News - Don't Cost Your Team $4k. Tips For How To Win Your Gulag Warzone 2


Nobody wants to be the four thousand dollar teammate, you know, the one that always loses Gulag and has to be bought back, so today I'm going to go over a few tips for you and go over some Gulag strategy so that you can win your Gulag respawn back, pick up an extra kill or two, and not cost your team four thousand.

Let's get into it. So today we're going to be breaking down seven different Gulag clips here, and in each clip I've got a different tip or strategy that you can use to really start to win more. Now starting off here. The first thing that I always do is take note of the enemies highlighted in red.

Here's why: a. A lot of times, enemies are very predictable, and they stay highlighted for about a half second after a match actually starts, so if we slow this down, we're going to hear the match start and see how they slightly shift left now. I can't guarantee that they're actually moving left; they could easily be faking to my left and then pushing right, but I'm going to go ahead and check that way first.

gulag tips warzone 2

The other thing to keep in mind is the fact that you are highlighted, as well, so notice that I don't really move here until that actually goes away; this way, they have no idea what I'm actually doing. As we push up here, we're going to go ahead and just confirm; you know. I'm just kind of looking in this direction, and one thing I do want to add in that isn't part of my tips and strategies is that I don't love fighting on this platform over to the right, where I really have success fighting.

Down this alley, whether I'm on this side or the other, I just find a lot of success here, so I'm going to go ahead and try to push that way more often than not, or at least start going that way. So, we see two right here, and now we're going to go ahead and throw the semtax, which we'll talk about in a little bit, and now we can go ahead and push around.

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The other thing I will say is that I'm playing with Grumpy Hulk here, which is actually my teammate, so we're going to be working together. We've got a good angle on this, so we're able to get both. So let's go watch this back and see how they commit to the left. Well, I see that little bit, and it happens super quickly, but you do get a lot of information from that.

gulag warzone 2

And that just kind of kicks off the fight right away. A lot of winning Gulag is about information and then execution as well, so the more information we can get, the better off we're going to be. Let's go ahead and jump into clip number two here in this clip. We're not going to get any information from the red highlights; as soon as the buzzer goes, they do not move an inch, so now let's talk about how we get information and how we actually figure out where they've gone.

And, going back to my previous clip, you know I don't love fighting on this platform. I think it's tough to get information without being very aggressive; you know, you've kind of got to push pretty far onto this platform to get any. Figure out where exactly they are. On this enemy right here, or on this alley because it could be your right or left depending on which side you start on.

how to not lose gulag warzone 2

I'm going to push up to the head glitch, and that allows me to easily see if somebody is pushing right, which is why I catch this enemy right here now. Keep in mind that if he doesn't push right then, we know that they went left as a duo and we've got to be aware of that, but he's going to push right at which point I'm going to go ahead and frag to the back side, just trying to get a little bit of an advantage by doing some damage, and I'm able to tag him just a little bit so he's not yet.

I hear my teammate fighting over to the left side. We're going to go ahead and flank all the way around, get that kill right there, and we've got the gulag win. We're back in, so watch how this happens right here. We're going to load in, so I went back a little too far, but watch how they don't move at all, and then we just kind of play that head glitch.

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We play a little bit more patiently so that we can get that confirmation of exactly what move they made. We see him push right, and by the way. I know I said I was going to let this play go if he pushed up, and I also see him as well, you know that way, and I can see him pushing now, so we're just going to go ahead and push all the way around.

how to win gulag warzone

I hear them fighting over on the left side, which I've got to keep in mind because if my teammate goes down. I'm going to have to take out the second guy, but my teammate takes care of him, so let's go ahead and jump into clip number three, by the way, real quick. Before we jump into this next clip, if you are looking to get better at War Zone 2, take a second to make sure you are subscribed.

Right here, we're once again paying attention to information: how do I get it, and what do I actually do? Once I have it now, right off the buzzer, we're going to get a little bit of information: this guy's going to push slightly left and this guy's going to push straight forward, but just a reminder.

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I can't fully act on that. I still have to confirm it by seeing this guy push left, so we're going to go ahead and see him push slightly left, and this is just a reminder again why I love fighting in this alleyway: because I can clearly see him push left now. I'm just going to go in and cook the fragrance.

how to win the gulag warzone 2

I'm going to make sure I'm using my lethal and tactical weapons because even though I might hit him right here, you know, I might hit him, I might break him. I might tag him. I might, if I might. I might if I'm still aware that he's over there, so I just have to anticipate and execute a look that's winning.

Gulag is a lot about execution. Once you have the information, we do have to continue executing, but let's go watch it slightly at full speed. Push left, we're going to go ahead and confirm, and we're going to throw the frag to try to give myself an advantage before I push now. Once I don't get any tags, I know we're in an even fight, and we're going to go and execute; let's go and jump into this next clip here now.

how to win the gulag warzone 2.0

Right off the buzzer here, they're going to give away which way they're pushing. They're clearly going to our right, but I still need to confirm, so I'm going to play this head glitch for a second to see if their push is left. Maybe they're pushing straight forward, and as soon as I don't see anything, it's pretty clear that they've gone right, so make sure you're using lethal and tactical weapons.

We throw that kind of thing where I think they're going to be, and I'm lucky enough to get a break. Now we have a huge advantage. I'm going to go ahead and push up here just a little bit. I jump to peek, expecting them to be in this back right corner, and as I keep pushing around to try to flank, I end up hearing one to my left, so I hear one right there.

Nobody wants to be the teammate that ALWAYS has to be bought back so today I am going over a few tips on how to never lose your gulag in Warzone 2.
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