good advantage over some other enemies who may not have one; you have a full plate and an advantage right there, so we really want to be on the lookout for these and calm our teammates about them. Another thing to take note of are the plate indicators. Previously, in war zone one, when you tagged the guy, you got the white armor plate indicator; when you broke him, you got the blue; and then, of course, next up, you were able to down him.

In war zone 2, it is going to be different. You see this right here: the first indicator is going to be a blue shield, and the second indicator is going to be a blue shield that is broken. So obviously, now he's broken and we're on base health, so just make sure you are aware of that and that you are communicating that correctly to your teammates because you see that blue armor indicator.

No, longer means he's actually broken. It's going to take a little getting used to, but at the end of the day, just a little bit of an adjustment is right there that we need to be aware of before moving on to another.



The big change is going to be with loadouts. Now you can no longer buy a full loadout marker, but you can still get loadout guns.

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There are three ways to do it, the first being at a buying station. This is expensive; it's $5,000 for one gun for one person. You know, it's not one of those where you drop a loadout and everybody gets their loadout guns on. On top of that, you're not getting perks like lethals and tacticals; you are simply buying a weapon, and it costs five thousand dollars, so the biggest thing with this is that cash flow is going to be crucial.

You're going to have to grab contracts, and you're going to have to be getting kills so you can really buy your weapons. The second way is going to be a free loadout drop; this is where you can actually get your free loadout, you know, perks, lethals, tacticals, the whole nine yards, which allows you to really be the most confident in what you are running.

looting in warzone 2

It comes in the third circle, which by the way, the first and second circles are pretty long, so you go a pretty long while before. You actually get that free loadout now. My strategy so far has been grabbing contracts. Cheval right i buy my primary, and then I can really go and get my loadout later on, at which point I have my full loadout perks, lethals, and tacticals, and I'm really good to go now.

The other way, which I haven't fully explored just yet, is going to be completing a stronghold objective. You know that in the stronghold you are fighting AI to complete an objective, and once you do that, that is going to give you your loadout. The important thing to note is that they're clearly marked on the map, and there are going to be teams that are rotating there to do it as well.

Warzone 2. 0 is finally here so today I am showing you some gameplay and talking about some of the biggest changesfeatures so that you can be ready when you drop in.
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